5.6 Create a Delta Share Connection

Databricks Delta Share is an open protocol for secure data sharing. Oracle Data Transforms integrates with Delta Share to load data to Oracle Autonomous Database. You can use the Delta Share connection to load data from Databricks or Oracle Data Share.

To use Databricks as a source, you need to specify the URL of the Delta Sharing server along with the bearer token that lets you access the Delta Lake share server. To use Oracle Data Share as a source, you need to specify the URL for the token end point along with a client ID and the secret key.

Creating the Delta Share Connection

To define a Delta Share connection:

  1. From the left pane of the Home page, click the Connections tab.

    Connections page appears.

  2. Click Create Connection.

    Create Connection page slides in.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • In the Select Type field, enter the name or part of the name of the connection type.
    • Select the Databases tab.
  4. Select Delta Share as the connection type.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Connection Name field is pre-populated with a default name. You can edit this value.
  7. In the Share Endpoint URL textbox, enter the URL of the Delta Sharing server. Enter the value in the <host>:<port>/<shareEndpoint>/ format.
  8. In the Connection section, do one of the following:
    • Select Oracle Data Share and provide the Token Endpoint URL, Client ID, and Client Secret for accessing the share.

      You can get this information from the Delta Share Profile JSON document that you will need to download from supplied to you by the Share Provider. (This is also where they get the Share Endpoint URL from)

      You can get this information from the Delta Share Profile JSON document that you can download from the activation link that is provided by the Data Share provider to access their share.

    • Select Databricks and in the Bearer Token text box enter the token for connecting to the Delta Sharing server.
  9. If you need to use a proxy to access the Delta Share Server or Delta Share Storage configure the following settings:
    • In the Proxy Host textbox, enter the host name of the proxy server to be used for the connection.
    • In the Proxy Port textbox, enter the port number of the proxy server.
    • Select the following checkboxes depending on where the proxy is required:
      • Use Proxy to access Delta Share Server
      • Use Proxy to access Delta Share Storage
  10. Click Test Connection, to test the established connection.
  11. After providing all the required connection details, click Create.

    The new connection is created.

The newly created connections are displayed in the Connections page.

Click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to the selected connection to perform the following operations:

  • Select Edit, to edit the provided connection details.
  • Select Test Connection, to test the created connection.
  • Click Export to export the connection. See Export Objects.
  • Select Delete Schema, to delete schemas.
  • Select Delete Connection, to delete the created connection.

You can also search for the required Connection to know its details based on the following filters:

  • Name of the Connection.
  • Technology associated with the created Connection.

Creating and Running a Delta Share Data Load

To load data from Delta Share into Oracle Autonomous Database, the Oracle connection user must be an Admin user. Admin privileges are required so that the Oracle user can create and insert data into tables in another schema.

When you run the data load, Data Transforms loads the data onto a corresponding table in the target schema. The data load runs incrementally. The very first time you run a data load, Data Transforms copies all the data into new tables. For every subsequent data load run, it only uploads the changes. Any additions or deletions in the records will reflect in the target tables. Note that if there is any metadata change in the table, for example a column is added, Data Transforms creates a new table to load the data on to the target server. You could create a workflow, add the data load as a step, create a schedule to run the workflows at a predefined time interval. See

To create and run a Delta Share data load:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Home page, click Load Data. The Create Data Load wizard appears.

      In the Create Data Load tab, enter a name if you want to replace the default value, add a description, and select a project from the drop-down.

    • On the Home page, click Projects, and then the required project tile. In the left pane, click Data Loads, and then click Create Data Load. The Create Data Load wizard appears.

      In the Create Data Load tab, enter a name if you want to replace the default value and add a description.

  2. Click Next.
  3. In the Source Connection tab,
    1. From the Connection Type drop-down, select Delta Share.
    2. from the Connection drop-down, select the required connection from which you wish to add the data entities.
    3. Select the share that you want to load tables from the Share drop-down. The drop-down lists all the shares for the selected connection.
    4. Click Next.
  4. In the Target Connection tab,
    1. From the Connection Type drop-down, select Oracle as the connection type.


      This drop-down lists only JDBC type connections.
    2. From the Connection drop-down, select the required connection from to you wish to load the data entities.
    3. Enter a unique name in the Schema textbox.
    4. Click Save.
    The Data Load Detail page appears listing all the tables in the selected share with their schema names.


    For Delta Share data loads the Data Load Detail page only includes the execute iconoption. You cannot apply different actions - incremental merge, incremental append, recreate, truncate, append - on the data entities before loading it to the target schema. This is to make sure that the data is consistent between the Delta Sharing server and the target schema.
  5. Click execute iconto run the data load.

    A confirmation prompt appears when the data load starts successfully.

To check the status of the data load, see the Status panel on the right below the Target Schema details. For details about the Status panel, see Monitor Status of Data Loads, Data Flows, and Workflows. This panel shows links to the jobs that execute to run this data load. Click the link to monitor the progress on the Job Details page. For more information about jobs, see Create and Manage Jobs.

All the loaded data entities along with their details are listed in the Data Entities page. To view the statistics of the data entities, click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to the data entity, click Preview, and then select the Statistics tab. See View Statistics of Data Entities for information.