Creating the Input Files

Each use case identified in requirement.csv must have a matching input file that provides all the parameters required to execute it.

The input file, ideally, must contain one entry per the number of users specified for this use case in requirement.csv.

If the number of entries in the input file is less than the number of concurrent users for that use case in requirement.csv, EPM Automate repeats some entries from the input file to run the use cases until the operation is executed for the number of users identified in requirement.csv.

For example, if the use case entry in requirement.csv for the Run Business Rule operation is as follows:

Run Business Rule, Copy Budget,10,br_input_file.csv,

br_input_file.csv should also contain 10 entries. If br_input_file.csv contains only six entries, EPM Automate uses them for the first 6 users. For the next 4 users, EPM Automate reuses the first 4 entries in br_input_file.csv.

If the number of entries in the input file is more than the number of users specified for the use case, EPM Automate ignores the last extra entries in the input file.