
For OCI (Gen 2) environments, displays the IP addresses and Classless Inter-Domain Routings (CIDRs) included in the current allowlist.

This command is useful in checking whether a specific IP address or CIDR is currently permitted to access an OCI (Gen 2) environment.


This command cannot be used to list IP addresses and CIDRs in Classic environments. For Classic environments, use the Service Details screen of My Services (Classic) to work with the allowlist or denylist rules.

Applies to

Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, Account Reconciliation, Profitability and Cost Management, Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud, Narrative Reporting, Sales Planning, and Strategic Workforce Planning.

Required Roles

Service Administrator


epmAutomate getIPAllowlist


To write all existing IP addresses and CIDRs to a file, redirect the output to a text file, which you can edit (remove a few or all IP addresses and CIDRs), upload to the environment, and then use the setIPAllowlist command to remove the entries in the file from the allowlist. Command execution example:
epmAutomate getIPAllowlist > myRemoveList.txt
epmAutomate uploadFile myRemoveList.txt
epmAutomate setIPAllowlist remove myRemoveList.txt


Display the IP addresses and CIDRs included in the current allowlist:
epmAutomate getIPAllowlist