17 Application Data Models

Secure Test Data Management provides Enterprise Manager the capability to enable operations such as sensitive data discovery, data subsetting, and data masking. These capabilities enable scanning and tagging of sensitive data and modeling of data relationships incorporated within an Application Data Model (ADM). You must have the Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting Pack license to use test data management features.

The ADM stores the list of applications, tables, and relationships between table columns that are either declared in the data dictionary, imported from application metadata, or user-specified. The ADM maintains sensitive data types and their associated columns, and is used by test data operations, such as data subsetting and data masking, to securely produce test data. Creating an ADM is a prerequisite for data subsetting and data masking operations.

Figure 17-1 shows the Application Data Model's relationship to other test data management components as well as the production and test environments.

Figure 17-1 Test Data Management Architecture

Description of Figure 17-1 follows
Description of "Figure 17-1 Test Data Management Architecture"

You can perform several tasks related to Application Data Modeling, including the following tasks discussed in this chapter:


The procedures in this chapter are applicable to Oracle Enterprise Manager 12.1 and higher Cloud Control only.

See Also: