6 Adding and Deleting Cluster Nodes

Describes how to add nodes to an existing cluster, and how to delete nodes from clusters.


  • Unless otherwise instructed, perform all add and delete node steps as the user who installed Oracle Clusterware.

  • Oracle recommends that you use the cloning procedure described in "Cloning Oracle Clusterware" to create clusters.

Prerequisite Steps for Adding Cluster Nodes

This section lists prerequisite steps that you must follow before adding a node to a cluster.


Ensure that you perform the preinstallation tasks listed in Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation and Upgrade Guide for Linux before adding a node to a cluster.

Do not install Oracle Grid Infrastructure. The software is copied from an existing node when you add a node to the cluster.

Complete the following steps to prepare nodes to add to the cluster:

  1. Make physical connections.

    Connect the nodes' hardware to the network infrastructure of your cluster. This includes establishing electrical connections, configuring network interconnects, configuring shared disk subsystem connections, and so on. See your hardware vendor documentation for details about this step.

  2. Install the operating system.

    Install a cloned image of the operating system that matches the operating system on the other nodes in your cluster. This includes installing required service patches, updates, and drivers. See your operating system vendor documentation for details about this process.


    Oracle recommends that you use a cloned image. However, if the installation fulfills the installation requirements, then install the operating system according to the vendor documentation.

  3. Create Oracle users.

    You must create all Oracle users on the new node that exist on the existing nodes. For example, if you are adding a node to a cluster that has two nodes, and those two nodes have different owners for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home and the Oracle home, then you must create those owners on the new node, even if you do not plan to install an Oracle home on the new node.


    Perform this step only for Linux and UNIX systems.

    As root, create the Oracle users and groups using the same user ID and group ID as on the existing nodes.

  4. Use the cluvfy stage -pre nodeadd command to verify that the specified nodes are configured correctly before adding them to your existing cluster, and to verify the integrity of the cluster before you add the nodes.
    $ cluvfy stage -pre nodeadd -n node_list -method root

After completing this procedure, you are ready to add the nodes to the cluster.


Avoid changing host names after you complete the Oracle Clusterware installation, including adding or deleting domain qualifications. Nodes with changed host names must be deleted from the cluster and added back with the new name.

Adding and Deleting Cluster Nodes on Linux and UNIX Systems

Add or delete cluster nodes on Linux and UNIX systems.

The procedure in the section for adding nodes assumes that you have performed the steps in the "Prerequisite Steps for Adding Cluster Nodes" section.

The last step of the node addition process includes extending the Oracle Clusterware home from an Oracle Clusterware home on an existing node to the nodes that you want to add.

Adding a Cluster Node on Linux and UNIX Systems

There are two methods that you can use to add a node to your cluster.

Using Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installer to Add a Node


You can use the $Oracle_home/install/response/gridSetup.rsp template to create a response file to add nodes using the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installer for non-interactive (silent mode) operation.

This procedure assumes that:

  • There is an existing cluster with two nodes named node1 and node2

  • You have successfully installed Oracle Clusterware on node1 and node2

  • You are adding a node named node3

To add a node to the cluster using the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installer

  1. In the Grid_home on an existing node of the cluster, run ./gridSetup.sh as the grid user to start the installer. The Grid_home is the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

  2. On the Select Configuration Option page, select Add more nodes to the cluster.

  3. On the Cluster Node Information page, click Add... to provide information for nodes you want to add.

  4. When the verification process finishes on the Perform Prerequisite Checks page, check the summary and then click Install.

  5. If prompted, then run the orainstRoot.sh script as root on the node being added to populate the /etc/oraInst.loc file with the location of the central inventory. For example:

    # /opt/oracle/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh


    If there is no database with a preconfigured database instance for the new node, run the Grid_home/root.sh script as prompted. You may be prompted to run Grid_home/root.sh in the following steps, but you do not need to run it again after running the script successfully.

  6. Run the Grid_home/root.sh script on the node3 as root and run the subsequent script, as instructed. Review the following note before running the script.


    • If you ran the root.sh script in the previous step, then you do not need to run it again.

    • If you have any database instances configured on the nodes which are going to be added to the cluster, then you must extend the Oracle home to the new node before you run the root.sh script.

      Alternatively, remove the database instances using the srvctl remove instance command.

  7. Perform the following procedures that apply to your system configuration.


    Note that running Oracle_home/addnode in interactive mode displays several prerequisite check failures because the new node has not yet been configured for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure. These warnings can be ignored.

    If you have an Oracle RAC or Oracle RAC One Node database configured on the cluster and you have a local Oracle home, then do the following to extend the Oracle database home to node3:

    1. Navigate to the Oracle_home/addnode directory on node1 and run the addnode.sh script as the user who installed Oracle RAC using the following syntax:

      $ ./addnode.sh "CLUSTER_NEW_NODES='{node3,node4}'"
    2. Run the Oracle_home/root.sh script on node3 as root, where Oracle_home is the Oracle RAC home.

    3. Open the Pluggable Databases (PDBs) on the newly added node using the following commands in your SQL*Plus session:


    If you have a shared Oracle home that is shared using Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS), then do the following to extend the Oracle database home to node3:

    1. Run the Grid_home/root.sh script on node3 as root, where Grid_home is the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

    2. Run the following command as the user who installed Oracle RAC from the Oracle_home/oui/bin directory on the node you are adding to add the Oracle RAC database home:

      $ ./runInstaller -attachHome ORACLE_HOME="ORACLE_HOME" "CLUSTER_NODES={node3}"
      LOCAL_NODE="node3" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="home_name" -cfs
    3. Navigate to the Oracle_home/addnode directory on node1 and run the addnode.sh script as the user who installed Oracle RAC using the following syntax:

      $ ./addnode.sh -noCopy "CLUSTER_NEW_NODES='{node3,node4}'"


      Use the -noCopy option because the Oracle home on the destination node is already fully populated with software.

    If you have a shared Oracle home on a shared file system that is not Oracle ACFS, then you must first create a mount point for the Oracle RAC database home on the target node, mount and attach the Oracle RAC database home, and update the Oracle Inventory, as follows:

    1. Run the srvctl config database -db db_name command on an existing node in the cluster to obtain the mount point information.

    2. Run the following command as root on node3 to create the mount point:

      # mkdir -p mount_point_path
    3. Mount the file system that hosts the Oracle RAC database home.

    4. Run the following command as the user who installed Oracle RAC from the Oracle_home/oui/bin directory on the node you are adding to add the Oracle RAC database home:

      $ ./runInstaller -attachHome ORACLE_HOME="ORACLE_HOME" "CLUSTER
      _NODES={local_node_name}" LOCAL_NODE="node_name" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="home_name" -cfs

      Navigate to the Oracle_home/addnode directory on node1 and run the addnode.sh script as the user who installed Oracle RAC using the following syntax:

      $ ./addnode.sh -noCopy "CLUSTER_NEW_NODES='{node3,node4}'"


      Use the -noCopy option because the Oracle home on the destination node is already fully populated with software.


    After running addnode.sh, ensure the Grid_home/network/admin/samples directory has permissions set to 750.
  8. Start the Oracle ACFS resource on the new node (node3) by running the following command as root from the Grid_home/bin directory:

    # srvctl start filesystem -device volume_device_name -node node3


    • This step is required only if there were Oracle ACFS file systems registered in the cluster before performing the adding cluster node procedure. If the step is required, then repeat for each registered Oracle ACFS file system.

    • Ensure the Oracle ACFS resources, including Oracle ACFS registry resource and Oracle ACFS file system resource where the Oracle home is located, are online on the newly added node.

  9. Run the following CVU command as the user who installed Oracle Clusterware to check cluster integrity. This command verifies that any number of specified nodes has been successfully added to the cluster at the network, shared storage, and clusterware levels:

    $ cluvfy stage -post nodeadd -n node3 [-verbose]

Using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to Add a Node

If you have a Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (Oracle FPP) Server, then you can use Oracle FPP to add a node to a cluster with one command, as shown in the following example:

$ rhpctl addnode gihome -client rhpclient -newnodes clientnode2:clientnode2-vip -root

The preceding example adds a node named clientnode2 with VIP clientnode2-vip to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client named rhpclient, using root credentials (login for the node you are adding).

Deleting a Cluster Node on Linux and UNIX Systems

Delete a node from a cluster on Linux and UNIX systems.


  • If you delete the last node of a cluster that is serviced by GNS, then you must delete the entries for that cluster from GNS.

  • If you have nodes in the cluster that are unpinned, then Oracle Clusterware ignores those nodes after a time and there is no need for you to remove them.

  • If you create node-specific configuration for a node, such as disabling a service on a specific node, then that node-specific configuration is not removed when the node is deleted from the cluster. Such node-specific configuration must be removed manually.

  • Voting files are automatically backed up in OCR after any changes you make to the cluster.

To delete a node from a cluster, you can do one of the following procedures. The first procedure using gridSetup.sh is the recommended procedure.


Some steps in the below procedures include commands that you need to run from the node that you are deleting. If the node that you are deleting is not accessible, then you can skip these steps.

Using gridSetup to Delete a Node

  1. As the grid user, run the gridSetup.sh script in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home from a node that you are not deleting.

    $ Grid_home/gridSetup.sh
  2. Select the Remove nodes from the cluster option, and click Next.

  3. Select the nodes that you want to delete, and click Next. Make sure that the node is accessible for you to be able to delete the selected node.

  4. Select the root execution option, such as the sudo privilege.

  5. When prompted by the installer, open a new terminal window and run the following scripts:
    1. rootdeinstall.sh on the node that you are deleting.
    2. rootdelete.sh on the node from the current local node.
  6. Click OK on the dialog box to finish deleting the node.

Using the crsctl delete node Command to Delete a Node

  1. (Optional) Ensure that Grid_home correctly specifies the full directory path for the Oracle Clusterware home on each node, where Grid_home is the location of the installed Oracle Clusterware software.

  2. (Optional) Run the following command as either root or the user who installed Oracle Clusterware to determine whether the node you want to delete is active and whether it is pinned:

    $ olsnodes -s -t

    If the node is pinned, then run the crsctl unpin css command. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

  3. On the node that you are deleting, stop all the running Oracle Database instances:
    $ srvctl stop instance -n node_to_be_deleted
  4. (Optional) On the node that you are deleting, depending on whether you have a shared or local Oracle home, complete one of the following procedures as the user who installed Oracle Clusterware:

    • For a local home, deinstall the Oracle Clusterware home from the node that you want to delete, as follows, by running the following command, where Grid_home is the path defined for the Oracle Clusterware home:

      $ Grid_home/deinstall/deinstall -local


      • If you do not specify the -local flag, then the command removes the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home from every node in the cluster.


      Alternatively, after you configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure, if you want to delete any node from the grid infrastructure, then you can do so by running Grid_home/gridSetup.sh, selecting Remove nodes from the cluster and following the prompts.
    • If you have a shared home, then run the following commands in the following order on the node you want to delete.

      Run the following command to deconfigure Oracle Clusterware:

      $ Grid_home/crs/install/rootcrs.sh -deconfig -force

      Run the following command from the Grid_home/oui/bin directory to detach the Grid home:

      $ ./runInstaller -detachHome ORACLE_HOME=Grid_home -silent -local

      Manually delete any configuration files, as prompted by the installation utility.

  5. From any node that you are not deleting, run the following command from the Grid_home/bin directory as root to delete the node from the cluster:

    # crsctl delete node -n node_to_be_deleted [-purge]

    Use the -purge option to delete the node permanently and to reuse its node number. However, if you want to add the deleted node back with the same node name and the same node number, then do not use the -purge option.

  6. Run the following CVU command to verify that the specified nodes have been successfully deleted from the cluster:

    $ cluvfy stage -post nodedel -n node_list [-verbose]
  7. If you remove a cluster node on which Oracle Clusterware is down, then determine whether the VIP for the deleted node still exists, as follows:

    $ srvctl config vip -node deleted_node_name

    If the VIP still exists, then delete it, as follows:

    $ srvctl stop vip -vip vip_name
    $ srvctl remove vip -vip vip_name

Using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning to Delete a Node

Alternatively, you can use Fleet Patching and Provisioning to delete a node from a cluster with one command, as shown in the following example:

$ rhpctl deletenode gihome -client rhpclient -node clientnode2 -root

The preceding example deletes a node named clientnode2 from the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client named rhpclient, using root credentials (login for the node you are deleting).

Adding and Deleting Cluster Nodes on Windows Systems

Explains how to add a new cluster node or delete an existing cluster node on Windows systems.

See Also:

Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation and Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows for more information about deleting an entire cluster

Adding a Node to a Cluster on Windows Systems

This procedure describes how to add a node to your cluster.

Ensure that you complete the prerequisites listed in "Prerequisite Steps for Adding Cluster Nodes" before adding nodes.

This procedure assumes that:

  • There is an existing cluster with two nodes named node1 and node2

  • You are adding a node named node3

  • You have successfully installed Oracle Clusterware on node1 and node2 in a local home, where Grid_home represents the successfully installed home

To add a node:

  1. Verify the integrity of the cluster and node3:

    C:\>cluvfy stage -pre nodeadd -n node3 [-fixup] [-verbose]

    You can specify the -fixup option and a directory into which CVU prints instructions to fix the cluster or node if the verification fails.

  2. On node1, go to the Grid_home\addnode directory and run the addnode.bat script, as follows:

    C:\>addnode.bat "CLUSTER_NEW_NODES={node3}"
  3. Run the following command on the new node:

  4. The following steps are required only if you have database homes configured to use Oracle ACFS:

    1. For each database configured to use Oracle ACFS, run the following command from the Oracle RAC database home:

      C:\>ORACLE_HOME\bin\srvctl stop database -db database_unique_name


      Run the srvctl config database command to list all of the databases configured with Oracle Clusterware. Use the srvctl config database -db database_unique_name to find the database details. If the ORACLE_HOME path leads to the Oracle ACFS mount path, then the database uses Oracle ACFS. Use the command output to find the database instance name configured to run on the newly added node.

    2. Use Windows Server Manager Control to stop and delete services.

    3. For each of the databases and database homes collected in the first part of this step, run the following command:

      C:\> ORACLE_HOME\bin\srvctl start database -db database_unique_name
  5. Run the following command to verify the integrity of the Oracle Clusterware components on all of the configured nodes, both the preexisting nodes and the nodes that you have added:

    C:\>cluvfy stage -post crsinst -allnodes [-verbose]

After you complete the procedure in this section for adding nodes, you can optionally extend Oracle Database with Oracle RAC components to the new nodes, making them members of an existing Oracle RAC database.

See Also:

Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide for more information about extending Oracle Database with Oracle RAC to new nodes

Creating the OraMTS Service for Microsoft Transaction Server

Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server (OraMTS) permit Oracle databases to be used as resource managers in Microsoft application-coordinated transactions. OraMTS acts as a proxy for the Oracle database to the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC). As a result, OraMTS provides client-side connection pooling and allows client components that leverage Oracle to participate in promotable and distributed transactions. In addition, OraMTS can operate with Oracle databases running on any operating system, given that the services themselves are run on Windows.

On releases earlier than Oracle Database 12c, the OraMTS service was created as part of a software-only installation. Starting with Oracle Database 12c, you must use a configuration tool to create this service.

Create the OraMTS service after adding a node or performing a software-only installation for Oracle RAC, as follows:

  1. Open a command window.

  2. Change directories to %ORACLE_HOME%\bin.

  3. Run the OraMTSCtl utility to create the OraMTS Service, where host_name is a list of nodes on which the service should be created:

    C:\..bin> oramtsctl.exe -new -host host_name

See Also:

Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows for more information about OraMTS, which allows Oracle databases to be used as resource managers in distributed transactions

Deleting a Cluster Node on Windows Systems

Delete a cluster node from Windows systems.

This procedure assumes that Oracle Clusterware is installed on node1, node2, and node3, and that you are deleting node3 from the cluster.


  • Oracle does not support using Oracle Enterprise Manager to delete nodes on Windows systems.

  • If you delete the last node of a cluster that is serviced by GNS, then you must delete the entries for that cluster from GNS.

  • You can remove the Oracle RAC database instance from the node before removing the node from the cluster but this step is not required. If you do not remove the instance, then the instance is still configured but never runs. Deleting a node from a cluster does not remove a node's configuration information from the cluster. The residual configuration information does not interfere with the operation of the cluster.

    See Also: Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide for more information about deleting an Oracle RAC database instance

To delete a cluster node on Windows systems:

  1. Run the deinstall tool on the node you want to delete to deinstall and deconfigure the Oracle Clusterware home, as follows:
    C:\Grid_home\deinstall\>deinstall.bat -local


    • If you do not specify the -local flag, then the command removes the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home from every node in the cluster.

    • If you cut and paste the preceding command, then paste it into a text editor before pasting it to the command line to remove any formatting this document might contain.

  2. On a node that you are not deleting, run the following command:
    C:\>Grid_home\bin\crsctl delete node -n node_to_be_deleted
  3. Run the following CVU command to verify that the specified nodes have been successfully deleted from the cluster:
    C:\>cluvfy stage -post nodedel -n node_list [-verbose]
  4. If you remove a cluster node on which Oracle Clusterware is down, then determine whether the VIP for the deleted node still exists, as follows:
    C:\> ORACLE_HOME\bin\srvctl config vip -node deleted_node_name

    If the VIP still exists, then delete it, as follows:

    C:\> ORACLE_HOME\bin\srvctl stop vip -vip vip_name
    C:\> ORACLE_HOME\bin\srvctl remove vip -vip vip_name