3.8.5 Managing a Site-Specific Resources List

Add links the Site-Specific Resources list to communicate important user information such as training, discussion forums, and user feedback applications.


To ensure the security and performance of your development environment, this functionality is not available in Oracle APEX instances running in Oracle Cloud.

The Site-Specific Resources list only appears on the Workspace Home page and on the Workspace Login and only appears if you have added links. Adding a New Task

Instance administrators create a Site-Specific Resources list under Manage Site-Specific Tasks on the Manage Instance page.

To add a new task to a Site-Specific Resources list:

  1. Sign in to Oracle APEX Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Messages, click Manage Site-Specific Resources.
    The Site-Specific Resources page appears.
  4. To create a new link, click Create.
  5. On the Create/Edit Site-Specific Resources page, you can specify the following:
    1. Display Sequence - Indicate the relative order of this task within the list.
    2. Display Location - Indicate the page on which the task should display. Options include:
      • Workspace Login

      • Workspace Home

    3. Name - Enter a name for this task.
    4. Link - Enter the link target for this task using either a relative URL (for example, using f?p syntax) or an absolute URL (such as https://www.oracle.com).
    5. Displayed - Select Yes to display the task link. Select No to disable the display.
  6. Click Create.

See Also:

Using f?p Syntax to Link Pages in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide Editing an Existing Task

Instance administrators edit existing task on the Site-Specific Resources page.

To edit an existing task:

  1. Sign in to Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Messages, click Manage Site-Specific Resources.
    The Site-Specific Resources page appears.
  4. Select a task name.
  5. On the Create/Edit Site-Specific Resources page, edit the appropriate attributes.
  6. Click Apply Changes. Deleting a Task

Instance administrators can delete existing task on the Site-Specific Resources page.

To delete an existing task:

  1. Sign in to Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Messages, click Manage Site-Specific Resources.
    The Site-Specific Resources page appears.
  4. Select the task name.
  5. Click Delete.