Defining Logical Clear Versus Physical Clear

Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management calculation processes by default use the Logical clear calculation setting to calculate results. Logical clear can improve overall calculation times when the data growth in the database impacts database clear processes and may help enhance performance. In some cases, if you notice any calculation issue while using Logical clear, you may wish to change the calculation setting to Physical clear.

Use the EPCM_CALC_CLEAR_TYPE substitution variable to specify whether to use Logical or Physical clear. Since Logical clear is the default, if you want to use Logical clear, you do not need to enable the EPCM_CALC_CLEAR_TYPE substitution variable.

If you want to switch to Physical clear, follow these steps:

  1. From the Home page, select Tools, and then Variables.

  2. On the Variables page, select Substitution Variables.

  3. Click Add icon.

    A new variable is added to the bottom of the list.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the list, and select the cube where you want to add the variable.

  5. For Name, enter EPCM_CALC_CLEAR_TYPE.

  6. For Value, enter "Physical".

  7. Click Save.