3.12.10 Installing Exported Applications in a Runtime Environment

Instance administrators manage the APEX runtime environment using SQLcl and the APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN API.


To ensure the security and performance of your development environment, this functionality is not available in Oracle APEX instances running in Oracle Cloud. About the Advantages of Using Runtime Environment

A runtime environment enables you to run production applications, but does not provide a web interface for administration or direct development of these applications.

Oracle recommends that you run any sensitive production APEX applications with a runtime installation ofAPEX. A runtime installation does not expose the web-based application development environment, thus preventing the use of App Builder, SQL Workshop, and related utilities on a production installation. Additionally, a runtime environment only includes the APEX database objects and privileges necessary to run applications, making it a more hardened environment.

See Also:

APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN in Oracle APEX API Reference Installing an Exported Application in to a Runtime Environment

You administer the Oracle APEX runtime environment using SQLcl and the APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN API.

To install an exported application into a runtime installation, you must:

  1. Export the workspace from the Oracle APEX instance where the application was developed as described in Exporting and Importing a Workspace.
  2. Use SQLcl to import your workspace in to the runtime environment:
    • Connect as APEX_240100, SYS, SYSTEM, or any schema to which the role APEX_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE has been granted.

    • Run the workspace import file.

      If the workspace export file was created with a version of Oracle APEX lower than 3.2, you must connect as APEX_240100.

  3. Export and then import your application using SQLcl in to the runtime environment.