A OCLUMON Command Reference

Use the command-line tool to query the Cluster Health Monitor repository to display node-specific metrics for a specific time period.

Use OCLUMON to perform miscellaneous administrative tasks, such as changing the debug levels, querying the version of Cluster Health Monitor, and changing the metrics database size.

A.1 oclumon analyze

Use the oclumon analyze command to analyze CHM metrics.


oclumon analyze [-h] [-i CHM_METRICS_DIR] -o OUT_DIR [-l LOG_DIR] [--log_level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}] [-s START_TIME] [-e END_TIME] [-f FORMAT] [--version]


Table A-1 oclumon analyze Command Parameters

Parameter Description


--chm_metrics_dir CHM_METRICS_DIR

Specify the directory containing CHM metrics.


--out_dir OUT_DIR

Specify the output directory for the results.


--log_dir LOG_DIR

Specify the log directory.


Specify the log level.


--start_time START_TIME

Specify the start time for analysis in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.


--end_time END_TIME

Specify the end time for analysis in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format.


--format FORMAT

Specify a comma-delimited report format (text,html). Defaults to text format if not specified. Can either text or html or both


Displays the program's version number and exits.

Example A-1 oclumon analyze Examples

To generate text analysis report for the entire CHM repository:
oclumon analyze -o /<outpur-dir>
To generate text analysis report from 2024-03-14T05:00:00 to 2024-03-14T05:15:00 duration:
oclumon analyze -o /<output-dir> -s 2024-03-14T05:00:00 -e 2024-03-14T05:15:00
To generate an HTML analysis report for the entire CHM repository:
oclumon analyze -o /<output-dir> -f html
To generate the analysis report from an archived CHM dataset:
oclumon analyze -i /<chm-data-dir> -o /<output-dir>

Example A-2 Sample CHM Analysis Report

CHM analysis report contains following sections:

  • Header section: Contains info about the node, analysis time period, system configuration and system resource stats.

    Figure A-1 System Configuration and System resource stats

    This image illustrates system configuration and system resource stats

  • Observed findings and findings summary timeline section: Contains the list of observed problems, along with a summary timeline of the problems.

    Figure A-2 Problematic findings and summary timeline

    This image illustrates problematic findings and summary timeline

  • Findings details section: Contains detailed contextual information for each of the problems observed above.

    Figure A-3 Problematic findings - details

    This image illustrates problematic findings details

A.2 oclumon dumpnodeview

Use the oclumon dumpnodeview command to view log information from the system monitor service in the form of a node view.


oclumon dumpnodeview [[([(-system | -protocols | -v)] |
	 [(-cpu | -process | -procagg | -device | -nic | -filesystem | -thread | -nfs)
	 [-detail] [-all] [-pinned_only] [-sort <metric_name>] [-filter <string>] [-head <rows_count>] [-i <seconds>]])
	 [([-s <start_time>  -e <end_time>] | -last <duration>)]] |
	 [-inputDataDir <absolute_path> -logDir <absolute_path>]


Table A-2 oclumon dumpnodeview Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Dumps system metrics. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -system


Dumps CPU metrics. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -cpu


Dumps process metrics. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -process


Dumps process aggregate metrics. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -procagg


Dumps disk metrics. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -device


Dumps network interface metrics. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -nic


Dumps filesystem metrics. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -filesystem


Dumps thread metrics for pinned processes. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -thread


Dumps NFS metrics. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -nfs


Dumps network protocol metrics, cumulative values from system start. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -protocols


Displays verbose node view output. For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -v

-h, --help

Displays the command-line help and exits.

Table A-3 oclumon dumpnodeview Command Flags

Flag Description


Use this option to dump detailed metrics. Applicable to the -process and -nic options.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -process -detail


Use this option to dump the node views of all entries. Applicable to the -process option.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -process -all


Use this option to dump the node views of all pinned processes. Applicable to the -process option.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -process -pinned_only

-head rows_count

Use this option to dump the node view of the specified number of metrics rows in the result. Applicable to the -process option. Default is set to 5.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -process -head 7

-sort metric_name

Use this option to sort based on the specified metric name, supported with the -process, -device, -nic, -cpu, -procagg, -filesystem, -nfs options.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -device -sort "ioR"

-i seconds

Display data separated by the specified interval in seconds. Must be a multiple of 5. Applicable to continuous mode query.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -device -i 5

-filter string

Use this option to search for a filter string in the Name column of the respective metric.

For example, -process -filter "ora" will display the process metrics, which contain "ora" substring in their name.

Supported with the -process, -device, -nic, -cpu, -procagg, -filesystem, -nfs options.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -process -filter "ora"


All samples where filter doesn't matches will also show in the output. Can be used only with the -filter option.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -filter filter_criteria -show_all_sample_with_filter

Table A-4 oclumon dumpnodeview Command Log File Directories

Directory Description

-inputDataDir absolute_dir_path

Specifies absolute path of the directory that contains JSON logs files.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -cpu -inputDataDir absolute_path

-logDir absolute_log_dir_path

Specifies absolute path of the directory, which will contain the script run logs.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -cpu -inputDataDir absolute_path -logDir absolute_log_dir_path

Table A-5 oclumon dumpnodeview Command Historical Query Options

Flag Description

-s start_time

-e end_time

Use the -s option to specify a time stamp from which to start a range of queries and use the -e option to specify a time stamp to end the range of queries.

Specify time in the YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MM:SS format surrounded by double quotation marks ("").

Specify these two options together to obtain a range.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -cpu -s "2019-07-10 03:40:25" -e "2019-07-10 03:45:25"

-last duration

Use this option to specify a time, given in HH24:MM:SS format surrounded by double quotation marks (""), to retrieve the last metrics.

Specifying "00:45:00" will dump metrics for the last 45 minutes.

For example:
oclumon dumpnodeview -nic -last "00:45:00"

A.3 oclumon chmdiag

Use the oclumon chmdiag to get a detailed description of all the supported events and actions, query CHMDiag events/actions sent by various components and generate an HTML or a text report, and to collect all events/actions data generated by CHMDiag into the specified output directory location.

A.4 oclumon localrepo getconfig

Use the oclumon localrepo getconfig to get the configuration of repositories for all the nodes.


oclumon localrepo getconfig [-reposize] [-repopath] [-retentiontime] [-local | -n <node1> ...]


Parameter Description


Gets the repository size in MB.


Gets the repository path.


Gets an estimation of local repository retention in time units based on the historical data of the currently configured repository size.


Gets the configuration only for the local node.


Gets the configuration for a desired list of nodes.

Example A-3 To view full configuration of repositories for all nodes

oclumon localrepo getconfig
Node: <node-name1>
Repository size: 500 MB
Repository path: $ORACLE_HOME/crsdata/<node-name1>/crf/db/json
Repository retention time: 246 Hours

Node: <node-name2>
Repository size: 500 MB
Repository path: $ORACLE_HOME/crsdata/<node-name2>/crf/db/json
Repository retention time: 240 Hours

Example A-4 To view only the repository path and size of repositories in all nodes

oclumon localrepo getconfig -reposize -repopath
Node: <node-name1>
Repository size: 500 MB
Repository path: $ORACLE_HOME/crsdata/<node-name1>/crf/db/json

Node: <node-name2>
Repository size: 500 MB
Repository path: $ORACLE_HOME/crsdata/<node-name2>/crf/db/json

Example A-5 To view full configuration of the repository for the local node

oclumon localrepo getconfig -local
Node: <node-name>
Repository size: 500 MB
Repository path: $ORACLE_HOME/crsdata/<node-name>/crf/db/json
Repository retention time: 246 Hours

Example A-6 To view full configuration for the repositories on specific nodes <node-name1> and <node-name2>

oclumon localrepo getconfig -n <node-name1> <node-name2>
Node: <node-name1>
Repository size: 500 MB
Repository path: $ORACLE_HOME/crsdata/<node-name1>/crf/db/json
Repository retention time: 246 Hours

Node: <node-name2>
Repository size: 500 MB
Repository path: $ORACLE_HOME/crsdata/<node-name2>/crf/db/json
Repository retention time: 240 Hours

A.5 oclumon version

Use the oclumon version command to obtain the version of Cluster Health Monitor that you are using.


oclumon version

Example A-7 oclumon version

This command produces output similar to the following:
Cluster Health Monitor (OS), Release
Version :

A.6 oclumon debug

Use the oclumon debug command to set the log level for the Cluster Health Monitor services.


oclumon debug [log daemon module:log_level] [version]


Table A-6 oclumon debug Command Parameters

Parameter Description

log daemon module:log_level

Use this option change the log level of daemons and daemon modules.

Supported daemons are:

  • osysmond
  • client
  • all

Supported daemon modules are:

  • osysmond: CRFMOND, CRFM, and allcomp
  • client: OCLUMON, CRFM, and allcomp
  • all: allcomp

Supported log_level values are 0, 1, 2, and 3.

Where level 0 is lowest default level with minimal logging and level 3 is highest level with maximum logging.


Use this option to display the versions of the daemons.

Example A-8 oclumon debug

The following example sets the log level of the system monitor service (osysmond):
$ oclumon debug log osysmond CRFMOND:3
The following example displays the versions of the daemons:
$ oclumon debug version

Cluster Health Monitor (OS), Release
Version           :
NODEVIEW Version  : 19.03
Label Date        : 200116