5 Deprecated Features

Deprecated features are features which Oracle plans to desupport or remove in a future release of Oracle APEX. If a feature is related to application metadata or an API, existing applications can still use the feature, but Oracle strongly recommends that developers start to modify their applications as described in this section. Use APEX Advisor to scan existing applications for deprecated attributes.

5.1 Deprecated APIs

The APEX_APPROVAL package is deprecated. Use APEX_HUMAN_TASK instead.

The PL/SQL APIs apex_javascript.add_3rd_party_library_file and apex_css.add_3rd_party_library_file are deprecated and will be removed in a future APEX release.

The URL_ENCODE function in APEX_UTIL is now deprecated. Instead, use the built-in database function UTL_URL.ESCAPE.

The apex_plugin_util.print_display_only API is deprecated. Instead, use apex_plugin_util.print_read_only.

The ABORT function in APEX_AUTOMATION is now deprecated. Instead, use TERMINATE to terminate a currently executing automation.

Oracle recommends not relying on APEX's 3rd party dependencies as they may change without notice. Instead, bundle your own dependencies or include them via a CDN.

5.2 Deprecated Dynamic Action Event

The APEX Dynamic Action event "Page Unload" is deprecated because the underlying browser event unload is deprecated. For more information, see Window: unload event.

5.3 Deprecated Plug-In Attribute

When editing a region plug-in, the Substitute Attribute Values switch is now deprecated. When you move to the Procedure interface, this switch disappears. To perform substitutions on the attribute value, use apex_plugin_util.replace_substitutions.

5.4 Number Field Substitutions

Dynamic substitutions for Min/Max Value attributes for the Number field page item, including &P1_MIN., are deprecated. This will be fixed in a future release by allowing developers to declaratively pick an item to use for Min/Max Value attributes.