5.10 Create a REST Server Connection

You can connect to any REST service endpoint, import the data entities into Data Transforms, and use them as source in a data flow.

To create a generic REST connector, you need to provide the JDBC URL, username, and password to connect to the endpoint. You can also create and upload a config file that contains information such as the authentication methods, endpoints, and tables that you want to import data entities from.

The Application tab on the Create Connection page includes two connection options to create a generic REST connection - Generic REST and Generic REST Config. This topic has the following sections:

The newly created connections are displayed in the Connections page.

Click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to the selected connection to perform the following operations:

  • Select Edit to edit the provided connection details.
  • Select Test Connection to test the created connection.
  • Click Export to export the connection. See Export Objects.
  • Select Delete Schema to delete schemas.
  • Select Delete Connection to delete the created connection.

You can also search for the required connection to know its details based on the following filters:

  • Name of the connection.
  • Technology associated with the created connection.

Creating a Generic REST Connection

To create this connection you need to specify the REST service URL and choose a temporary schema where Data Transforms can create data entities after the reverse-engineering operation.

To define a REST server connection:

  1. From the left pane of the Home page, click the Connections tab.

    Connections page appears.

  2. Click Create Connection.

    Create Connection page slides in.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • In the Select Type field, enter the name or part of the name of the connection type.
    • Select the Applications tab.
  4. Select Generic Rest as the connection type.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Connection Name field is pre-populated with a default name. You can edit this value.
  7. In the REST Service URL textbox, enter the URL of the endpoint that services the REST resources.
  8. In the Proxy Host textbox, enter the host name of the proxy server to be used for the connection.
  9. In the Proxy Port textbox, enter the port number of the proxy server.
  10. In the User text box enter the user name for connecting to the REST endpoint.
  11. In the Password text box enter the password for connecting to the REST endpoint.
  12. Choose a connection from the Staging Connection drop-down list. The list displays only existing Autonomous Database connections. To use a different connection, create the connection before you reach this page.
  13. After providing all the required connection details, click Test Connection to test the connection.
  14. Click Create.

    The new connection is created.

Creating a Generic Rest Connection Using a Config File

APPLIES TO: Applicable Data Transforms that is available as a separate listing on Marketplace called Data Integrator: Web Edition.

To create a generic REST connector, you need the JDBC URL, username, password, and a config file. The config file is a model file with the file_name.rest naming convention that you need to upload when you create a REST Server connection. You need to specify the endpoints, table mappings, and the authentication methods to create the config file. You can create the config file using any text editor.

To define a REST server connection using a config file:
  1. From the left pane of the Home page, click the Connections tab.

    Connections page appears.

  2. Click Create Connection.

    Create Connection page slides in.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • In the Select Type field, enter the name or part of the name of the connection type.
    • Select the Applications tab.
  4. Select Generic Rest Config as the connection type.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Connection Name field is pre-populated with a default name. You can edit this value.
  7. Use the Config File text box to upload the config file that you want to use.
  8. In the JDBC URL textbox, enter the URL to connect to the server.
  9. In the User and Password text boxes enter the user name and password for connecting to the REST endpoint. You may leave these fields blank if these values are not applicable or are already mentioned in the JDBC URL.
  10. After providing all the required connection details, click Test Connection to test the connection.
  11. Click Create.

    The new connection is created.