3.6 Managing Session State

View session state and manage session state overrides from the Runtime Developer toolbar which displays at the bottom of any editable page at runtime.

3.6.1 Viewing Session State

View the Session page at runtime by clicking Session and then View Session State on the Runtime Developer toolbar.

The Session page provides valuable information about the session in which the application is currently running. Must of the behavior of an Oracle APEX application is driven by values in session state. For example, a button may display conditionally based on the value of an item session state. This section describes how to view session state for a page.

To view the Session page:

  1. Run the application as a developer.
  2. Locate the Runtime Developer toolbar. By default, the Runtime Developer toolbar displays at the bottom of the page.
  3. On the Runtime Developer toolbar, click Session and then View Session State.

    The Session page appears and displays the following information displays at the center of the page.

    • Application - Identifies the application name.

    • Session - Displays the session ID for the current session.

    • User - Identifies the current user.

    • Workspace - Displays the current workspace ID.

    • Browser Language - Identifies the current browser language.

  4. Configure the fields at the top of the page and click Set to alter the display:
    • Page - Locate a page. Enter a page number.
    • Find - Enter a case insensitive query. Use Find to search item name and item value, or collection name (depending upon your view).
    • Rows - Select the number of items to display.
    • View - Select a session state report to view.

3.6.2 Managing Session State Overrides

Access the Session Overrides dialog from the Runtime Developer tool bar to manage session state values at runtime.

The Enable Session Overrides switch eanbles you to enable or disable all session values. Likewise, every session value has a switch that enables you control session state value overrides.

For example, if you need to translate an application you can change the Application Language attribute. Another common use case for session overrides is to change the file path values such as #APP_FILES#. This type of change would redirect the URL to somewhere else, like localhost:PORT for local development.

To access the Session Overrides dialog:

  1. Run the application as a developer.
  2. Locate the Runtime Developer toolbar. By default, the Runtime Developer toolbar displays at the bottom of the page.
  3. On the Runtime Developer toolbar, click Session and then Session Overrides.
  4. In the Session Overrides dialog:
    1. Enable Sessions Overrides - Use this switch to enable or disable all session values.
    2. Globalization:
      • Application Language - Change the language of the current application for the current user.

      • Document Direction- Change the document direction (Left to Right, Right to Left) of the current application for the current user

      • Timezone - Change the timezone of the current application for the current user.

      You can also edit these attributes in Globalization attributes. See Configuring Globalization Attributes.

    3. File Paths:
      • APEX Files #APEX_FILES# - Enable this option to change the value of #APEX_FILES# to point to another location. #APEX_FILES# determines the virtual path the Web server uses to point to the static files when using the #APP_FILES# substitution string.

        You can also edit this attribute in User Interface, Advanced. See Editing User Interface Attributes.

      • Application Files #APP_FILES# - Enable this option to change the value of #APP_FILES# to point to another location. #APP_FILES# determines the virtual path the web server uses to point to the images directory distributed with App Builder. During installation, the virtual path is configured as /i/ . If you are unsure, contact your administrator.

        You can also edit this attribute in User Interface, Advanced. See Editing User Interface Attributes.

      • Workspace Files #WORKSPACE_FILES# - Enable this option to change the value of #WORKSPACE_FILES# to point to another location. #WORKSPACE_FILES# references uploaded images, JavaScript, and cascading style sheets that are shared over many applications within a workspace.

      • Theme Files #THEME_FILES# - Enable this option to change the value of #THEME_FILES# to point to another location. Use the #THEME_FILES# to reference files which are stored with your theme definition

    4. Additional Files:
      • JavaScript URLs - Load additional JS file URLs to this application for the current user.

        You can also edit this attribute in User Interface, JavaScript. See Editing User Interface Attributes.

      • CSS URLs - Load additional CSS file URLs to this application for the current user.

        You can also edit this attribute in User Interface, CSS. See Editing User Interface Attributes.

  5. Exit the dialog:
    • Click Save to save your changes.
    • Click Reset to undo any changes.
    • Click Cancel to exist dialog without making any changes.