2.9 Using the App Gallery

Use the App Gallery to install Sample Apps, Starter Apps, and Custom Apps.

2.9.1 About Sample Apps, Starter Apps, and Custom Apps

Sample Apps and Starter Apps are available with every Oracle APEX workspace. Custom Apps are only available if your instance administrator has enabled them.

You can access the Gallery from the top menu or by typing Gallery in the spotlight search. The Gallery includes three types of applications:
  • Sample Apps - built with sample data that highlight specific functionality. You can use them as a developer guide for how particular features work.
  • Starter Apps - fully functional apps that provide standalone solutions for simple requirements. You can use them as is or extend them with custom functionality.
  • Custom Apps - specific to your workspace. They are only available if your instance administrator has enabled them.

You can install Sample Apps, Starter Apps, and Custom Apps directly from the Gallery. You can also download Sample Apps and Starter Apps from GitHub to import into your workspace.

See Also:

2.9.2 About the Oracle APEX GitHub Repository

The Oracle APEX GitHub repository contains Starter Apps, Sample Apps, sample code, and plug-ins you can use in your workspace. Navigating the GitHub Repository

Use the GitHub repository to access documentation, license information (if applicable), and installation files for Sample and Starter Apps.

The Oracle APEX GitHub repository can be accessed at https://github.com/oracle/apex. The repository contains information you can use to customize apps:
  • docs contains the installation source file.
  • plugins contains examples for APEX plug-ins.
  • sample-apps contains the sample apps found in the Gallery.
  • sample-code contains code examples for APEX functionality.
  • starter-apps contains the starter apps found in the Gallery.
To access GitHub from an APEX workspace:
  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.
  2. Click the Gallery icon.
    The Gallery page opens, displaying cards for Sample Apps. Starter Apps, and Custom Apps.
  3. Choose either Sample Apps or Starter Apps.
  4. Click the More Info button to access GitHub.
    The GitHub directory for the app opens.
  5. All files associated with the app including the README, licenses (if applicable), and installation files are available for viewing.
    The README contains instructions for installing the app.
  6. Download the files you need.
You can now install the app.

2.9.3 Installing Apps from the Gallery

Install Sample and Starter Apps directly from the Gallery by clicking Install.

Sample and Starter Apps can be installed from the Gallery. Custom Apps can be installed from the Gallery if they have been enabled by your instance administrator.

To install apps from the Gallery:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.
  2. Click the Gallery icon.
    The Gallery page opens, displaying cards for Sample Apps, Starter Apps, and Custom Apps.
  3. Choose Sample Apps or Starter Apps.
    The apps are listed as cards. Each card has an Install button unless the app has already been installed. If the app is already installed, it has a Remove App icon and a Run icon.
  4. Click Install App to install the app.
  5. (Optional) Expand the Advanced Settings section.
    1. Specify whether the Application ID will be assigned automatically (default) or manually.
    2. Modify the Parsing Schema.
  6. Click Install Application to complete the installation.
The installed app opens in the Application home page.

2.9.4 Uninstalling Apps from the Gallery

Uninstall Sample and Starter Apps directly from the Gallery by clicking the Remove App icon.

Sample and Starter Apps can be easily uninstalled from the Gallery.
Only apps that were installed from the Gallery can be uninstalled this way. Apps that were downloaded from GitHub and imported will not display an uninstall icon and must be deleted to be removed from the workspace.


Any customizations that were made to the app will be lost after the app is uninstalled. These customizations will not be restored if the app is reinstalled.

To uninstall apps from the Gallery:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.
  2. Click the Gallery icon.
    The Gallery page opens, displaying cards for Sample Apps, Starter Apps, and Custom Apps.
  3. Choose Sample Apps or Starter Apps.
    Any apps that were installed directly from the Gallery will display a Remove icon and a Run icon.
  4. Click Remove to uninstall the app.
  5. On the confirmation screen, click Remove.
The app is uninstalled. It can be reinstalled if needed.