
  topology                 IN VARCHAR2,      
  table_name               IN VARCHAR2,      
  column_name              IN VARCHAR2,      
  topo_geometry_layer_type IN VARCHAR2,      
  relation_table_storage   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,      
  child_layer_id           IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL);


Adds a topology geometry layer to a topology.



Topology to which to add the topology geometry layer containing the topology geometries in the specified column. The topology must have been created using the SDO_TOPO.CREATE_TOPOLOGY procedure.


Name of the topology geometry layer table containing the column specified in column_name.


Name of the column (of type SDO_TOPO_GEOMETRY) containing the topology geometries in the topology geometry layer to be added to the topology.


Type of topology geometry layer: POINT, LINE, CURVE, POLYGON, or COLLECTION.


Physical storage parameters used internally to create the <topology-name>_RELATION$ table (described in Relationship Information Table). Must be a valid string for use with the CREATE TABLE statement. For example: TABLESPACE tbs_3 STORAGE (INITIAL 100K NEXT 200K). If you do not specify this parameter, the default physical storage values are used.


Layer ID number of the child topology geometry layer for this layer, if the topology has a topology geometry layer hierarchy. (Topology geometry layer hierarchy is explained in Topology Geometry Layer Hierarchy.) If you do not specify this parameter and if the topology has a topology geometry layer hierarchy, the topology geometry layer is added to the lowest level (level 0) of the hierarchy.

If the topology does not have a topology geometry layer hierarchy, do not specify this parameter when adding any of the topology geometry layers.

Usage Notes

The first call to this procedure for a given topology creates the <topology-name>_RELATION$ table, which is described in Relationship Information Table.

This procedure automatically performs a commit operation, and therefore it cannot be rolled back. To delete the topology that you just created, call the SDO_TOPO.DELETE_TOPO_GEOMETRY_LAYER procedure.

The procedure creates a spatial index on the spatial features in the topology geometries, and a B-tree index on the combination of tg_type and tg_id in the topology geometries.

Users granted CONNECT and RESOURCE roles must also be granted the CREATE VIEW privilege to call the procedure. This is necessary because effective with Oracle Database 10g Release 2, the CONNECT role privilege reduction feature removed the following privileges from the CONNECT role: CREATE CLUSTER, CREATE DATABASE LINK, CREATE SEQUENCE, ALTER SESSION, CREATE SYNONYM, CREATE TABLE, and CREATE VIEW.

The topology geometry layer table (table_name parameter) cannot be an object table.

An exception is raised if topology, table_name, or column_name does not exist, or if topo_geometry_layer_type is not one of the supported values.


The following example adds a topology geometry layer to the CITY_DATA topology. The topology geometry layer consists of polygon geometries in the FEATURE column of the LAND_PARCELS table. (The example refers to definitions and data from Topology Built from Topology Data.)