10 Open Bugs and Known Issues

This section describes bugs and known issues for Oracle APEX release 23.2.


This section is current as of the writing of this document. To view the most current listing of changed behavior, go to the Known Issues page:


Alternatively, you can view the Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR). The ACR (formerly known as the VPAT) includes details of all known issues with APEX. Please go to ACRs for Oracle Database related products, then select Database Products or Open All, then find the relevant version of APEX.

10.1 Known Issues for Approval Tasks and Task Definitions

Using apex_approval.set_task_due in a task action causes the task history to be erased.

Rather than using the API, the Business Administrator for the task can change the due date using the Change Due Date button on the task details page.

10.2 Known Issue for Sublists

Currently, sublist entries are not included in list search results when the list search configuration is defined on the list referencing the sublist. This will be fixed in a future release.

10.3 Known Issues for Working Copy Feature

The known issues for the working copy feature are:
  • Server Error message - If you are running APEX on database version 19c and using the new working copy feature, when you choose the actions Merge into Main or Refresh from Main or Compare Changes, you may get a "Server Error" message that is caused by an underlying ORA-00600 error message. For example:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qjsnplsDecDomRefCnt:noValP], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    The fix for this error is to upgrade to 19.16 or higher.
  • ORA-00001 error during merge - The Working Copy feature raises an ORA-00001 unique constraint error when attempting to merge changes for component names that are not unique. It is important to coordinate the naming of shared components across working copies and the main application to avoid this error occurring.

10.4 Known Issues for Workflow Component

The known issues for the Workflow Component are:
  • The workflow title can only use workflow parameters as substitution strings, but not any additional data source columns
  • When using Workflow Designer in a Safari browser, arrows become straight lines in the Workflow Diagram Builder and the type text disappears under the Additional Data Property for workflow version.
  • Terminating a Workflow does not auto-cancel the human task(s) created while executing the workflow.
  • When deleting a workflow using the Delete key on the keyboard, there is no warning message. Deleting a workflow by right-clicking the workflow and selecting Delete provides a warning message and a prompt for user confirmation.

10.5 Known Issue with Confirm or Alert Dynamic Action Messages When Upgrading


When upgrading from APEX 21.2 or earlier, the text in existing Confirm or Alert dynamic action messages may be truncated if it is too long, leading to data loss. This is due to APEX HTML-escaping messages, which may increase their size past the 4000-byte limit.


Prior to upgrading, run a query to check whether any messages are affected:
select *
    from apex_application_page_da_acts
where action_name in ('Alert', 'Confirm')
    and ( lengthb( attribute_01 )
        + ( 4 * nvl( regexp_count( attribute_01, '&|"|<|>' ), 0 ) )
        ) > 4000;

If the query does not return any rows, proceed with the upgrade.

If the query does return rows, convert the affected rows into application text messages and reference them with substitution syntax before proceeding with the upgrade.

10.6 Known Issue using 'Source Display' region type plug-in in previously installed Sample Apps


The Source Display region type plug-in that is used in a Sample App installed in a previous release of APEX no longer works. This issue is due to the removal of views associated with AnyChart charts and AnyMap map charts.


  1. Open the application to edit it.
  2. Navigate to Shared Components, under Other Components select Plug-ins, and Source Display.
  3. Update the PL/SQL Code to remove the following lines of code (lines 35 - 48):
    union all
    select reg.source_type, fs.series_seq, fs.series_name, fs.series_query source
    from apex_application_page_regions reg,
        apex_application_page_flash5_s fs
    where reg.application_id = :APP_ID
        and reg.page_id = :APP_PAGE_ID
        and reg.static_id = d_region_static_id
        and fs.application_id = reg.application_id
        and fs.page_id = reg.page_id
        and fs.region_id = reg.region_id
        and reg.source_type in (
            'Flash Chart',
  4. Click Apply Changes.

10.7 Known Issues for jQuery Upgrade

jQuery 3.x breaks compatibility with earlier 2.x versions. For applications that still rely on removed 2.x functionality, you can use the jQuery Migrate plug-in (to include this plug-in, set the Desktop User Interface Details attribute Include jQuery Migrate to Yes).

If your application relies on removed 1.x jQuery APIs, that functionality no longer works as of Application Express release 18.1. You must update the JavaScript to only use jQuery 3.5 or later APIs. See the jQuery migration guides to learn more:

10.8 Interactive Grid support for REST Enabled SQL


Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) REST Enabled SQL has a limit of 1000 bind variables in a REST Enabled SQL request. As a result, when Interactive Grid DML sends more than 1000 column values, the following error displays: "Internal ORDS OUT Bind limits exceeded."


Reduce the amount of DML rows.

10.9 Group By Component Type mode prevents Default View


Due to the removal of "Sort by Processing Order" and "Group by Component Type" from Page Designer, developers may be stuck in "Group by Component Type" mode without a way to switch back to the default view ("Sort by Processing Order").


  1. In Page Designer, open Developer Console in the browser, and run the following command:

    pageDesigner.saveBoolPref( "GROUP_BY_COMPONENT_TYPE", true );
  2. Refresh the page.

10.10 Known Issues for Data Generator

There are known issues with the API for the data generator:
  • API does not accept Percent Blank value of 100.
  • Some built-ins that return a number data type ignore values set for minimum value, maximum value, and value precision.
  • Preview ignores columns when all their values are null.
  • When generating data and using row scaling other than 1x, sometimes an extra row is added.
These issues will be fixed in a future release.