3.15 Configuring and Deleting Logs and Log Entries

Configure log intervals and delete logs and log entries.


To ensure the security and performance of your development environment, some administration functionality is not available in Oracle APEX instances running in Oracle Cloud.

3.15.1 Managing Log Intervals

Use the Manage Log Interval page to set the minimum number of days to retain log information for log files.

To manage the log interval:

  1. Sign in to Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Logs and Files, click Manage Log Interval.

    The Manage Log Interval page appears displaying the following logs:

    • Access Log - Records authentication events by developers and administrators accessing the APEX environment and by end users of APEX applications that use the built-in login APIs available to developers.
    • Activity Log - Records application page views including page submit actions and partial page refreshes. Application logging must be enabled.
    • Automation - Records execution of automations defined in applications.
    • Debug Messages Records - Debug messages emitted by applications while debugging is enabled.
    • Events - Records operational events performed by instance administrators. You can view these events in the Administrator Digest or by querying APEX_EVENTS_LOG dictionary view.
    • External Click Count Log - Counts clicks from an application to an external site. You can implement this functionality using the APEX_UTIL.COUNT_CLICK procedure.
    • REST Synchronization - Records details of previously executed REST synchronizations.
    • Web Service - Records all web service requests initiated from the APEX instance if web service activity logging is enabled.
  4. For each log, enter the duration of the interval in days.

    The maximum value that can be specified is 180 days, with a default value of 14 days. Keeping log information for longer periods can degrade runtime performance.

  5. Click Apply Changes.

3.15.2 Archiving the Activity Log

Archiving the Activity log takes the Oracle APEX Activity log, summarizes it, and writes the results to an archived activity log.

To archive the Oracle APEX log:

  1. Sign in to Oracle APEX Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Logs and Files, click Archive Activity Log.

    The Archive Activity Log page appears listing the Date of Last Archive, Archive Day Count, and Workspace Count.

  4. Click Archive Activity Summary.

3.15.3 Deleting SQL Workshop Log Entries

Delete SQL Workshop log entries.

The SQL Workshop log maintains a history of SQL statements. This history is available in SQL Commands by clicking the History tab. This table can be truncated to reduce space utilization.

To delete SQL Workshop log entries:

  1. Sign in to Oracle APEX Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Logs and Files, click SQL Workshop Log.
  4. On the SQL Workshop Logs page, click one of the following:
    • Script File executions log entries

    • SQL Command Processor history entries

  5. On the Clean up Logs page, click one of the following:
    1. Delete entries this number of days and older - Select the number of days.
    2. Click one of the following:
      • Truncate Log - Deletes all entries.

      • Delete Entries - Deletes entries by age, specify the age of the entries to be deleted.

See Also:

Using SQL Command History in Oracle APEX SQL Workshop Guide

3.15.4 Deleting Page View Activity Log Entries

Delete Page View Activity log entries. Page View Activity Logs track user activity for an application.

The APEX engine uses two logs to track user activity. At any given time, one log is designated as current. For each rendered page view, the APEX engine inserts one row into the log file. A log switch occurs at the interval listed on the Page View Activity Logs page. At that point, the APEX engine removes all entries in the noncurrent log and designates it as current.


Developers enable logging within their application using the Logging attribute on the Edit Application Definition page. See Editing the Application Definition in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide.

To delete Page View Activity log entries:

  1. Sign in to Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Logs and Files, click Page View Activity Log.

    The Page View Activity Logs page appears.

  4. Click Truncate Logs.
  5. Click either Truncate Log 1 or Truncate Log 2.

3.15.5 Managing the Developer Activity Log

Manage the Developer Activity Log by deleting log entries and configuring the number of days to retain log entries.

The Developer Activity log tracks changes to applications within an individual workspace. You can specify the number of days to retain log entries.

To delete log entries manually or configure log entry retention:

  1. Sign in to Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Logs and Files, click Developer Activity Log.

    The Developer Activity Log page appears displaying the number log entries.

  4. To delete log entries:
    1. Delete entries this number of days and older - Specify the age of the entries to be deleted.
    2. Click Delete Entries.
  5. To specify the number of days to retain log entries:
    1. Developer Log Retention Days - Enter the number of days to retain developer log entries. Entries older than this setting are deleted during daily maintenance.
    2. Click Save Retention Setting.

See Also:

Developer Activity Dashboard for information about the Developer Activity Log

3.15.6 Deleting Click Counting Log Entries

Delete External Clicks Counting Log entries.

The External Clicks Counting log counts clicks from an APEX application to an external site. You can implement this functionality using the APEX_UTIL.COUNT_CLICK procedure.

To delete External Clicks Counting log entries:

  1. Sign in to Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Logs and Files, click External Click Counting Log.

    The External Click Counting Log page appears displaying the number of log entries.

  4. On the External Click Counting Log page:
    1. Delete entries this number of days and older - Specify the age of the entries to be deleted.
    2. Click Delete Entries.

See Also:

COUNT_CLICK Procedure in Oracle APEX API Reference

3.15.7 Deleting the Login Access Log

Delete Login Access Log entries.

The Login Access log records authentication events by developers and administrators accessing the APEX environment and by end users of APEX applications that use the built-in login APIs available to developers. Log entries are aged out of the log tables and purged periodically.

To delete Login Access Log entries:

  1. Sign in to Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Logs and Files, click Login Access Log.

    The Login Access Log page appears displaying the number of log entries.

  4. On the Login Access Log Entries page:
    1. Delete entries this number of days and older - Specify the age of the entries to be deleted.
    2. Click Delete Entries.

3.15.8 Deleting Web Service Activity Log Entries

Delete Web Service Activity log entries.

The Web Service Activity log records all web service requests initiated from the APEX instance.

To delete Web Service Activity log entries:

  1. Sign in to Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Logs and Files, click Web Service Activity Log.

    The Web Service Activity Log page appears displaying the number of log entries.

  4. On the Web Service Activity Log page:
    1. Delete entries this number of days and older - Specify the age of the entries to be deleted.
    2. Click Delete Entries.

3.15.9 Deleting REST Synchronization Log Entries

Delete REST Synchronization log entries.

The REST Synchronization log contains details about previously executed synchronizations such as the status (that is, Success or Failure), the amount of processed rows, and the amount of HTTP requests being made. You can drill down from the Synchronization log to the Web Services log to review each individual HTTP request which was made for this synchronization.

To delete REST Synchronization log entries:

  1. Sign in to Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Logs and Files, click REST Synchronization Log.
    The REST Synchronization Log page appears displaying the current number of log entries.
  4. On the REST Synchronization Log page:
    1. Delete entries this number of days and older - Enter the number of days after which the log is purged.
    2. Click Delete Entries.

See Also:

Managing Data Synchronization and Managing the REST Data Source Synchronization Log in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide

3.15.10 Deleting Automation Log Entries

Delete the Automation log entries.

To delete the Automation log entries:

  1. Sign in to Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Logs and Files, click Automation Log.
    The Automation Log page appears displaying the current number of log entries.
  4. Delete entries this number of days and older - Enter the number of days after which the log is purged.
  5. Click Delete Entries.


Managing Automations in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide