Creating the requirement.csv File

Begin by creating the requirement.csv file that lists the details of the use cases that you want to test. Each line of this CSV file identifies the type of operation to perform, artifact name, number of concurrent users, input file specifying the details of the operation, and additional, if any, information related to the operation. For example, to open 2 forms, save 2 forms, and run 2 business rules, you specify 6 lines in input CSV file. The first line of requirement.csv must contain this information:

#Type of Operation,Artifact Name,Number of Users,Input File,Additional Info

Each of the subsequent lines of the file contains a single operation and its parameters. Some operations may not require all these parameter values. The expected file entries are explained in the following table.


All values are required unless otherwise indicated in the table.

Table A-1 requirement.csv Format

Field Description
Type of operation Must be one of the following:
  • Open Form
  • Save Form
  • Run Business Rule
  • Run Business Ruleset
  • Run Data Rule
  • Ad Hoc Grid
  • Execute Report
  • Execute Book
Artifact Name This value depends on the type of operation:
  • Open Form: The name and location of the form to open.
  • Save Form: The name and location of the form to save.
  • Run Business Rule: The name of the business rule.
  • Run Business Ruleset: The name of the business ruleset.
  • Data Rule: The name of the data rule.
  • Ad Hoc Grid: Not applicable (leave blank).
  • Execute Report: The name and location of the of the report.
  • Execute Book: The name and location of the book.
Number of Users Number of users to simulate concurrent use.
Input File Name to the CSV file that contains the POV values, run-time prompts, or other use case-specific values to use
Additional Info Additional parameters required for the operation. Applicable to Ad Hoc Grid only. Leave it blank for other use cases.
Notes: Artifact names must match those in the application and must be in the same case.

Example of a requirement.csv file:

# Type of Operation,Artifact Name,Number of Users,Input File,Additional Info
Open Form,Library/Global Assumption/Revenue Forecast Assumptions,10,openform_input.csv,
Save Form,Library/Global Assumption/ExchangeRates,5,saveform_input.csv,
Run Business Rule,Run_FinStatement - Copy Budget to Prior Year Budget,4,runbusinessrule_input.csv,
Run Business Ruleset,RollupUSSales,5,runbusinessruleset_input.csv,
Run Data Rule,Delimited_file_DL,5,rundatarule_input.csv,
Ad Hoc Grid,,3,runadhocgrid_input.csv,cube=FinStmt
Execute Book,Review Books/Revenue Reports,10,book_input.csv
Execute Report,Review Reports/Executive Report,10,report_input.csv,