Create and Manage Asset Types

Asset types define the templates for your assets. Each real-world asset must use an asset type.

The asset type defines the sensor types or devices that can be associated with the asset. A forklift asset type, for example, may include sensors for GPS coordinates, temperature, vibration, and oil viscosity. Asset types also define asset actions for assets belonging to the type. For example, if the asset type includes the power on/off action, you can directly power on or power off your device from the asset page. Asset types also define any custom attributes for assets belonging to the type. For example, an HVAC asset type may include a model number attribute.

Let us take the example of a hospital. The hospital defines asset types for its various assets and equipment:

  • Asset Type: HVAC

    • Device: HVAC Device Model (temperature and vibration sensors, alerts for door open)

    • Custom Attribute: Device serial number

    • Actions: Power On/Off

  • Asset Type: Ultrasound Machine

    • Device: UM Device Model (associated location and other sensors)

  • Asset Type: Bed

    • Device: Bluetooth/RFID Location Sensor

    • Custom Attribute: Bed Number

The following built-in asset types appear in your organization:

  • Transport Equipment
  • Transport Item
  • Transport Package

If you are using Fleet Monitoring to manage transportation and logistics, then you can use these asset types for asset-in-transit monitoring, such as for monitoring trailers and RTIs (Returnable Transport Items). You can also use the built-in asset types to monitor cargo conditions.

Oracle recommends that you do not edit the predefined sensor attributes for the transport asset types. You may, however, extend the asset types to create additional attributes if you so require.

Create a New Asset Type

Create an asset type, and specify common attributes applicable to all assets of the asset type. Also, create sensor attributes that will map to your device sensor attributes.

  1. Click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Design Center.
  2. Select Asset Types from the Design Center sub-menu.
  3. Select Create Asset Type from the Asset Types menu.

    Asset Types menu

  4. Enter a Name and an optional Description for the asset type under Asset Type Details.
    Do not use spaces or special characters in the Name field. If you add spaces or special characters, an error message appears.
  5. Click Upload Image to upload an image for the asset type.
    If you have the 3D Digital Twin feature, then you can choose to upload and use 3D CAD models in place of asset images. To upload a pre-existing 3D model, click Upload 3D Model. See for more information on uploading 3D models.
  6. Click Upload Icon to upload an icon for the asset type.
    An icon makes it easier to quickly identify the asset type in the map view.
  7. Add any required and optional attributes for the asset type:
    1. Click the Attributes (Attributes Tab) tab.
    2. Click Add Attribute (Add icon) to add a new attribute.
    3. Select the attribute type.

      Add Attribute Dialog

      • Custom Attributes: A custom attribute is specific to the asset type, such as a model number for a vehicle. Custom attributes are not associated with asset sensors. Custom attributes can be of the following types:
        • Static: Static custom attributes are used to store data that is not expected to change often, such as the serial or model number of an asset.
        • Dynamic: Dynamic custom attributes can change often, such as the operating mode or maintenance date for an asset. You can use the operations center, or automatic action-based rules to update the dynamic attribute values.
      • Sensor: A sensor attribute corresponds to a device sensor value. For example, an HVAC device might support temperature and vibration sensors. Note that the actual linking to the device happens when you create the asset.
      • Control: A control attribute lets you send data back from your digital twin to the actual device. Use control attributes to set the actuator attribute values for your IoT devices. For example, if an HVAC device supports the Desired_Temperature attribute, you can set the attribute from your IoT application.


        Control attributes can be currently used for sending MQTT data back to devices using direct ingestion.
    4. Specify a Name for the attribute.
    5. (Optional) Add a Description about the attribute.
    6. (Optional) Choose a Category if available.
      By default, the UNCATEGORIZED category is used. You can choose to rename the category from the Attributes page.
    7. Select whether the attribute is Required or optional.
      You must specify a value for a required attribute when instantiating an asset type to create an asset.
    8. Choose a data Type for the attribute.
      This field is only applicable to custom and sensor attributes. You can select between text, number, date, boolean, and image data types.
    9. (Optional) For static and dynamic attributes, specify a Default value of the attribute.
      This field is only applicable to custom attributes. If you do not specify an attribute value when creating an asset, the default value is used.
    10. (Optional) You can specify a list of Allowed Values for your attribute.
      Press Enter after entering each value.
      Some attribute types, such as Number, also allow you to specify a range of allowed values.
    11. (Optional) For sensor attributes, if you have used the Allowed Values field, you can optionally choose Use the Allowed Values as Partition Keys.
      Add Attribute Dialog: Described in Text
      Select this option if you intend to use the allowed values as partition keys in your state-aware anomalies. See Define an Automatic Anomaly for more information.
      The following example shows a dynamic attribute, Operating_Mode that has predefined modes of operation. A default operating mode is also selected.
      Add Attribute Dialog: Described in Text

    12. Click Create.
    13. Repeat the above steps to create additional attributes.
  8. Click Save and then click OK.
  9. Close the window to return to the Asset Types list.

Add Optional Actions to the Asset Type

If your device model supports actions, you can include these actions in your asset type. This lets you invoke the device action from an asset page or rule. For example, you can create a rule to power off an overheating device.

  1. Click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Design Center.
  2. Select Asset Types from the Design Center sub-menu.
  3. Select an asset type from the Asset Types list.
    You can also search for an asset type.
  4. Click Actions.
  5. Click Create Action (Add icon).
  6. Specify a Name for the action.
  7. Select Sequential under Execution Order if you want to process the action items sequentially. Alternatively, select Parallel if you want to process the action items in parallel.
  8. Select an option for the Action Item.
    You can set an available attribute, log the current value of an attribute, or define a function to bind to a device action later.
  9. If you selected Function in the preceding step, specify a name for the function. You can use this name when later binding to a device action.
    If you selected Log Attribute or Set Attribute, you can select the name, and value, of an available attribute.
  10. If you are configuring a function, specify the (data) Type and Value to be passed to the device action.
  11. If you are configuring a function, optionally set the Required flag.
    A required function must be bound to a device action when you create a new asset of the corresponding asset type.
  12. Repeat steps 8 to 11 to create more action items.
  13. Optionally change the order of your action items by using the arrow keys under the Order column.
  14. Click Save to save the action created for the asset type.