Requirements for Upgrading Databases That Use Oracle Database Vault

You must complete these tasks before starting an upgrade with a database using Oracle Database Vault.

Preparing for Upgrades of Databases with Oracle Database Vault

If the Oracle Database you plan to upgrade uses Oracle Database Vault, then you must disable Oracle Database Vault before starting the upgrade.

During the upgrade process, if your source Oracle Database uses Oracle Database Vault, then you must first disable Oracle Database Vault before you start the upgrade.

You have two options you can use:

  1. Use a manual procedure: Log on as the common Database Vault (DV) administrator in the CDB$ROOT and grant the DV_PATCH_ADMIN role to SYS, or log in and disable Oracle Database Vault on every container. Procedures vary slightly, depending on your upgrade scenario. This procedure is described in My Oracle Support, "Requirement for Upgrading Database with Database Vault (Doc ID 2757126.1)".
  2. Download the latest AutoUpgrade Jar file, and perform the procedure described here.

With either option, when you run AutoUpgrade in Analyze mode, it detects that Oracle Database Vault is enabled, and indicates in its report that you must ensure the prerequisites for Oracle Database Vault and upgrade are met.

Example 2-6 AutoUpgrade Procedure for Databases Using Oracle Database Vault

When you use AutoUpgrade, and your database is configured with Oracle Database Vault, the upgrade procedure is as follows:

  1. Disable Oracle Database Vault.
  2. Install the new Oracle Database release.
  3. Download the latest AutoUpgrade JAR file from My Oracle Support note 2485457.1, and replace the AutoUpgrade JAR file in the new Oracle Database release, in the path Oracle_home/rdbms/admin
  4. Run the AutoUpgrade utility (or Database Upgrade Assistant), and complete the upgrade.
  5. Enable Oracle Database Vault in the upgraded Oracle Database.