6.2 Working with Workflows

View workflow instances in the workflow console. Use the workflow details page to act on specific workflow instances.

Your ability to perform operations on workflows depends on the role you have for the workflow, the state the workflow is in, and the way the specific application is configured.

In general, accessing the Workflow Console page gives you a list of all the workflows you can participate in. Clicking on a specific workflow to get the Workflow Details page gives you a list of actions you can take with that workflow. For more on the workflow console and the workflow details page, see About the Workflow Console and Workflow Details.

6.2.1 Suspending a Workflow

Suspend a workflow by clicking Suspend on the workflow details page.

Suspending a workflow pauses the execution of a running (active) workflow.
You must be the Workflow Administrator to suspend a workflow.
  1. Open the application.
  2. Open the appropriate Workflow Console. The name of the page varies depending on the application, but the report context is Admin Workflows.
  3. Locate the workflow you want to suspend, and click on the workflow name to open the workflow details page.
  4. Click Suspend to suspend the workflow.
The workflow instance suspends, and no further operations are possible. You must resume the workflow in order for the workflow to continue.

6.2.2 Resuming a Workflow

Resume a workflow by clicking Resume on the workflow details page.

Resuming a workflow resumes the execution of a suspended workflow.
You must be the Workflow Administrator to resume a workflow. You can only resume suspended workflows.
  1. Open the application.
  2. Open the appropriate Workflow Console. The name of the page varies depending on the application, but the report context is Admin Workflows.
  3. Locate the workflow you want to resume, and click on the workflow name to open the workflow details page.
  4. Click Resume to resume the workflow.
The workflow instance resumes at the same activity where it was suspended. Resuming the workflow brings it back to an active state.

6.2.3 Terminating a Workflow

Cancel a workflow by clicking Terminate on the workflow details page.

Terminating a workflow cancels the workflow.
You must be the Workflow Owner, Workflow Administrator, or Workflow Initiator to terminate a workflow. You can terminate a workflow instance regardless of whether it is active, suspended, or faulted.
  1. Open the application.
  2. Open the appropriate Workflow Console. The name of the page varies depending on the application, but depending on your role, the report context is Initiated by Me, My Workflows, or Admin Workflows.
  3. Locate the workflow you want to terminate, and click on the workflow name to open the workflow details page.
  4. Click Terminate to cancel the workflow.
The workflow instance is canceled. There are no further operations possible for this workflow instance.

6.2.4 Retrying a Workflow

Retry a workflow by clicking Retry on the workflow details page.

When a workflow instance faults, you can retry the workflow.
You must be the Workflow Owner or Workflow Administrator to retry a workflow.
  1. Open the application.
  2. Open the appropriate Workflow Console. The name of the page varies depending on the application, but depending on your role, the report context could be My Workflows or Admin Workflows.
  3. Locate the workflow you want to retry, and click on the workflow name to open the workflow details page.
  4. Click Retry to retry the workflow.
The workflow instance attempts to run again by retrying the faulted activity.

6.2.5 Updating Workflow Variables

Update workflow variables with the Edit link in the workflow details page.

Updating a workflow variable updates the value of a workflow variable in a running workflow instance.
You must be a Workflow Administrator to update workflow variables.
  1. Open the application.
  2. Open the appropriate Workflow Console. The name of the page varies depending on the application, but the report context is Admin Workflows.
  3. Locate the workflow you want to retry, and click on the workflow name to open the workflow details page.
  4. Click the dropdown arrow on Variables to open the variables section.
    The variables section opens, and displays all workflow variables for the workflow instance.
  5. Click Edit next to a variable.
  6. Edit the variable, and click Apply Changes.
The workflow variable updates.

6.2.6 Viewing the Workflow Audit History

View the audit history of a workflow by expanding the History section in the workflow details page.

The workflow history is a list of the actions for a workflow instance.
  1. Open the application.
  2. Open the appropriate Workflow Console. The name of the page varies depending on the application, but depending on your role, the report context could be Initiated by Me, My Workflows or Admin Workflows.
  3. Locate the workflow and click on the workflow name to open the workflow details page.
  4. Click the dropdown arrow on History to open the history section.
The workflow audit history displays.

6.2.7 Viewing the Activity Audit History

View the audit history of a workflow activity by clicking on the activity in the workflow details page.

The activity audit history is an audit history for specific actions in a workflow instance.
  1. Open the application.
  2. Open the appropriate Workflow Console. The name of the page varies depending on the application, but depending on your role, the report context could be Initiated by Me, My Workflows or Admin Workflows.
  3. Locate the workflow and click on the workflow name to open the workflow details page.
  4. Click the specific activity you are interested in the Activities section.
The activity's audit history displays.