Clear Data Slices

Use this REST API to clear Planning and Essbase data for a specified region. In order to run this operation, the user must be an administrator.

Required Roles

Service Administrator

REST Resource

POST /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/plantypes/{plantype}/cleardataslice


Supported Media Types: application/json


The following table summarizes the client request.

Table 8-74 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Version of the API you are developing with Path Yes None
application The name of the application for which to export the data slice Path Yes None
plantype Name of the plan type for which to export the data slice Path Yes None

Example URL and Payload:


Payload Parameters

The Payload is JSON with the following parameters.

Table 8-75 Parameters

Name Description
gridDefinition JSON grid definition to define the region
clearEssbaseData True or false. If true, will clear Essbase numeric data. Default is true.
clearPlanningData True or false. If true, will delete the cell notes, attachments, and supporting details. Default is false.

Sample Payload

Providing dimension names as follows in the gridDefinition is recommended and is more efficient.




"gridDefinition" : {

"suppressMissingBlocks" : true,

"pov" : {

"dimensions" : [ "HSP_View", "Year", "Scenario", "Version", "Entity", "Product" ],

"members" : [ [ "BaseData" ], [ "FY15" ], [ "Plan" ], [ "Working" ], [ "410" ], [ "P_160" ] ]


"columns" : [ {

"dimensions" : [ "Period" ],

"members" : [ [ "IDescendants(Q1)" ] ]

}, {

"dimensions" : [ "Period" ],

"members" : [ [ "IDescendants(Q2)" ] ]

} ],

"rows" : [ {

"dimensions" : [ "Account" ],

"members" : [ [ "Project Number", "Request Date", "Project Type", "Project Investment" ] ]

} ]




No dimension names provided is less efficient:




"gridDefinition" : {

"suppressMissingBlocks" : true,

"pov" : {

"members" : [ [ "BaseData" ], [ "FY15" ], [ "Plan" ], [ "Working" ], [ "410" ], [ "P_160" ] ]


"columns" : [ {

"members" : [ [ "IDescendants(Q1)" ] ]

}, {

"members" : [ [ "IDescendants(Q2)" ] ]

} ],

"rows" : [ {

"members" : [ [ "Project Number", "Request Date", "Project Type", "Project Investment" ] ]

} ]




Supported Media Types: application/json

JSON Output

The following shows an example of the response body with clearEssbaseData true and clearPlanningData false. There is one rejected cell due to the presence of supporting details because clearPlanningData is false:


"numClearedCells": 31,

"numRejectedCells": 1

"rejectedCells": ["Project Investment,Feb,BaseData,FY15,Plan,Working,410,P_160"],
