9.6.8 Saving Interactive Grid Reports

After users customize an interactive grid they can save it as either a Private or Public report.

Only the user who creates a Private report can view, save, rename, or delete it. Report developers have additional save capabilities in that they can save the Primary report (that is, the report that displays to all users), or create an Alternative report to test multiple report layouts.


To see a working examples of saved interactive grids, install the sample application, Sample Interactive Grids and review Reporting, Saved Reports . See "Installing a Productivity and Sample App." How the User Type Effects Available Save Options

After users customize an interactive grid they can save it. However, the available save capabilities differ depending upon the user type.

End Users

End users can save an interactive grid as follows:

  • Private report. Only the user who creates a Private report can view, save, rename, or delete it. All users (that is, end users and developers) can create interactive grid Private reports.

  • Public report. All users can view a Public report. However, only the user who creates a Public report can save, rename, or delete it. All other users can view a Public report and save it under a new report name.


End users can only save Public reports if the report developer has enabled that capability. See "Enabling Users to Save Interactive Grid Public Reports."


In addition to Private and Public reports, a developer can save two other report formats:

  • Primary report. The Primary report displays to all users. Only a developer can save a new Primary report, rename it, or delete it.

  • Alternative report. An Alternative report enables developers to create multiple report layouts. Only developers can save, rename, or delete an Alternative report. About Configuration Dependencies When Saving Interactive Grid Reports

To save a customized version of an interactive grid, users select the Actions menu and then click Report and then Save or Save As. End users can only access Save options if the application developer defines an authentication scheme at the application-level.

Other configuration issues that impact a user’s ability to save an interactive grid include:
  • Interactive Grid Toolbar Availability. Developers can edit the interactive grid Attribute, Toolbar to determine if an interactive grid includes a toolbar. If the toolbar is disabled, all the options on the Actions menu, including Save and Save As, are unavailable.

  • Support for Saving Public Reports. By default, end users cannot save Public reports. To enable support for Public reports, developers edit the report Attribute, Enables Users To, Save Public Report. Saving a Private Interactive Grid Report

All users (that is, both end users and developers) can save a Private interactive grid. Only the user who creates a Private interactive grid can view, save, rename, or delete it.

To save a Private interactive grid:

  1. Run the interactive grid.
  2. Customize the report (for example, show, hide, or move columns, create filters, and so on).
  3. Click the Actions menu.
  4. Select Report and then Save As.
  5. In the Report - Save As dialog:
    1. Type - Select Private.
    2. Name - Enter a name for the report.
    3. Click Save.
      Private reports display on the Saved Reports list on the toolbar under the heading, Private. Saving a Public Interactive Grid Report

All users (that is, both end users and developers) can save a Public interactive grid. However, only the user who creates a Public interactive grid can save, rename, or delete it. Users who did not create the public report can view it and also have the option to make their own copy of it using the Save As option.


End users can only save Public interactive grids if the report developer has enabled that capability. See "Enabling Users to Save Interactive Grid Public Reports".

To save a Public interactive grid:

  1. Run the interactive grid.
  2. Customize the report (for example, show, hide, or move columns, create filters, and so on).
  3. Click the Actions menu.
  4. Select Report and then Save As.
  5. In the Report - Save As dialog:
    1. Type - Select Public.
    2. Name - Enter a name for the report.
    3. Click Save.
      Public reports display on the Saved Reports list on the toolbar under the heading, Public. Saving or Renaming a Primary Interactive Grid Report

A Primary interactive grid displays to all users. Only developers can save or rename Primary reports. It is impossible to delete a primary report.

To save or rename a Primary interactive grid:

  1. Run the interactive grid as a developer.
  2. To customize and then save a primary interactive grid:
    1. Customize the report (for example, show, hide, or move columns, create filters, and so on).
    2. Click the Actions menu.
    3. Select Report and then Save.
  3. To rename a primary report:
    1. Click the Actions menu.
    2. Select Report and then Edit.
      The Report - Edit dialog appears.
    3. In Name, enter a new name and click Save.
  4. Select Report and then Save.

    If multiple reports have been redefined, the Primary report displays on the Saved Reports list on the toolbar under the heading, Default. Saving an Alternative Interactive Grid Report

Alternative reports enable a developers to optionally define multiple report layouts, which are available to all users (subject to any authorization scheme, if defined). Only developers can save, rename or delete an alternative report. Only the developer who creates an interactive grid can save, rename, or delete an Alternative report.

To save an Alternative interactive grid:

  1. Run the interactive grid as a developer.
  2. Customize the report (for example, show, hide, or move columns, create filters, and so on).
  3. Click the Actions menu.
  4. Select Report and then Save As.
    • Type - Select Alternative.

    • Name - Enter a name for the report.

    • Authorization - Select an alternative authorization scheme to restrict who can view this report.

    • Click Save.

    An Alternative report displays on the Saved Reports list on the toolbar under the heading, Default. Renaming a Saved Interactive Grid Report

All users can rename the interactive grid reports they create.

To rename an interactive grid report:

  1. Run the interactive grid.
  2. From the Saved Report list on the toolbar, select the report.
  3. Click the Actions menu and then select Report and then Edit.
  4. In the Report - Edit dialog:
    1. Type - Select the type of report to be edited.
    2. Name - Enter a new name.
    3. Click Save.

    The new report name displays in the Saved Reports list on the toolbar. Deleting a Saved Interactive Grid Report

All users can delete the interactive grid reports they create.

To delete an interactive grid report:

  1. Run the interactive grid.
  2. From the Saved Report list on the toolbar, select the report.
  3. Click the Actions menu and then select Report and then Delete.
    A confirmation dialog appears.
  4. Confirm your request and click OK.
    The report disappears from the Saved Reports list on the toolbar. Resetting a Saved Interactive Grid Report

All users can reset an interactive grid report to the last saved version.

To reset an interactive grid report:

  1. Run the interactive grid.
  2. From the Saved Report list on the toolbar, select the report.
  3. Customize the report (for example, show, hide, or move columns, create filters, and so on).
  4. Reset the report to the last saved version. Click the Actions menu and then select Report and then Reset.


    Alternatively, you can also click the Reset button on the toolbar.

    The revised report appears.