Configure Your Devices and Delivery Profile

You use the Delivery Options tab of the My Account dialog to configure the devices and delivery profiles to be used to reach you when an alert is generated by an agent.

About Devices and Delivery Profiles

Devices and delivery profiles control how best to reach you when an alert is generated by an agent and on which devices you want to receive the content.

  • Device — A device is the medium used to deliver content to you. The content of an agent can be delivered to you in different ways, such as, an email or SMS message.

  • Delivery profile — A delivery profile specifies which devices to use to deliver content to you, based on the priority of the content. You can define several delivery profiles to meet your needs, and switch among them. However, only one profile can be active at any given time.

    For example, you might have an In the Office delivery profile that delivers content to an office email, and an On the Road profile that delivers content to your cell phone, depending on the priority of the information.

You configure your devices and your delivery profiles from the Delivery Options tab of the My Account dialog.

Your administrator manages the types of devices that are available to you. See Manage the Types of Devices That Deliver Content in Administering Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence.

Depending on the destinations that are specified for an agent, content can be delivered to the:

  • Home page and dashboard (Alerts section).

  • Active delivery profile or specific devices.

    When the destinations are specific devices, content is delivered to the devices that you have configured rather than to the devices in your active delivery profile. For example, if an agent is defined to be delivered by email devices, then the default email device that you configured is used rather than any email devices that you configured in your active delivery profile.

Delivery content is assigned a specific priority. The default priority is normal. When you select devices for your active profile, you can indicate what priority content should be sent to that device. For example, if you have added a cell phone to your delivery profile, then you might associate it with high priority content only.

Configure Your Devices

You can configure one or more devices where you want alerts to be delivered.

  1. On the Home page, click Signed In As MyProfile and then select My Account.
  2. Click the Delivery Options tab.
  3. In the Devices area, click Create Device to add a device.
    Some agents are set up to deliver alerts according to your active delivery profile but some agents only deliver to specific devices and you define those here. For example, if an agent is set up to deliver to email devices, then the email device that you specify here is used rather than any email devices that you specify in your active delivery profile.
  4. For Name, enter a name for the device that’s easy to recognize. For example, My Work Email or My Work Mobile.
  5. Select the device category. For example, Email.
  6. For Device Type, specify the type that describes your device.
  7. For Address/Number, enter the address or number associated with your device. For example, your work email address or work mobile phone number.
    Don’t use punctuation such as spaces, dashes, or parentheses when you enter a number.
  8. Click OK to return to the Deliver Options tab of the My Account dialog.
    The device is displayed in the Devices list for the appropriate category (for example, Email).
  9. If you want this device to be the default device, then select the Default option to the right of the device name.
  10. To edit a device, perform the following steps:
    1. Select the device in the list.
    2. Click the Edit Device button to display the Edit Device dialog.
    3. Make your edits and click OK to return to the Deliver Options tab of the My Account dialog.
  11. Click OK.

Configure Your Delivery Profiles

You can set up one or more delivery profiles to say where you want alerts to be delivered.

  1. On the Home page, click Signed In As MyProfile, and then select My Account.
  2. Click the Delivery Options tab.
  3. In the Delivery Profile area, click Create Delivery Profile.
  4. For Name, enter a name for the delivery profile that’s easy to recognize. For example, In the Office or On the Road.
  5. For each delivery device you want to use when this is the active profile, select one or more priority options — High, Normal, or Low.

    These priorities are used together with the priority of the delivery content to determine which device the content is delivered to.

    Don’t set the priority for devices that you don’t want to use. Devices that don’t have a priority selected aren’t used by the profile.

  6. Click OK.
  7. If you want this delivery profile to be your active profile, select the Active option.