20.8 Workflow Instance Retention

Learn about workflow instance retention logic and workflow retention settings.

An application can create complex workflows with several activities. This means workflow instance data can grow exponentially, causing space and performance overloads. Periodically purging workflow data prevents overloading the system.

Workflow Instance Retention Logic

A DBMS_SCHEDULER job runs on a daily basis to check all workflow instances. When DBMS_SCHEDULER runs, it:
  • keeps workflow instances in Active, Suspended, and Faulted states
  • purges completed workflow instances after 30 days, unless the retention period is set to keep workflow instances for a longer period of time
  • purges canceled workflows
  • purges terminated workflows


    Terminated workflows do not have a retention period, and only remain in the system until the daily DBMS_SCHEDULER job runs. This means terminated workflows exist in the workflow instance table for less than twenty-four hours.

Workflow Retention Settings

The workflow retention policy determines how long to keep completed workflows. The default workflow retention period is thirty days and the maximum retention period is one hundred days. An instance administrator can configure the workflow retention period in Instance Settings. For more information, see Configuring Workflow Settings in Oracle APEX Administration Guide.