11 Uploading Additional Fonts

Oracle recommends that as an initial startup task, the service administrator uploads the TrueType fonts that your company uses to produce reports. This will ensure the most accurate rendering of the documents when viewing on the web.

Without these uploaded fonts, Narrative Reporting uses a font mapping utility that attempts to properly render the report package on the web and to properly render reports imported or exports to Excel. However, this mapping may introduce variances in the report layout when displayed on the web. Therefore, we highly recommend that you upload your TrueType fonts to the server when you set up the service, as well as ensure that the same fonts are deployed to users' local machines. If using the supplied Linux fonts when creating reports (for example, Liberation Sans, Liberation Serif, and so on), Oracle recommends that customers utilize their own TrueType fonts instead.

The Linux-based fonts that are included on the Narrative Reporting server are mapped to the following Microsoft-based fonts:

Table 11-1 Review the following Microsoft-based fonts are mapped to the Narrative Reporting Linux server

Linux fonts included with Reports Mapped Microsoft fonts
Liberation Sans (Arial) Arial
Liberation Serif (Times New Roman) Times New Roman
Liberation Mono (Courier New) Courier New
Albany (Japanese ) MS Mincho
Albany (Korean) Batang
Albany (Simplified Chinese) SimSun
Albany (Traditional Chinese) MingLiU


The system is not redefining or changing the fonts leveraged in the report, the font mapping only applies to the report package rendered on the web and the report exported to Excel.

The service administrator can upload individual font files or zipped files containing multiple TrueType fonts to the Fonts folder in the library. You can also organize your font files by creating sub-folders in the Fonts directory.

The font file must be a TrueType font and cannot already exist in the font folder structure. If you do upload a duplicate font, you will receive an error message indicating the duplicate (or invalid) font file. If you uploaded multiple fonts in a zip file, all other valid files will be loaded.

When uploading a font, you must ensure whether that font has any variants such as Regular, Italic, Bold, and Bold Italic fonts which are part of the font family itself. In this case, you may want to upload the complete font family as a zip file instead of uploading the regular font file that will be used within the system.

For more details about font family and its variants can be found here Microsoft Font library.


You can migrate font files like any other artifact from one environment to another or within the same environment. You can migrate using the export, download, and import functionality in the library. See Migrate Artifacts.

To upload additional font files:


When uploading additional fonts to Narrative Reporting, you are responsible for the proper licensing of the fonts from the font vendor. For example, if you upload the Microsoft font "Times New Roman," you must obtain the licensing from Microsoft to do so. Uploading a Microsoft font sourced from a Windows machine is not typically covered by the legal use agreement from Microsoft.
  1. Locate your additional TrueType fonts. If more than one is to be uploaded, create a zip file.
  2. From the Home Page, select Library.

    Shows the Fonts folder in the library and highlights the plus sign which is the Create icon.
  3. Select the Fonts folder.
  4. From Create create icon next to the Search icon, select Upload File.
  5. Click Choose File to navigate to the TrueType fonts that you want to upload, and then click OK.


    Be aware that it may take some time to perform the upload depending on the size of the font file.

    Upload file dialog showing an example of a zipped fonts file.

    The zip file is unzipped, and all the uploaded fonts are automatically extracted to the Fonts folder. These fonts are now available when displaying your documents. Any custom fonts uploaded also appear in the font list for management reports. See the Designing With Management Reporting for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud and Working with Management Reporting for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Guides.


    For PowerPoint report package types, custom fonts take effect after the next scheduled daily maintenance. See Setting Service Maintenance Time.


    Modifications to your service’s uploaded fonts may temporarily cause Embedded Content images in PowerPoint to appear with overlapping or misaligned text when refreshed. This issue will be corrected after the next Daily Maintenance window. To expedite the resolution of this issue, your service administrator can use the runDailyMaintenance EPM Automate command.