2.14 Changing Build Status for Multiple Applications

Configure the Build Status attribute at the workspace-level to prevent an application from being modified by other developers.

2.14.1 About Changing Application Build Status

Use the Build Status attribute to prevent other developers from modifying an application.

The Build Status attribute has two settings:

  • Run and Build Application - Developers can both run and edit an application.

  • Run Application Only - Developers can only run an application.

    Selecting Run Application Only is an effective way to prevent other developers from modifying it.

Ways to Modify Build Status

You can modify the application Build Status in the following ways:

  • Application-level - Developers and administrators can change the Build Status attribute on the Edit Application page. See Availability in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide.
  • Workspace-level - Workspace administrators can change the Build Status of all applications within the current workspace on Application Build Status page. See Changing Build Status for Multiple Applications.
  • Instance-level - Instance administrators can change the Build Status of an application on the Build Status page in the APEX Administration Services application. See Changing Application Build Status in Administration Services.

2.14.2 Managing Build Status in Workspace Administration

Workspace administrators can change the Build Status of all applications within the current workspace on Application Build Status page.

To manage application Build Status in Workspace Administration:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Administration page:
    1. Sign in to APEX.
    2. At the top of the Workspace home page, click the Administration menu and select Administration.

    The Workspace Administration home page appears.

  2. On the Administration page, click Manage Service.
  3. Under Manage Meta Data, click Application Build Status.

    Next, select a status. Status specifies whether the application is available or unavailable for use.

  4. For each application, select a Status. Options include:
    • Available - Application is available with no restrictions.

    • Available with Developer Toolbar - Application is available for use. For developers, the Developer toolbar displays at the bottom of each page. Requires the developer log into App Builder in the same browser session.

    • Available to Developers Only - Application is available to users having developer privileges.

    • Restricted Access - Application is available to developers named in the Restrict to comma separated user list.

    • Unavailable - Application cannot be run or edited. The message in Message for unavailable application displays when users attempt to access the application.

    • Unavailable (Status Shown with PL/SQL) - Application cannot be run or edited.

    • Unavailable (Redirect to URL) - Application cannot be run or edited.

  5. For each application, select a Build Status. Options include:
    • Run and Build Application - Developers can both run and edit an application.

    • Run Application Only - Developers can only run an application.

  6. Click Apply Changes.