6 Features Specific to JDBC OCI Driver

This chapter introduces the features specific to the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Oracle Call Interface (OCI) driver. It also describes the OCI Instant Client. This chapter contains the following sections:

6.1 OCI Connection Pooling

The OCI connection pooling feature is an Oracle-designed extension. The connection pooling provided by the JDBC OCI driver enables applications to have multiple logical connections, all of which are using a small set of physical connections. Each call on a logical connection is routed on to the physical connection that is available at the given time.

6.2 Transparent Application Failover

The Transparent Application Failover feature of JDBC OCI driver enables you to automatically reconnect to a database if the database instance to which the connection is made goes down. The new database connection, though created by a different node, is identical to the original.

6.3 OCI Native XA

The JDBC OCI driver also provides a feature called Native XA. This feature enables to use native APIs to send XA commands. The native APIs provide high performance gains as compared to non-native APIs.

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6.4 OCI Instant Client

The Instant Client facilitates the deployment OCI, Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI), Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), and JDBC-OCI based customer applications, by eliminating the need for an Oracle home.

The storage space requirement of a JDBC OCI application, using the Instant Client, is significantly reduced compared to the same application running on a full client-side installation as the Instant Client shared libraries occupy only about one-fourth of the disk space used by a full client installation.

6.5 About Instant Client Light (English)

The lightweight version of the Instant Client is called Instant Client Light (English). It is a significantly smaller version of the Instant Client, which reduces the disk space requirements of the client installation by about 63 MB.