Configure Report Properties

In the report editor, click Properties and launch the Report Properties dialog to configure report properties.

The Report Properties dialog has the following option sets:

  • General - Set general properties for the report.

  • Caching - Specify caching options for this report.

  • Formatting - Set the runtime configuration properties for the report.

  • Font Mapping - Create font mappings for this report.

  • Currency Format - Define currency formats for this report.

Set the General Properties

Set the properties on the General tab as follows:

Run Report Online

Disable this property if you don't want users to view this report in the online Report Viewer.

When disabled, users can Schedule the report only. For most reports you keep this enabled. Disable it for long-running, batch, or other reports for which online viewing isn't appropriate. When this property is enabled, you can also set the properties described in the following table.

Property Description Default

Show controls

This property controls the display of the control region of the report. The Control region consists of the Template list, Output list, and Parameter lists. Disable this property if you don't want users to view and update these options.


Allow Sharing Report Links

The Actions menu of the Report Viewer includes the option Share Report Link, which enables users to display the URL for the current report. Disable this property if you don't want users to see and copy the report link.


Open Links in New Window

This property controls how links contained within a report are opened. By default links open in a new browser window. Disable this property to open links in the same browser window.


Auto Run

When this property is enabled, the report automatically runs when the user selects the Open link for the report. When Auto Run is disabled, selecting the Open link for the report displays the online viewer but doesn't run the report. The user must select an output type from the View Report menu to run the report.


Advanced Options

You can set the advanced properties for a report.

The following table describes the advanced property options.

Property Description

Job Priority

Specifies the priority for the report. You can assign Critical, Normal, or Low priority for a report. By default, the priority of a report is Normal.

Publisher sets the JMS Priority to sort the scheduled report jobs based on priority, and enables the high priority report jobs to run before the non-critical jobs.

If all the reports have the same priority, Publisher processes the reports in First In First Out (FIFO) order. You can view the priority settings of jobs in the Report Job History page.

Send Output as URL

Specifies whether to send the report output as a URL. This report-level property overrides the setting of the Email Output as URL instance-level property. Administrators and report authors and can configure this report-level property.

  • Instance Level - Select this option to configure the report-level property to the same value as the Email Output as URL instance-level property.
  • Enabled - Select this option to configure the report to send the report output as a URL, no matter the setting of the Email Output as URL instance-level property.
  • Disabled - Select this option if you don't want to send the report output as a URL, even though the administrator has enabled the Email Output as URL instance-level property.

See Configure Delivery Options.

Save XML for Republishing

Specifies whether to save the XML data for republishing the report. Deselect this option to disable generation of the XML data file for the report.

Disable "Make Output Public" option

Select this option to prohibit anyone from scheduling this report to make the output public. This disables the Make Output Public option for the report in the Output tab of the Schedule Report Job page.

Enable Bursting

Select this option to enable bursting of the report output, and then select the appropriate bursting definition from the list. When a user schedules the report, the selected bursting definition will be enabled in the Scheduler.

The bursting definition is a component of the data model.

Enable Chunking | Chunk Size

Select this option to enable XML data chunking for a report job and specify the data size for each chunk. The layout processor outputs individual XML data chunks and merges them to generate a consolidated final report output. This option is available only if you have enabled XML data chunking at the server level.

XML data chunking isn't available for online reports. XML data chunking in a report job supports RTF, XPT, and eText output formats, but you can't schedule a job to output in multiple formats.

Ignore Email Domain Restrictions

Select this option to ignore the values set in the Allowed Email Recipient Domains property in the delivery configuration page.

Report is Controlled by External Application. Users cannot run or schedule report from catalog, can view history

Select this option when Publisher is integrated with another application that controls the generation of this report, and you do not want users to run and view this report directly from the catalog. Reports run by Publisher are stored in the Publisher history tables and users can view completed reports from the Report Job History page.

Enterprise Scheduler Job Package Name

Specifies the name of the enterprise scheduler job package.

Enterprise Scheduler Job Definition Name

Specifies the name of the enterprise scheduler job definition.

Set the Caching Properties

Set these options for caching.

The following illustration shows the Caching tab.

The following table describes the properties on the Caching tab.

Variable Description Default

Enable Data Caching

When this property is enabled, the data generated by the online submission of this report is stored in the cache. Subsequent requests to run this report with the same parameter selections display the report using the data from the cache. This setting enhances performance by using stored data to generate a report rather than regenerating the data from the source. The data remains in the cache according to the time limit that's specified in the Cache Duration property. You can control whether the cache for the report is shared by users by setting the User Level property.

Not Enabled

Caching Duration (Minutes)

Enter the time limit for a report dataset or document to remain in cache. Once the time limit has expired, the next request for the same report generates a fresh dataset.

30 minutes

User Level

This property stores a separate cache for each user. The report data shown to each user comes only from the private cache. When enabled, this property ensures that each user can only see data that they're authorized to view. However, user-level cache has less efficient performance. If the report data isn't user sensitive, you can disable this property to enhance performance.


Document Caching

Enable this property to cache the report document. With document cache enabled, when a user views the report online, the document (data plus layout) is placed in the cache. When any other user (unless User Level is enabled) uses the online viewer to view the exact same report (same layout, same output type, same parameter selections) the document is retrieved from the cache. The document remains in the cache according to the caching duration specified. Scheduled reports don't use document cache.


User Can Refresh Report Data

When this property is enabled, the user can choose to refresh the data on demand. When the user clicks Refresh in the report viewer, Publisher generates a fresh dataset for the report.

Not Enabled

Set the Formatting Properties

The Formatting properties tab enables you to set runtime properties at the report level.

These same properties can also be set at the system level, from the Administration page. The Formatting properties tab displays both the system-level setting and the report-level setting for each property. If different values are set at each level, the report level takes precedence.

For a full description of each property, see Set Report Processing and Output Document Properties.

Configure Font Mapping

You can map base fonts in RTF or PDF templates to target fonts to be used in the published document. Font mappings can be set at the report level or the system level. The administrator configures the system level font mappings in the Runtime Configuration page. When you view the report properties Font Mapping tab, any system level settings are displayed. To change the settings for this report, edit the font mappings here.

  1. Under RTF Templates or PDF Templates, Click Add.
  2. Enter the following in the new row:
    • Base Font: Enter the font family to map to a new font. Example: Arial

    • Select the Style: Normal or Italic (Not applicable to PDF Template font mappings)

    • Select the Weight: Normal or Bold (Not applicable to PDF Template font mappings)

    • Select the Target Font Type: Type 1 or TrueType

    • Enter the Target Font.

      If you selected TrueType, then you can enter a specific numbered font in the collection. Enter the TrueType Collection (TTC) Number of the desired font.

Configure Currency Formats

In the Currency Format tab, map a number format mask to a specific currency so that reports can display multiple currencies with their own corresponding formatting. Currency formatting is only supported for RTF and XSL-FO templates.

Currency formats can be set at the report level or the system level. The report properties display the system level settings in the Currency Format tab. You can edit the currency format and change the settings for the report.

To apply these currency formats in an RTF template, you must use the format-currency function.

  1. Click the Add icon.
  2. Enter the ISO currency code, for example: USD, JPY, EUR, GBP, INR.
  3. Enter the format mask to apply for this currency.

    The Format Mask must be in the Oracle number format. The Oracle number format uses the components "9", "0", "D", and "G" to compose the format, for example: 9G999D00


    9 represents a displayed number only if present in data

    G represents the group separator

    D represents the decimal separator

    0 represents an explicitly displayed number regardless of incoming data

The following figure shows sample currency formats: