Add Meeting Support to Your iOS App

When you enable Live Experience meeting support in your app, you provide a URL to a customer that they can click to join a meeting instance that you configured.

Meeting URLs are composed of a base URL and a meeting code. The base URL is application-specific and is entered in the Admin Console, for example, orcl:// When an associate creates a meeting and sends the URL to the user, the final URL might look like orcl://

In order to process meeting URLs, you need configure the base URL to automatically load your Live Experience-enabled app, and pass the meeting code to it using either or

Follow this procedure to build a single viewcontroller meeting app and process meeting URLs using the URL schemes method.

  1. Create a new Single View App project in Xcode.
  2. Configure the project settings as described in Preparing Your iOS App for the Live Experience Widget.
  3. Expand your application folder within the project view and select Info.plist.
  4. Select any row in the Information Property List and click +.
  5. Enter URL types.
  6. Expand URL types, then Item 0, and click +.
  7. Enter URL Schemes, expand Item 0, and set orcl as a string value.
  8. Configure the Controller shared service settings as described in Adding and Configuring the Live Experience Widget for your iOS App in the UIViewController viewDidLoad callback.
  9. Set the following additional controller shared settings:
    Controller.shared.settings.startVideoInFullScreen = true
    Controller.shared.settings.startVideoWithFrontCamera = true
  10. Handle authentication in the viewDidLoad callback as described in Authenticate with Live Experience for iOS.
  11. In the viewDidLoad callback, initialize the appLocation as Meeting, a default scenario which enables Live Experience meeting functionality: Controller.shared.contextAttributes.setValue("Meeting", forKey: "appLocation")
  12. Configure your app to extract the meeting code when the URL is tapped by overriding the application(_:open:options:) method in UIApplicationDelegate (generated by Xcode as AppDelegate.swift by default). That method is called when the app is opened for the URL scheme you defined earlier.
    The following example extracts the meeting code and posts it to a notification:
    func application(_ app: UIApplication,
     open url: URL,
     options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:])
     -> Bool {
     let components = url.absoluteString.components(separatedBy:"/")
     if components.count > 2 {
     var notification = Notification.init(name: NSNotification.Name("MeetingNotification"))
     notification.object = components.last
     return true
  13. Configure the view controller to display the widget when the notification comes in. In the view controller viewDidLoad callback, register yourself as a listener for the meeting notifications:
     selector: #selector(MeetingViewController.onMeeting(notification:)),
     name: NSNotification.Name("MeetingNotification"),
     object: nil)
  14. Implement the meeting processing method callback, onMeeting:
    @objc private func onMeeting(notification: NSNotification) {
     if let meetingCode = notification.object as? String {
     forKey: "meetingCode")
     Controller.shared.addComponent(viewController: self)
  15. You'll need to handle timing issues, since there's no guarantee that you've been authenticated before you try to start the meeting. Add the following variables to the view controller:
    private var authenticated = false
    private var meetingCode: String? = nil
  16. Modify the completionHandler for the authentication step as well as the onMeeting callback so that either of them start the meeting depending on which one completes first.
    Add the following to completionHandler:
    // Last part of the authentication
    Controller.shared.service.authToken = token
    Controller.shared.contextAttributes.setValue("Meeting", forKey: "appLocation")
    self.authenticated = true
    if let _ = self.meetingCode {
     Controller.shared.addComponent(viewController: self)
    Revise onMeeting as follows:
    // Revised version of onMeeting
    @objc private func onMeeting(notification: NSNotification) {
     if let meetingCode = notification.object as? String {
     forKey: "meetingCode")
     if self.authenticated == true {
     Controller.shared.addComponent(viewController: self)
     } else {
     self.meetingCode = meetingCode

What to do next

Next, Add Notification Support to your iOS App.