F Server Control (SRVCTL) Command Reference

Use the Server Control (SRVCTL) utility to manage various components and applications in your cluster.


Starting with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai, Domain Services Clusters (DSC), which is part of the Oracle Cluster Domain architecture, are desupported.

Oracle Cluster Domains consist of a Domain Services Cluster (DSC) and Member Clusters. Member Clusters were deprecated in Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c. The DSC continues to be available to provide services to production clusters. However, with most of those services no longer requiring the DSC for hosting, installation of DSCs are desupported in Oracle Database 23ai. Oracle recommends that you use any cluster or system of your choice for services previously hosted on the DSC, if applicable. Oracle will continue to support the DSC for hosting shared services, until each service can be used on alternative systems.

This appendix contains reference information for Server Control commands, including utility usage information and a comprehensive listing of the SRVCTL commands.


SRVCTL commands specific to Oracle RAC administration operations are documented in Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide. Starting with Oracle Database 21c, PDBs are a resource managed by Oracle Clusterware. You can use SRVCTL commands to manage PDBs.

SRVCTL Usage Information

SRVCTL is installed on each node in a cluster by default. To use SRVCTL, log in to the operating system of a node and enter the SRVCTL command and its parameters in case-sensitive syntax.

  • Use the version of SRVCTL that is provided with the current Oracle Database release from the Oracle home of the database that you are managing. The version of SRVCTL must be the same as the version of the object (listeners, Oracle ASM instances, Oracle Database, Oracle Database instances, and Oracle Database services) being managed.

  • SRVCTL does not support concurrent executions of commands on the same object. Run only one SRVCTL command at a time for each database, service, or other object.

  • When specifying a comma-delimited list as part of a SRVCTL command, there should not be any spaces between the items in the list.

    When you specify a comma-delimited list in Windows environments, enclose the list in double quotation marks (""). You can enclose a comma-delimited list in double quotation marks in a Linux or UNIX environment but they will be ignored.

  • If you are entering a SRVCTL command and you want to continue the input on a new line, then you can use the operating system continuation character. In Linux, this is the backslash (\) symbol.

  • A SRVCTL command that produces no output is a successful command. Not all SRVCTL commands return a message when it completes, successfully. However, if a SRVCTL command fails, then it always returns an error message.

  • SRVCTL returns 0 on success, 1 on failure, and 2 on warnings. Some commands, such as start, stop, enable, and disable, can return 2 for a warning when the request would not change anything. In other words, the object of the command is already started, already stopped, already disabled, and so on. In warning cases, SRVCTL also prints a message about what was already done.

Specifying Command Parameters as Keywords Instead of Single Letters

The use of single letter commands is deprecated. Oracle recommends that you use full command words with SRVCTL.

In releases earlier than Oracle Database 12c, the SRVCTL command-line interface used single letter parameters. However, single letter parameters impose a limit on the number of unique parameters available for use with SRVCTL commands. SRVCTL command parameters in current Oracle Database releases use full words instead of single letters, such as -multicastport and -subdomain.

To support backward compatibility, you can use a mix of single-letter parameters and new keyword parameters. New parameters introduced with keywords can be used with single letter parameters.


The use of single letter parameters are deprecated. Oracle recommends that you use the keyword parameters, so that you avoid using the same letter to implement different functionality, depending on the command.

You can obtain the single-letter equivalents, where applicable, by adding the -compatible parameter after the -help parameter.

Character Set and Case Sensitivity of SRVCTL Object Values

SRVCTL interacts with many different types of objects. The character set and name length limitations, and whether the object name is case sensitive, can vary between object types.

Table F-1 String Restrictions for SRVCTL Object Names

Object Type Character Set Limitations Case Sensitive? Maximum Length

Alpha-numeric characters, underscore (_), and number sign (#)


128 characters


Alpha-numeric characters, underscore (_), number sign (#), and dollar sign ($); the first 8 characters must be unique because those characters are used to form instance names


30 characters but the first 12 characters must be unique relative to any other database in the same cluster


Alpha-numeric characters and underscore (_); the first character must be an alphabet character


30 characters


Naming disk groups have the same limitations as naming other database objects.

No (all names are converted to uppercase)

30 characters


Alphanumeric characters

Depends on the platform

15 characters


Alphanumeric characters

Depends on the platform

15 characters


Alphanumeric characters


15 characters


The first character must be an alphabetic character


15 characters


Alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), number sign (#), period (.), and dollar sign ($); the name cannot begin with a period, nor contain single quotation marks ('')


250 characters


Alphanumeric characters; dashes (-) are not allowed and the first character must be an alphabetic character.


11 characters

Using SRVCTL Help

Learn about how to use context sensitive help with SRVCTL commands.

To see help for all SRVCTL commands, from the command line enter:

srvctl -help

To see the command syntax and a list of parameters for each SRVCTL command, from the command line enter:

srvctl command (or verb) object (or noun) -help

When you request online help for a command using -help, SRVCTL prints the full words for each parameter. You can obtain the single-letter equivalents, where applicable, by adding the -compatible parameter after the -help parameter. For example:

$ srvctl config database -help -compatible

The preceding command prints usage information for the srvctl config database command, listing all parameters as full words followed by their single-letter equivalents in parentheses, where applicable.

To see the SRVCTL version number enter:

$ srvctl -version

SRVCTL Privileges and Security

To use SRVCTL to change your Oracle RAC database configuration, log in to the operating system as the software owner of the home that you want to manage.

For example, if different users installed Oracle Database and the Oracle Grid Infrastructure, then log in as the database software owner (for example, ora_db) to manage databases and log in as the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software owner (for example, ora_asm) to manage the Oracle ASM instances.

Users who are members of the OSDBA operating system group can start and stop the database. To stop and start an Oracle ASM instance, you must be a member of the OSASM operating system group.

To create or register objects such as listeners, Oracle Notification Services, and services, you must be logged in to the operating system as the software owner of the Oracle home. The objects you create or register for that Oracle home will run under the user account of the owner of the Oracle home. Databases run as the database installation owner of the home from which they run.

To perform srvctl add operations on any object, you must be logged in as the Oracle account owner of the home on which the object runs.

For some SRVCTL commands, to run the commands on Linux and Unix systems, you must be logged in as root, and on Windows systems, you must be logged in as a user with Administrator privileges. In this appendix, those commands are preceded by the root prompt (#) in the command examples.

Additional SRVCTL Topics

You can use SRVCTL to manage Oracle-supplied resources, but Oracle strongly advises you to follow the guidelines provided here.

  • Use SRVCTL to manage Oracle-supplied resources such as listener, instances, disk groups, and networks, and CRSCTL for managing Oracle Clusterware and its resources.


    Oracle strongly discourages you from using CRSCTL to directly manipulate Oracle-supplied resources (resources whose names begin with ora). Making manual changes to Oracle resources using CRSCTL can adversely affect the cluster configuration.

  • Although you may be able to cancel running SRVCTL commands by pressing the Control-C keys, Oracle strongly advises that you do not attempt to do this, because you can corrupt your configuration data by doing this.

    Do not to attempt to terminate SRVCTL in this manner.

Deprecated SRVCTL Subprograms or Commands

Oracle recommends that you use alternatives for several SRVCTL commands and parameters deprecated with Oracle Database 12c.

Single Character Parameters Deprecated for all SRVCTL Commands

Single-character parameters were deprecated in Oracle Database 12c. Use the full keyword for each parameter. Refer to the information here to understand how to update scripts using single-character parameters.

Oracle recommends that you use the full keyword for each SRVCTL parameter. To support older tools and scripts that still use single-character parameters, the current version of SRVCTL continues to support both single-character parameters and full keyword parameters. However, deprecated functionality can be desupported in a future release.

The command reference topics for SRVCTL show the keywords for each SRVCTL command. The following table lists the deprecated single-character parameters.

Table F-2 Deprecated Single-Character Parameters for SRVCTL Commands

Single Letter Long Form Values Description Related Commands
A address {VIP_name | IP}/netmask/ [if1[|if2...]]

VIP address specification for node applications

Node applications, VIP, network, Listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

a all


All resources of that kind

srvctl config database


a diskgroup diskgroup_list

Comma-delimited list of Oracle ASM disk groups

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

a detail


Print detailed configuration information


a available available_list

A comma-delimited list of available instances

Service commands

a abort


Stop failed online relocation

Relocate database

a viponly


Display VIP configuration

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands


The runtime load balancing goal of a service

Service commands

c currentnode current_node

Node name from which to relocate the service

Service commands

c cardinality {UNIFORM| SINGLETON}

Whether the service should run on every active server (UNIFORM) or only one server (SINGLETON)

Service commands

c dbtype type

Type of database: Oracle RAC One Node, Oracle RAC, or single instance

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

d db or database db_unique_name

Database unique name


d device volume_device

Volume device path

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

d domain


Display subdomain served by GNS

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

e emport em_port_number

Local listen port for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands


The failover type for a service

Service commands

e server server_list

Candidate server list for Oracle RAC One Node database

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

f force


Force remove


g diskgroup diskgroup_name

Disk group name

File system, Diskgroup commands

h help




i instance instance_name instance_list

Instance name prefix for administrator-managed Oracle RAC One Node database

A comma-delimited list of instance names

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

I ip ip_address

VIP address on which GNS is to listen

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

i oldinst instance_name

The old instance name

Service commands

i scannumber scan_ordinal _number

Ordinal number of the IP address for the SCAN

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

i vip vip_name or "vip_name_list"

VIP names

Node applications, GNS, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

j acfspath acfs_path_list

Comma-delimited list of Oracle ACFS paths where the dependency on the database will be set

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

j clbgoal {SHORT|LONG}

The connection load balancing goal for a service

Service commands

k netnum network_number

The network number

Service commands

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

l list


List all records in GNS

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

l listener


The name of a listener

ASM commands

l loglevel log_level

Specify the level (0-6) of logging that GNS should run with

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

l onslocalport port_number

Oracle Notification Service listening port for local client connections

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

l role service_role

Comma-delimited list of server roles within double quotation marks (""), where each role is one of PRIMARY, PHYSICAL_STANDBY, LOGICAL_STANDBY, or SNAPSHOT_STANDBY

Service commands

m domain domain_name

The domain for the database

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands


failovermethod {NONE|BASIC}

The failover method of a service

Service commands

m multicastpost


The port on which the GNS daemon is listening for multicast requests

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

m path mountpoint_path

Mountpoint path

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

n name


Advertise a name through GNS using the given address

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

n node node_name

The name of a specific node


n nodes node_list

A comma-delimited list of node names

File system commands

n dbname database_name

The database name (DB_NAME), if different from the unique name specified by the -db parameter

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

n scanname scan_name

Fully-qualified SCAN name (includes the domain)

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

n servers server_list

A comma-delimited list of candidate server names

Service commands

n targetnode node_name

Node name to which to relocate the service

Service commands

o oraclehome oracle_home


Database commands

p endpoints [TCP:]port _number[/IPC: key][/NMP:pipe _name][/TCPS: s_port][/SDP: port]

SCAN listener endpoints

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

p port


The port which the GNS daemon uses to communicate with the DNS server

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

p rmiport port_number

OC4J RMI port number

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

P tafpolicy {NONE|BASIC}

TAF policy specification

Service commands

p spfile spfile_location

Server parameter file path

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

q notification {TRUE|FALSE}

Whether FAN is enabled for OCI connections

Service commands

q query


Query GNS for the records belonging to a name

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

r preferred preferred_list

A comma-delimited list of preferred instances

Service commands

r onsremoteport port_number

Oracle Notification Service listening port for connections from remote hosts

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

r relocate


Relocate the VIP

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

r revert


Remove target node of failed online relocation request from the candidate server list of administrator-managed Oracle RAC One Node database

Relocate database

r role role_type


Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

s onsonly


Display Oracle Notification Service daemon configuration

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

s skip


Skip checking the ports

Listener, SCAN, and SCAN listener.

s statfile file_name

The file path of the state_file created by a previously run srvctl stop home command

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

s status


Display the status of GNS

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

S subnet subnet/net _mask/[if1[| if2...]]

Network address specification for a network

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

s service service_name service_name_list

The name of a service

A comma-delimited list of service names

Service commands

s startoption start_options

Startup options for the database (mount, open, read only)

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

t checkinterval time_interval

Interval in minutes between checks

OC4J, home, CVU, and GNS commands

t edition edition_name

The initial session edition of a service

Service commands

t envs "name_list"

A list of environment variables


t namevals "name= value,..."

Names and values of environment variables


T nameval "name=value"

Name and value of a single environment variable


t update instance_name

The new instance name

Service commands

t remoteservers host_name[: port_number] [,host_name[: port_number]...]

List of remote host name and port number pairs for Oracle Notification Service daemons outside this cluster

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

t stopoption stop_options

Stop options for the database (NORMAL, TRANSACTIONAL, IMMEDITATE, or ABORT)

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

t toversion target_version

Version to which you are downgrading

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

u nettype network_type

The network server type, which can be STATIC, DHCP, or MIXED

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

u newinst


Add a new instance to the service configuration

Service commands

u update


Update SCAN listeners to match the number of SCAN VIPs

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

u user oracle_user

Oracle user or other authorized user to mount and unmount file systems

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

v verbose


Verbose output


v volume volume_name

Name of a volume

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

V versions




w failoverdelay number

Failover delay

Service commands

w nettype network_type

The network server type, which can be STATIC, DHCP, or MIXED

Node applications, VIP, network, listener, SCAN VIP, and SCAN listener commands

w timeout timeout

Online relocation timeout in minutes

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

x dtp {TRUE | FALSE}

Whether to enable distributed transaction processing

Service commands

x node node_name

Node name (use this parameter only with noncluster databases)


y noprompt


Suppress the confirmation prompt



Management policy for the resource

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, file system, and service commands

z failoverretry number

Number of failover retries

Service commands

z rmdepondisk


To remove a database's dependency upon disk groups

Database, instance, Oracle ASM, disk group, and file system commands

Miscellaneous SRVCTL Commands and Parameters

If you have scripts dating from Oracle Database 12.2 or earlier releases, then Oracle recommends that you review the deprecated parameters and update your usage to current forms.

The following command parameters were deprecated in Oracle Database 12c:

Table F-3 Deprecated Commands and Parameters for SRVCTL

Command Deprecated Parameters
srvctl modify asm

-node node_name

srvctl modify instance


Instead, use the -node option with the value set to ""

srvctl modify gns

[-ip ip_address] [-advertise host_name -address address] [-delete host_name -address address] [-createalias name -alias alias] [-deletealias alias]

Use the srvctl update gns command instead.

srvctl * oc4j

The oc4j noun has been deprecated. SRVCTL still accepts the oc4j noun until it is desupported.

srvctl add service

The PRECONNECToption with the -tafpolicy parameter is deprecated.

srvctl modify service

The -failovermethod {NONE | BASIC} is deprecated.

The PRECONNECToption with the -tafpolicy parameter is deprecated.

SRVCTL Command Reference

A comprehensive list of SRVCTL commands to use in Oracle Grid Infrastructure environments.

SRVCTL uses the following command syntax:

srvctl command object [parameters]

In SRVCTL syntax:

  • command is a verb such as start, stop, or remove

  • object (also known as a noun) is the target or object on which SRVCTL performs the command, such as Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) or a file system. You can also use object abbreviations.

  • parameters extend the use of a preceding command combination to include additional parameters for the command. Some parameters are required while others are optional.


  • If specifying a comma-delimited list in a command parameter on Windows, then you must enclose the list within double quotation marks ("").

  • Starting with Oracle Database Release 23ai, Oracle Quality of Service Management (QoSM, or QoS Management) is desupported.

Table F-4 lists the keywords that can be used for the object portion of SRVCTL commands. You can use either the full name or the abbreviation for each object keyword. The Purpose column describes the object and the actions that can be performed on that object.

Table F-4 Object Keywords and Abbreviations

Object Keyword Purpose

Oracle ASM


To add, modify, manage environment variables for, list the configuration of, enable, disable, start, stop, and obtain the status of Oracle ASM

Oracle ASM Network


To add, configure, modify and remove an Oracle ASM network configuration

Configuration Verification Utility


To add, modify, enable, disable, remove, relocate, start, stop, and obtain the status of the Configuration Verification Utility

Cross-cluster dependency


To add, modify, enable, disable, remove, relocate, start, stop, and obtain the status of cross-cluster dependency services.

Export file system


To add, modify, list the configuration of, enable, disable, start, stop, obtain the status of, and remove export file systems

Oracle Advanced Cluster File System


To add, modify, list the configuration of, remove, start, stop, and obtain the status of Oracle ACFS

Grid Naming Service


To add, modify, list the configuration of, enable, disable, start, stop, obtain the status of, relocate, remove, and update the Grid Naming Service

Highly available VIP


To add, list the configuration of, enable, start, obtain the status of, stop, disable, relocate, and remove highly available VIPs

Oracle ASM IOServer


To add, list the configuration of, modify, enable, disable, start, stop, relocate, obtain the status of, manage environment variables for, and remove Oracle ASM IOServer

Network Attached Storage (NAS)


To add, list the configuration of, enable, start, obtain the status of, stop, disable, relocate, and remove NAS

Network Storage Service Resource


To add, list the configuration of, enable, start, obtain the status of, stop, disable, and remove NetStorageService Resource

Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client


To add, modify, list the configuration of, enable, disable, start, stop, obtain the status of, relocate, and remove Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients

Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server


To add, modify, list the configuration of, enable, disable, start, stop, obtain the status of, relocate, and remove Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers

Virtual machine


To add, modify, list the configuration of, enable, disable, start, stop, obtain the status of, relocate, and remove virtual machines


SRVCTL commands specific to Oracle RAC administration operations are documented in Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide

srvctl config all

Displays the configuration details of the cluster and database components.


srvctl config all [-help]


This command returns output similar to the following:
$ srvctl config all

Oracle Clusterware configuration details
Oracle Clusterware basic information
Operating system       Linux
Name                   stbm000025-rac3
Class                  STANDALONE
Cluster nodes          stbm000025-vm11, stbm000025-vm10, stbm000025-vm9,
Groups                 SYSOPER:oinstall SYSASM:oinstall SYSRAC:oinstall
OCR locations          +DATA2
Voting disk locations  DATA2
Voting disk file paths AFD:DATA21
Cluster network configuration details
Interface name  Type  Subnet          Classification    
ens3            IPV4   PUBLIC            
ens4            IPV4  PRIVATE, ASM    

SCAN configuration details
SCAN "stbm000025-scan3" details
Name                stbm000025-scan3    
IPv4 subnet
DHCP server type    static              
End points          TCP:1521
SCAN listeners
Name              VIP address    

ASM configuration details
Mode             remote    
Password file    +DATA2    
SPFILE           +DATA2    

ASM disk group details
Name   Redundancy    

Database configuration details
Database "ora.orcl.db" details
Name                 ora.orcl.db
Type                 RAC
Role                 PRIMARY
Management policy    AUTOMATIC
SPFILE               +DATA2
Password             +DATA2
file Groups          OSDBA:oinstall OSOPER:oinstall OSBACKUP:oinstall OSDG:oinstall
                     OSKM:oinstall OSRAC:oinstall
Oracle home          /scratch/app/23ai/220523/dbhome

srvctl add asm

Adds a record for an Oracle ASM instance to the entire cluster.

This command must be run only one time from the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.


srvctl add asm [-listener listener_name] [-pwfile password_file_path
    [-flex [-count {number_of_instances | ALL}] | -proxy [-spfile server_parameter_file_path]]


Table F-5 srvctl add asm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-listener listener_name
Enter the name of a listener. If you do not specify this parameter, then the listener name defaults to LISTENER.
-pwfile password_file_path
Enter the full path to the location of the password file on Oracle ASM.
-flex [-count {number_of_instances | ALL}] | 
-proxy [-spfile server_parameter_file_path]

Specify that the Oracle ASM instances are configured as Oracle Flex ASM instances. You can optionally specify the number of Oracle ASM instances to create or that an Oracle ASM instance should be created on all nodes.

Alternatively, you can specify the -proxy parameter to configure the Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager proxy instance resource. Optionally, you can specify the path to the server parameter file.

Usage Notes

To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c and later installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.


To add a clusterware resource for Oracle ASM to every node in the cluster, use the following command:

$ srvctl add asm

srvctl config asm

Displays the configuration for all Oracle ASM instances.


srvctl config asm [-proxy] [-detail]


Table F-6 srvctl config asm Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Optionally, you can use this parameter to specify whether the Oracle ASM configuration to display is a proxy instance.


Optionally, you can use this parameter to print detailed configuration information.

Usage Notes

To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c and later installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.


This command returns output similar to the following:
$ srvctl config asm

ASM Home: /u01/app/23.0.0/grid
ASM instance count: 3
Password file:

srvctl disable asm

Disables the Oracle ASM proxy resource.

Oracle ASM will restart if it contains Oracle Clusterware data or if the node restarts and it was running before the node failed. The srvctl disable asm command also prevents the srvctl start asm command from starting Oracle ASM instances.

Disabling the Oracle ASM proxy resource prevents the databases and disk groups from starting because they depend on the Oracle ASM proxy resource.


srvctl disable asm [-proxy] [-node node_name]


Table F-7 srvctl disable asm Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Optionally, you can use this parameter to specify whether you are disabling a proxy Oracle ASM configuration.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify a particular node on which you want to disable Oracle ASM.

Usage Notes

  • To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c and later installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.

  • Oracle ASM is part of the Oracle Clusterware stack and when OCR and voting files are stored on Oracle ASM, then Oracle ASM starts when OHASD starts the Oracle Clusterware stack. The srvctl disable asm command does not prevent the Oracle ASM instance managed by OHASD from starting. Oracle ASM, therefore, starts as needed by the Oracle Clusterware stack.

    The srvctl disable asm command prevents the Oracle ASM Oracle Clusterware proxy resource, and any resources that depend on it, from starting. So, the command prevents Oracle Clusterware-managed objects, such as databases, disk groups, and file systems that depend on Oracle ASM, from starting. For example, the srvctl start database | diskgroup | filesystem command fails to start any of those objects on nodes where the Oracle ASM Oracle Clusterware proxy resource is disabled. The command also prevents the srvctl start asm command from starting Oracle ASM on remote nodes.


The following example disables Oracle ASM on a node named crmnode1:
$ srvctl disable asm -node crmnode1

srvctl enable asm

Enables an Oracle ASM instance.


srvctl enable asm [-proxy] [-node node_name]


Table F-8 srvctl enable asm Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Optionally, you can use this parameter to specify whether you are enabling a proxy Oracle ASM configuration.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify a particular node on which you want to enable Oracle ASM.

Usage Notes

To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c and later installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl enable asm -node crmnode1

srvctl getenv asm

Displays the values for environment variables associated with Oracle ASM.


srvctl getenv asm [-envs "name_list"]

Usage Notes

  • If you choose not use the -env parameter, then the values of all environment variables associated with Oracle ASM are displayed.

  • You can specify a comma-delimited list of the names of environment variables for which you want to retrieve the values.


The following example displays the current values for all the environment variables used by Oracle ASM:
$ srvctl getenv asm

srvctl modify asm

Modifies the listener used by Oracle ASM, the disk group discovery string used by Oracle ASM, or the SPFILE used by Oracle ASM for a noncluster database or a cluster database.


To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c and later installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.


srvctl modify asm [-listener listener_name] [-pwfile password_file_path]
  [-pwfilebackup backup_password_file_path] [-count {number_of_instances | ALL}] [-diskstring asm_diskstring]
  [-spfile spfile_path_name [-proxy] [-force]]


Parameter Description
-listener listener_name

Specify the name of the listener with which Oracle ASM registers.

-pwfile password_file_path

Specify the full path to the location of the password file for Oracle ASM.

-pwfilebackup backup_password_file_path

Specify this option to update the location of the Oracle ASM password backup file.


This option does not backup the Oracle ASM password file.
-count {number_of_instances | ALL}

Specify the number of Oracle ASM instances to create, or that an Oracle ASM instance should be created on all nodes.

-diskstring asm_diskstring

Specify a new Oracle ASM disk group discovery string.

-spfile spfile_path_name

Specify the path to the new spfile to be used by Oracle ASM.


Use this parameter to specify an Oracle ASM proxy instance.


Use this parameter to force modification of Oracle ASM.


An example of this command to modify the configuration of Oracle ASM is:

$ srvctl modify asm -listener lsnr1

srvctl predict asm

Predicts the consequences of Oracle ASM failure.


srvctl predict asm [-node node_name] [-verbose]

Usage Notes

  • Optionally, you can specify a particular node on which you want to predict the consequences of an Oracle ASM failure.

  • You can choose verbose output.


An example of this command to predict the consequences of an Oracle ASM failure on a particular node:
$ srvctl predict asm -node crmnode2

srvctl relocate asm

Relocates an Oracle Flex ASM instance from one cluster node to another.


srvctl relocate asm -currentnode current_node [-targetnode target_node] [-force]


Table F-9 srvctl relocate asm Parameters

Parameter Description
-currentnode current_node

Name of the node on which the Oracle Flex ASM instance currently resides.

-targetnode target_node

Name of the node to which you want to relocate the Oracle Flex ASM instance.


Force the relocation of the Oracle Flex ASM instance.

Usage Notes

  • You cannot use this command if there is only one Oracle Flex ASM instance running.

  • Because of bootstrap issues between Oracle ASM and Oracle Clusterware, on the node where Oracle Clusterware uses Oracle ASM run either crsctl stop crs or crsctl stop cluster to stop Cluster Ready Services on the node before you relocate the Oracle ASM instance.


An example of this command to relocate an Oracle Flex ASM instance from the current node to a node named node2 is:

$ srvctl relocate asm -currentnode node1 -targetnode node2

srvctl remove asm

Removes the Oracle ASM resource from Oracle Clusterware management.


To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c and later installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.


srvctl remove asm [-proxy] [-force]


Table F-10 srvctl remove asm Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Optionally, you can use this parameter to specify whether you are removing a proxy Oracle ASM configuration.


Forcefully removes an Oracle ASM resource (ignores any dependencies).


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl remove asm -force

srvctl setenv asm

Sets Oracle ASM environment configurations.


Use this command with one of the following syntaxes:

srvctl setenv asm -envs "name=value,[...]"

srvctl setenv asm -env "name=value"


Table F-11 srvctl setenv asm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-envs "name=value,[...]"

Use this parameter to specify either a single name-value pair or a comma-delimited list of multiple name-value pairs of environment variables enclosed in double quotation marks ("").

-env "name=value"

Use this parameter to enable a single environment variable to be set to a value that contains commas or other special characters, enclosed in double quotation marks ("").


The following example sets the language environment configuration for Oracle ASM:
$ srvctl setenv asm -envs "LANG=en"

srvctl start asm

Starts an Oracle ASM instance.


To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c and later installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.


srvctl start asm [-proxy] [-node node_name [-startoption start_options]]


Table F-12 srvctl start asm Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Optionally, you can use this parameter to specify whether you are starting a proxy Oracle ASM configuration.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify a particular node on which you want to start Oracle ASM.

Note: You can use this parameter only with Oracle Clusterware.

-startoption start_options

Optionally, you can specify options to the startup command, such as OPEN, MOUNT, or NOMOUNT

Note: For multi-word startup options, such as read only and read write, separate the words with a space and enclose in double quotation marks (""). For example, "read only".

See Also: SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference for more information about startup options


An example of this command to start an Oracle ASM instance on a single node of a cluster is:
$ srvctl start asm -node crmnode1
An example to start an Oracle ASM instance on all nodes in the cluster, or for a noncluster database, is:
$ srvctl start asm

srvctl status asm

Displays the status of an Oracle ASM instance.


To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c and later installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.


srvctl status asm [-proxy] [-node node_name] [-detail] [-verbose]


Table F-13 srvctl status asm Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Optionally, you can use this parameter to display the status for an Oracle ASM proxy instance.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify a particular node. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL displays the status of all Oracle ASM instances.


Print detailed status information.


Displays verbose output.


This command returns output similar to the following:

$ srvctl status asm -verbose

ASM is running on node2, node3, node4
Detailed state on node node2: Started
Detailed state on node node3: Started
Detailed state on node node4: Started

srvctl stop asm

Stops an Oracle ASM instance.


srvctl stop asm [-proxy] [-node node_name] [-stopoption stop_options] [-force]


Table F-14 srvctl stop asm Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Optionally, you can use this parameter to specify whether you are stopping a proxy Oracle ASM configuration.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify a particular node on which you want to stop Oracle ASM.

If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL stops the Oracle ASM instance on every active node in the cluster.

Note: You can use this parameter only with Oracle Clusterware.

-stopoption stop_options

Optionally, you can specify options to the shutdown command, such as NORMAL, TRANSACTIONAL, IMMEDIATE, or ABORT.

See Also: SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference for more information about shutdown options


Optionally, you can use this parameter to stop disk groups, file systems, and databases that depend on Oracle ASM.

Usage Notes

  • To manage Oracle ASM on Oracle Database 12c and later installations, use SRVCTL in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use SRVCTL in the database home to manage Oracle ASM.

  • You cannot use this command when OCR is stored in Oracle ASM because it will not stop Oracle ASM. To stop Oracle ASM you must shut down Oracle Clusterware.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl stop asm -node crmnode1 -stopoption IMMEDIATE

srvctl unsetenv asm

Unsets the Oracle ASM environment configurations.


srvctl unsetenv asm -envs "name_list"

Usage Notes

Use the -envs parameter to specify a comma-delimited list of the names of environment variables enclosed in double quotation marks ("").


The following example unsets the environment configuration for an Oracle ASM environment variable:
$ srvctl unsetenv asm -envs "CLASSPATH"

srvctl add asmnetwork

Adds an Oracle ASM network configuration to Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl add asmnetwork [-netnum asm_network_number] [-deptype {optional |
  mandatory}] -subnet subnet[/netmask/if1[|if2...]]


Table F-15 srvctl add asmnetwork Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-netnum asm_network_number

Optionally, you can specify an Oracle ASM network number (default number is 1) that you want to add.

-deptype {optional | mandatory}

Specify whether the Oracle ASM dependency type is optional or mandatory. The default is optional.

-subnet subnet[/netmask/if1[|if2...]]

Specify a subnet for the Oracle ASM network you want to add. If you do not specify any interface names, then the network uses any interface on the given subnet.

For IPv6, netmask is a prefix length, such as 64.

srvctl config asmnetwork

Displays the configuration information for Oracle ASM networks registered with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl config asmnetwork [-netnum asm_network_number]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify an Oracle ASM network number (default number is 1) for which you want to view configuration information.

srvctl modify asmnetwork

Modifies an Oracle ASM network configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl modify asmnetwork [-netnum asm_network_number] [-deptype {optional | mandatory}]


Table F-16 srvctl modify asmnetwork Command Parameter

Parameter Description
-netnum asm_network_number

Optionally, you can specify an Oracle ASM network number (default number is 1) that you want to modify.

-deptype {optional | mandatory}

Specify whether the Oracle ASM dependency type is optional or mandatory.

srvctl remove asmnetwork

Removes an Oracle ASM network configuration from Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl remove asmnetwork {-netnum asm_network_number | -all} [-force]


Table F-17 srvctl remove asmnetwork Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-netnum asm_network_number | —all

Specify an Oracle ASM network number (default number is 1) that you want to remove or specify –all to remove all Oracle ASM network numbers configured on Oracle Clusterware.


Use this parameter to forcibly remove an Oracle ASM network regardless of any dependencies.

srvctl add cdp

Adds a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource to a cluster (only on the first public network).


srvctl add cdp [-port port_number] [–passfile_admin afile] [-passfile_readonly rfile]
[-passfile_events efile] [-allow ip/network,...]


Table F-18 srvctl add cdp Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-port port_number

Optionally, you can specify a port on which all cross-cluster dependency proxy resources in the cluster listen. If you do not specify a port, then SRVCTL chooses a port that is available on all nodes of the cluster.

–passfile_admin afile

If you have a password file for administrators, then you can specify it using this parameter. If no password file exists, then SRVCTL randomly generates a password.

-passfile_readonly rfile

If you have a password file for read-only users, then you can specify it using this parameter. If no password file exists, then SRVCTL writes a randomly-generated password to a file.

-passfile_events efile

If you have a password file for events users, then you can specify it using this parameter. If no password file exists, then SRVCTL writes a randomly-generated password to a file.

-allow ip/network

The IP and network mask pair defined in CIDR format.

srvctl config cdp

Displays the configuration of cross-cluster dependency proxy resources.


srvctl config cdp [-cdpnumber cdp_ordinal_number]

Usage Notes

You can optionally specify the ordinal number of a specific cross-cluster dependency proxy resource for which you want to display configuration information. If you do not specify the ordinal number option, then SRVCTL displays the configuration information for all cross-cluster dependency proxy resources in a cluster.

srvctl disable cdp

Disables a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource.


srvctl disable cdp [-cdpnumber cdp_ordinal_number]

Usage Notes

You can optionally specify the ordinal number of a specific cross-cluster dependency proxy resource that you want to disable. If you choose not to do so, then SRVCTL disables all cross-cluster dependency proxy resources in a cluster.

srvctl enable cdp

Enables a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource.


srvctl enable cdp [-cdpnumber cdp_ordinal_number]

Usage Notes

You can optionally specify the ordinal number of a specific cross-cluster dependency proxy resource that you want to enable. If you choose not to do so, then SRVCTL enables all cross-cluster dependency proxy resources in cluster.

srvctl modify cdp

Modifies ports and passwords for a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource.


srvctl modify cdp [-port port_number] [–passfile_admin afile] [-passfile_readonly rfile]
[-passfile_events efile] [-allow ip/network,...]


Table F-19 srvctl modify cdp Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-port port_number

Optionally, you can modify the port on which all cross-cluster dependency proxy resources in the cluster listen.

–passfile_admin afile

Optionally, you can modify the password information for administrators.

-passfile_readonly rfile

Optionally, you can modify the password information for read-only users.

-passfile_events efile

Optionally, you can modify the password information for events users.

-allow ip/network

Optionally, you can modify the IP and network mask pair defined in CIDR format.

Usage Notes

You must stop the cross-cluster dependency proxy resource before you make any changes.

srvctl relocate cdp

Relocates a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource in a cluster.


srvctl relocate cdp -cdpnumber cdp_ordinal_number [-node node_name] [-force]


Table F-20 srvctl relocate cdp Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-cdpnumber cdp_ordinal_number

Specify a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource that you want to relocate by specifying its identifying ordinal number.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a node on which a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource resides that you want to relocate.


Optionally, you can use this parameter to relocate a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource with a running VIP. If you try to relocate a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource with a running VIP without using this parameter, then the command fails.

srvctl remove cdp

Removes a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource from a cluster without removing cross-cluster dependency proxy resources.


srvctl remove cdp [-force]

Usage Notes

  • Use the –force parameter to remove a running cross-cluster dependency proxy resource.

  • This command completely removes all cross-cluster dependency proxy configuration. If you use -force while proxies exist, then the proxies will no longer function until they are re-created.

srvctl start cdp

Starts a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource on a cluster.


srvctl start cdp [-cdpnumber cdp_ordinal_number] [-node node_name]


Table F-21 srvctl start cdp Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-cdpnumber cdp_ordinal_number

Optionally, you can use this parameter to start a specific cross-cluster dependency proxy resource by specifying its identifying ordinal number.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a node on which a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource resides that you want to start.

srvctl status cdp

Obtains the status of cross-cluster dependency proxy resources.


srvctl status cdp [-cdpnumber cdp_ordinal_number]

Usage Notes

You can optionally specify the ordinal number of a specific cross-cluster dependency proxy resource. If you choose not to do so, then SRVCTL returns the status of all cross-cluster dependency proxy resources in the cluster.

srvctl stop cdp

Stops a cross-cluster dependency proxy resource on a cluster.


srvctl stop cdp [-cdpnumber cdp_ordinal_number]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can stop a specific cross-cluster dependency proxy resource by specifying its identifying ordinal number.

srvctl add cvu

Adds the Configuration Verification Utility (CVU) to an Oracle Clusterware configuration.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl add cvu command with the following syntax:

srvctl add cvu [-checkinterval time_in_minutes]

Usage Notes

  • Optionally, you can change the interval between checks. By default, CVU runs once every 6 hours and verifies the health of the cluster. The shortest interval you can specify for CVU check is 10 minutes.

  • Run this command while logged in as the Grid home user.


To add CVU with a check interval of 6 hours, use the following command:

$ srvctl add cvu -checkinterval 360

srvctl config cvu

Displays the time interval, in minutes, between CVU checks.

Syntax and Parameters

Use the srvctl config cvu command with the following syntax:

srvctl config cvu

This command has no parameters.


This command returns output similar to the following:
CVU is configured to run once every 360 minutes

srvctl disable cvu

Disables the Configuration Verification Utility (CVU) for Oracle Clusterware management (if enabled).


srvctl disable cvu [-node node_name]


Optionally, you can specify the name of a particular node on which you want to disable CVU. Otherwise, SRVCTL disables CVU on all nodes.


When you disable CVU on all cluster nodes, then local CVU configuration is overridden by the global configuration.


An example of this command to disable CVU on a node named crmnode1 is:

$ srvctl disable cvu -node crmnode1

srvctl enable cvu

Enables the Configuration Verification Utility (CVU) for Oracle Clusterware management (if disabled).


srvctl enable cvu [-node node_name]


Optionally, you can specify the name of a particular node on which you want to enable CVU. Otherwise, SRVCTL enables CVU on all nodes.


When you enable CVU on all cluster nodes, then local CVU configuration is overridden by the global configuration.


An example of this command to enable CVU on a node named crmnode1 is:

$ srvctl enable cvu -node crmnode1

srvctl modify cvu

Modifies the check interval for CVU.


srvctl modify cvu [-checkinterval time_in_minutes]


By default, CVU runs once every 360 minutes (six hours) and verifies the health of cluster. If you change the interval, then the shortest interval you can specify for CVU check is 10 minutes.


An example of this command to modify CVU to have a check interval of 4 hours is:

$ srvctl modify cvu -checkinterval 240

srvctl relocate cvu

Temporarily relocates the CVU to another node in a cluster.


srvctl relocate cvu [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify a particular node to which you want to relocate CVU.


An example of this command to temporarily relocate CVU from the local node to the cluster node named crmnode2 is:
$ srvctl relocate cvu -node crmnode2

srvctl remove cvu

Removes CVU from an Oracle Clusterware configuration.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl remove cvu [-force]

Usage Notes

Use the -force parameter to remove a CVU resource that is running or starting.

srvctl start cvu

Starts the CVU resource on one node in a cluster. If you specify a node name, then CVU starts on that node.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl start cvu [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify a particular node to which you want to start CVU. Otherwise, SRVCTL starts CVU on all nodes.


An example of this command to start CVU on a single node of a cluster is:
$ srvctl start cvu -node crmnode1

srvctl status cvu

Displays the current state of the CVU resource on one node in a cluster. If you specify a node name, then the command checks CVU status on that node.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl status cvu [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify a particular node where the CVU resource is running, if it is not the local node.


The local and global status can be different, if CVU is enabled or disabled on selected nodes. Do not use the -node parameter to change CVU status globally.


An example of this command to check the status of CVU on the node in the cluster named crmnode1 is:
$ srvctl status cvu -node crmnode1

srvctl stop cvu

Stops the Configuration Verification Utility (CVU) that is either in the running or starting state.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl stop cvu [-force]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify the -force parameter to stop CVU if it is a dependant resource.


An example of this command to stop CVU:
$ srvctl stop cvu

srvctl add exportfs

Creates an export file system configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl add exportfs -name unique_name -id havip_name -path path_to_export
    [-clients export_clients] [-options export_options] [-type NFS | SMB]


Table F-22 svrctl add exportfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter a unique name for the export file system that you are creating. This parameter is required.

-id havip_name

Enter the number or name that identifies an existing HAVIP, that you specified in the srvctl add havip command. This parameter is required.

-path path_to_export

Enter the path to the Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) that you want to export. This parameter is required.

-clients export_clients -options export_options

Optionally, enter a comma-delimited list of clients to which you want the file system exported. You can enter net groups and wildcards. For example:

-clients @netgroup1,
*.example.com,, hostname1

Note: You can use the -clients parameter only for Linux systems. Use the -options parameter for Solaris and AIX systems.

-type NFS | SMB

Specify the export type (NFS for a network file system or SMB for Oracle ACFS server message block). The default is NFS for Linux and UNIX platforms, and SMB for Windows.

Usage Notes

  • You cannot use the –clients parameter with —type SMB.

  • You must run this command as root on Linux and UNIX platforms.


To export with operating system defaults:

# srvctl add exportfs -name cifsExport -path "/acfs1" -options "browsable = yes,read only = no,comment = acfs1"

To export read-only to certain clients:

# srvctl add exportfs -name export1 -id havip1 -path /u01/db1 -clients node1 -options ro

srvctl config exportfs

Displays the configuration information for the export file system in Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl config exportfs [-name unique_name | -id havip_name]


Table F-23 srvctl config exportfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter the unique name of the NFS export for which you want to display the configuration.

-id havip_name

Enter the name of a HAVIP to display the configuration of all the NFS exports attached to the specific HAVIP.


If you specify the -name parameter, then this command returns output similar to the following, whether you specify -name or -id:

$ srvctl config exportfs -id havip1

export file system kep1 is configured
Exported path: /scratch/ghnew/base/mymount3
Export options: 
Export Type: 
Exported clients: 
export file system kexp2 is configured
Exported path: /scratch/ghnew/base/mymount3
Export options: 
Export Type: 
Exported clients: 

srvctl disable exportfs

Disables an export file system managed by Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl disable exportfs -name filesystem_name

Usage Notes

  • This command takes only the unique name of the file system you want to disable.

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


The following example disables an export file system called export1:

# srvctl disable exportfs -name export1

srvctl enable exportfs

Enables an export file system configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl enable exportfs -name filesystem_name

This command takes only the name of the file system you want to enable, which is a required parameter.

Usage Notes

You must run this command as the root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


The following command example enables a file system named export1:

# srvctl enable exportfs -name export1

srvctl modify exportfs

Modifies an export file system configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl modify exportfs -name unique_name [-path path_to_export]
    [-clients node_list] [-options nfs_options_string]


Table F-24 srvctl modify exportfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter the unique name of the NFS export file system to modify. This parameter is required.

-path path_to_export

You can modify the path to the Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) where the export is located.

-clients node_list

You can modify the comma-delimited list of clients (hosts) to where the file system is exported. You can enter net groups and wildcards. For example:

-clients @netgroup1,*.example.com,, hostname1

Note: You can use the -clients parameter only for Linux systems. Use the -options parameter for Oracle Solaris and IBM AIX systems.

-options nfs_client_string

Use this parameter to modify the export options for the export file system.

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.

  • You must start and stop the NFS export before any changes you make take effect.


The following command example modifies the path of an export file system named exportfs1:

# srvctl modify exportfs -name exportfs1 -path /mnt/racdb1

srvctl remove exportfs

Removes the specified export file system configuration.


srvctl remove exportfs -name exportfs_name [-force]


Table F-25 srvctl remove exportfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name exportfs_name

Enter the unique name of the export file system you want to remove.


Use this parameter to ignore any dependencies and forcibly remove the export file system.

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.

  • If you do not use the -force parameter, then you must first stop the export file system you want to remove before you remove it.

  • If you use the -force parameter, then the resulting configuration can cause errors when attempting to shut down the Oracle Clusterware stack.


To remove the stopped export file system named export1:

# srvctl remove exportfs -name export1

To remove a running export file system, leaving it exported:

# srvctl remove exportfs -name export1 -force

srvctl start exportfs

Starts an export file system configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl start exportfs {-name unique_name | -id havip_name}


Table F-26 srvctl start exportfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter the unique name of the NFS export you want to start.

-id havip_name

The unique ID associated with the HAVIP resource.


To start an export file system:

$ srvctl start exportfs -name export1

srvctl status exportfs

Displays the status of an export file system configuration.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl status exportfs [-name unique_name | -id havip_name]


Table F-27 srvctl status exportfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Optionally, you can specify the unique name of the NFS export for which you want to display the status.

-id havip_name

Alternatively, you can specify the name of an HAVIP resource and display the status of all of the NFS exports associated with the specified HAVIP resource.

Usage Notes

If you do not specify any parameters, then SRVCTL displays the status for all NFS exports in the cluster.


This command returns output similar to the following:
$ srvctl status exportfs

export file system export1 is enabled
export file system export1 is not exported
export file system export2 is enabled
export file system export2 is exported on node node1

srvctl stop exportfs

Stops an export file system configuration managed by Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl stop exportfs {-name unique_name | -id havip_name} [-force]


Table F-28 srvctl stop exportfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Enter the unique name of the NFS export you want to stop.

-id havip_name

Alternatively, you can specify the name of an HAVIP. If you specify this parameter, then SRVCTL stops all of the NFS exports associated with the HAVIP resource you specify.


Stop the NFS export, ignoring errors.

Usage Notes

You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl stop exportfs -name export1

srvctl add filesystem

Adds a device containing a file system (Oracle Advanced Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) or other) to the Oracle Clusterware stack for automount and high availability.

An Oracle ACFS file system resource is typically created for use with application resource dependency lists. For example, if an Oracle ACFS file system is configured for use as an Oracle Database home, then a resource created for the file system can be included in the resource dependency list of the Oracle Database application. This will cause the file system and stack to be automatically mounted because of the start action of the database application.


srvctl add filesystem {-device volume_device | -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name}
    -path mountpoint_path [-node "node_list"] 
    [-user "user_list"] [-mountowner user_name] [-mountgroup group_name] [-mountperm octal_permission] 
    [-fstype {ACFS | EXT3 | EXT4}] [-fsoptions options] [-description description]
    [-appid application_id] [-autostart {ALWAYS | NEVER | RESTORE}] [-acceleratorvols volume_name]


Oracle supports the EXT3 and EXT4 values for the -fstype parameter only for Linux.


Table F-29 srvctl add filesystem Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path to the file system volume device.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the name of the disk group on which the -volume is located.

-path mountpoint_path

Specify the mount point path that is used to set up dependencies on other resources for nested mounts. This must be an absolute path.

-node node_list

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which to mount the file system device. If you specify a list of nodes, then SRVCTL creates a single-node file system resource. Without any nodes, SRVCTL creates a file system resource that runs on every cluster node.

-user user_list

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of users authorized to mount and unmount the file system.

If the file system is for Oracle Database software, then specify the name of the Oracle home owner.

If you specify no users, then only root can mount and unmount the file system, or run srvctl start filesystem on the file system.

-mountowner user_name

Optionally, you can specify the user who is the mount point owner.

-mountgroup group_name

Optionally, you can specify the group that includes the mount point owners.

-mountperm octal_permission

Optionally, you can specify the permissions (OCTAL format) for the mount point.

-fstype {ACFS | EXT3 | EXT4}

Optionally, you can specify the type of file system to be mounted. The default value is ACFS.

If the type of file system to be mounted is not ACFS, then it must be a single-node file system, and you must specify -node.

-fsoptions options

Optionally, you can specify options used to mount the file system. The options are file system and operating system dependent.

-description description

Optionally, you can specify a description of the file system. This is stored as an attribute for later viewing by an administrator.

-appid application_id

Optionally, you can specify an application ID, which is a unique identifier used to group file systems into logical groupings. You can use this method to group file systems that may be different on different nodes but are used by an application that must have a dependency on the resource type, which is ora.id.fs.type.

-autostart {ALWAYS | NEVER | RESTORE}

Optionally, you can specify the file system resource autostart policy.

  • ALWAYS: The file system resource always automatically starts.
  • NEVER: The file system does not automatically start.
  • RESTORE: The file system is restored to its last state. This is the default option.
-acceleratorvols volume_name

Optionally, you can specify the accelerator volume. An accelerator volume is a secondary Oracle ACFS volume that is used by Oracle ACFS to store critical metadata.

Usage Notes

  • Use the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to add, or specify -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name.

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms.

  • This command must be run only one time from the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.

  • To manage Oracle ACFS on Oracle Database installations, use the SRVCTL binary in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home for a cluster (Grid home). If you have Oracle RAC or Oracle Database installed, then you cannot use the SRVCTL binary in the database home to manage Oracle ACFS.

  • Standard Edition High Availability (SEHA) databases are supported only on Oracle Database 19c (19.7) release or later.

  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


To add the d1volume1-295 disk device in the disk group RAC_DATA as the Oracle ACFS volume VOLUME1 with a mount point of /oracle/cluster1/acfs:
# srvctl add filesystem -device /dev/asm/d1volume1-295
  -path /oracle/cluster1/acfs1
To add an Oracle ACFS file system on the dynamic volume device asm-test-55, with this file system mounted on one of the specified nodes at a time:
# srvctl add filesystem -fstype ACFS -device asm-test-55 -path myacfs
 -node node1,node2,node3

To add an Oracle ACFS file system for configuring Standard Edition High Availability (SEHA) on the sehome volume of the DATA disk group with a mount point of /u01/app/oracle:

# srvctl add filesystem -volume sehome -diskgroup DATA -path /u01/app/oracle -fstype ACFS 
  -autostart ALWAYS -user oracle

srvctl config filesystem

Displays the configuration for a specific file system resource.


srvctl config filesystem [-device volume_device | -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name]


Table F-30 srvctl config filesystem Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path to the file system volume device.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the name of the disk group on which the -volume is located.

Usage Notes

  • Use the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to display the configuration or specify -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name.

  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


The following example lists the configuration of all file systems:
$ srvctl config filesystem
The following example displays the configuration for a specific device:
$ srvctl config filesystem -device /dev/asm/d1volume1-295

srvctl disable filesystem

Disables a specific Oracle Clusterware-managed file system volume.


srvctl disable filesystem {-device volume_device | -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name}


Table F-31 srvctl disable filesystem Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path to the file system volume device.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the name of the disk group on which the -volume is located.

Usage Notes

  • Use the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to disable, or specify -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name.

  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


An example of this command is:
# srvctl disable filesystem -device /dev/asm/racvol1

srvctl enable filesystem

Enables an Oracle ACFS volume or generic file system in Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl enable filesystem {-device volume_device | -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name}


Table F-32 srvctl enable filesystem Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path to the file system volume device.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the name of the disk group on which the -volume is located.

Usage Notes

  • Use the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to enable, or specify -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name.

  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


An example of this command is:
# srvctl enable filesystem -device /dev/asm/racvol1

srvctl modify filesystem

Modifies the configuration of the file system resource.


srvctl modify filesystem 
    {-device volume_device | -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name} 
    [-user {/+|/-}user_name | "user_list"]
    [-mountowner user_name] [-mountgroup group_name] [-mountperm octal_permission] 
    [-path mountpoint_path] [-node "node_list"]
    [-fsoptions options] [-description description]
    [-autostart {ALWAYS | NEVER | RESTORE}] [-force]


Table F-33 srvctl modify filesystem Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path to the file system volume device.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the name of the disk group on which the -volume is located.

-user user_name | "user_list"

Specify the user(s) who is authorized to mount and unmount the file system. You can add (/+) or remove (/-) single a user, or replace the entire set of users with a comma-delimited list. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL defaults to the user running the command.

-mountowner user_name

Modify the owner of the mount point with the specified value.

-mountgroup group_name

Modify the group of the mount point with the specified value.

-mountperm octal_permission

Modify the permissions of the user, group, and others with the specified value.

-path mountpoint_path

Modify the mount point path that is used to set up dependencies on other resources for nested mounts. This must be an absolute path.

-node "node_list"

Modify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which to mount the file system device. If you specify a list of nodes, then SRVCTL creates a single-node file system resource. Without any nodes, SRVCTL creates a file system resource that runs on every cluster node.

-fsoptions options

Modify options used to mount the file system. The options (comma-delimited list) are file system and operating system dependent.

-description description

Modify the description of the file system.

-autostart {ALWAYS | NEVER | RESTORE}

Modify the file system resource autostart policy.

  • ALWAYS: The file system resource always automatically starts
  • NEVER: The file system does not automatically start
  • RESTORE: The file system is restored to its last state. This is the default option.

Force modification. This option ignores dependencies.

Usage Notes

  • Use the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to modify, or specify -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name.

  • When performing online changes to the file system resource, the changes take effect only after the resource is next (re)started.

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.

  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


The following example changes the authorized user to sysad for the RACVOL1 volume:
# srvctl modify filesystem -device /dev/asm/racvol1 -user /+sysad

srvctl predict filesystem

Predicts the consequences of file system failure.


srvctl predict filesystem {-device volume_device | -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name} [-verbose]


Table F-34 srvctl predict filesystem Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path to the file system volume device.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the name of the disk group on which the -volume is located.


Optionally, you can use the -verbose parameter to display detailed output.

Usage Notes

  • Specify the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to predict the consequences of file system failure, or specify -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name.

  • Optionally, you can choose verbose output.

  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl predict filesystem -device /dev/asm/volume1-123

srvctl remove filesystem

Removes a specific file system resource from the cluster.


srvctl remove filesystem {-device volume_device | -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name} [-force]


Table F-35 srvctl remove filesystem Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path to the file system volume device.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the name of the disk group on which the -volume is located.


Optionally, you can use the -force parameter to forcibly remove the resource from the cluster.

Usage Notes

  • Specify the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to remove, or specify -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name.

  • Optionally, you can use the -force parameter to ignore any resource dependencies and forcibly remove the resource from the cluster.

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms.

  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


An example of this command is:
# srvctl remove filesystem -device /dev/asm/racvol1

srvctl start filesystem

Starts (mounts) the file system resource.


srvctl start filesystem {-device volume_device | -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name} [-node node_name]


Table F-36 srvctl start filesystem Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path of the file system resource device that you want to start.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the name of the disk group on which the -volume is located.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the node on which the file system resource should be started.

If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL starts the file system resource on all the available nodes in the cluster.

Usage Notes

  • Use the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to start, or specify -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name.

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms, or as a configured file system user.

    If srvctl add filesystem was run with the -user parameter to identify users authorized to mount and unmount the file system, then you can run srvctl start filesystem as one of the configured file system users.

    See Also:

    srvctl add filesystem for more information about configuring file system users

  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


To start a file system on all configured nodes in the cluster:
$ srvctl start filesystem -device /dev/asm/data_db1-68
To start the file system on node1:
$ srvctl start filesystem -device /dev/asm/data_db1-68 -node node1

srvctl status filesystem

Displays the status of the file system resource.


srvctl status filesystem [-device volume_device | -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name] [-verbose]


Table F-37 srvctl status filesystem Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path to the file system volume device.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the name of the disk group on which the -volume is located.


Optionally, you can use the -verbose parameter to display detailed output.

Usage Notes

  • Optionally, you can use the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to obtain status, or specify -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name. If you do not specify -device or -volume -diskgroup, then SRVCTL displays the status of all file systems.

  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


You can specify a device, or volume and disk group.

For example, if you specify a device name:
$ srvctl status filesystem -d /dev/asm/fs1vol-358
ACFS file system /acfs/fs1 is not mounted

$ srvctl start filesystem -d /dev/asm/fs1vol-358
$ srvctl status filesystem -d /dev/asm/fs1vol-358
ACFS file system /acfs/fs1 is mounted on nodes nd1-4n-01,nd1-4n-02,nd1-4n-03,nd1-4n-04
For example, if you specify a volume and disk group:
$ srvctl status filesystem -volume fs1vol -diskgroup DATA
ACFS file system /acfs/fs1 is mounted on nodes nd1-4n-01,nd1-4n-02,nd1-4n-03,nd1-4n-04
If you do not specify a device, or volume and disk group:
$ srvctl status filesystem
ACFS file system /acfs/fs1 is mounted on nodes nd1-4n-01,nd1-4n-02,nd1-4n-03,nd1-4n-04


In the preceding examples, the file system is Oracle ACFS. If you are using other file systems, then the file systems display as EXT3 or EXT4.

srvctl stop filesystem

Stops (unmounts) the Oracle ACFS file system or generic file system.


srvctl stop filesystem {-device volume_device | -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name} [-node node_name] [-force]


Table F-38 srvctl stop filesystem Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-device volume_device

Specify the path to the file system volume device that you want to stop.

-volume volume_name

Specify the name of the volume.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the name of the disk group on which the -volume is located.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a node. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL stops the volume resource on all active nodes in the cluster.


Optionally, you can use -force to stop the file system and also stop any databases or other resources that depend on this file system.

Usage Notes

  • Use the -device parameter to specify the path to the file system resource for which you want to stop, or specify -volume volume_name -diskgroup disk_group_name.

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms, or as a configured file system user.

    If srvctl add filesystem was run with the -user parameter to identify users authorized to mount and unmount the file system, then you can run srvctl stop filesystem as one of the configured file system users.

    See Also:

    srvctl add filesystem for more information about configuring file system users

  • This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


An example of this command is:
# srvctl stop filesystem -device /dev/asm/racvol_1 -force

srvctl add gns

Adds the Grid Naming Service (GNS) to a cluster when you are using a DHCP public network.


Use the srvctl add gns command with one of the following syntax models:

To add GNS to a cluster that is not currently running GNS:

srvctl add gns [-domain domain_name] -vip {vip_name | ip_address} [-skip] [-verbose]


Table F-39 srvctl add gns Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-domain domain_name

The network subdomain that is used for Forward DNS Lookup of cluster IP addresses. You can only use this parameter if you specify -vip, and you must use this parameter if the cluster to which you are adding GNS has a GNS zone delegation and you are using DHCP. The cluster to which you add GNS using -vip with the -domain parameters becomes a server cluster.

If you do not specify -domain, then SRVCTL adds GNS without a domain.

-vip {vip_name | ip_address}

Specify either the virtual IP (VIP) name or IP address on which GNS listens for DNS requests.

Use the -domain parameter with -vip to make the cluster to which you are adding GNS a server cluster.

-skip Specify this parameter to skip the reachability check of the VIP address.
-verbose Verbose output.

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms.

  • When you are adding GNS to a cluster for the first time, use the -vip parameter with the -domain parameter.


To add GNS to a cluster:

# srvctl add gns -vip -domain cluster.mycompany.com

srvctl config gns

Displays the configuration for the grid naming service (GNS).


srvctl config gns [-detail] [-subdomain] [-multicastport] [-node node_name] [-port] [-status]
  [-version] [-query name] [-list] [-clusterguid] [-clustername] [-loglevel]
  [-network] [-instances]


Table F-40 srvctl config gns Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Print detailed configuration information about the GNS.


Display the subdomain served by GNS.


Display the port on which the GNS daemon is listening for multicast requests.

-node node_name

Display the configuration information for GNS on the specified node.


Display the port that the GNS daemon uses to communicate with the DNS server.


Display the status of GNS.


Display the version of GNS.

-query name

Query GNS for the records belonging to a specific name.


List all records in GNS.


Display the globally unique identifier of the cluster where GNS is running.


Display the name of the cluster where GNS is running.


Print the log level of the GNS.


Display network on which GNS is listening.


Display the instance list.

srvctl disable gns

Disables GNS for a specific node, or all available nodes in the cluster.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl disable gns [-node node_name] [-verbose]

Usage Notes

  • Optionally, you can specify the name of a node in the cluster on which you want to disable GNS. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL disables GNS for the entire cluster.

  • Optionally, you can use the -verbose parameter to display detailed output.


An example of this command to disable GNS on the node named crm7 is:
$ srvctl disable gns -node crm7

srvctl enable gns

Enables GNS on all nodes or a specific node.


This command can be used only with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl enable gns [-node node_name] [-verbose]

Usage Notes

  • Optionally, you can specify the name of a node on which you want to enable GNS. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL enables GNS on all nodes in the cluster.

  • Optionally, you can use the -verbose parameter to print detailed output.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl enable gns -node node1

srvctl modify gns

Modifies the IP address, domain, or other configuration parameters used by the grid naming service (GNS).


Use the srvctl modify gns command with one of the following syntax models:

srvctl modify gns -loglevel log_level


srvctl modify gns [-resolve name] [-verify name]
  [-parameter name:value[,name:value...]]
  [-vip {vip_name | ip_address} [-skip]] [-verbose]


Table F-41 srvctl modify gns Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-loglevel log_level

Specify the GNS diagnostic logging level (acceptable values are 1-6).

-resolve name

Resolve the name you specify through GNS.

-verify name

Check to see if the specified name is advertised through GNS.

-parameter name:value[,name:value...]

Set the value of one or more configuration parameters.

-vip {vip_name | ip}

Specify a VIP name or IP address on which GNS is to listen.

Note: You can modify this attribute using Online Resource Attribute Modification.

-skip Specify this parameter to skip the reachability check of the VIP address.
-verbose Verbose output.


An example of this command is:

$ srvctl modify gns -vip

srvctl relocate gns

Relocates GNS from its current hosting node to another node within the cluster.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl relocate gns [-node node_name] [-verbose]

Usage Notes

  • Optionally, you can specify the name of a node to which you want to move GNS.

  • Optionally, you can use the -verbose parameter to display verbose output.

  • On Linux and UNIX systems, you must be logged in as root and on Windows, you must be logged in as a user with Administrator privileges to run this command.


An example of this command is:
# srvctl relocate gns -node node1

srvctl remove gns

Removes GNS from the cluster.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl remove gns [-force] [-verbose]

Usage Notes

  • Optionally, you can use the -force parameter to forcibly remove GNS from the cluster, regardless of any errors that might occur.

  • Optionally, you can use the -verbose parameter to display verbose output.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl remove gns

srvctl start gns

Starts GNS on a specific node.


srvctl start gns [-loglevel log_level] [-node node_name] [-verbose]


Table F-42 srvctl start gns Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-loglevel log_level

Optionally, you can specify the level of logging with which GNS should run. Log levels vary between 1 (minimal tracing) and 6 (traces everything and is time consuming).

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a node in the cluster where you want to start GNS.


Optionally, you can use this parameter to display verbose output.

Usage Notes

You can only run this command in the server cluster. If you attempt to run this command in a client cluster, then an error occurs.


An example of this command to start the GNS on the cluster node named crmnode1 is:

$ srvctl start gns -node crmnode1

srvctl status gns

Displays the current state of GNS.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl status gns [-node node_name] [-verbose]

Usage Notes

  • Optionally, you can specify a node on which GNS is running for which you want to display the state.

  • Optionally, you can use the -verbose parameter to display detailed output.

srvctl stop gns

Stops GNS in the cluster.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl stop gns [-node node_name] [-force] [-verbose]

Usage Notes

  • Optionally, you can specify the name of a node on which GNS is running that you want to stop.

  • Optionally, you can use -force and -verbose to forcibly stop GNS and print detailed output, respectively.


An example of this command to stop GNS on the local node is:
$ srvctl stop gns

srvctl update gns

Modifies a Grid Naming Service (GNS) instance.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


Use the srvctl update gns command with one of these syntax models:

srvctl update gns -advertise name -address ip_address [-timetolive time_to_live

srvctl update gns -delete name [-address address] [-verbose]

srvctl update gns -alias alias -name name [-timetolive time_to_live] [-verbose]

srvctl update gns -deletealias alias [-verbose]

srvctl update gns -createsrv service -target target -protocol protocol
  [-weight weight] [-priority priority] [-port port_number]
  [-timetolive time_to_live] [-instance instance_name] [-verbose]

srvctl update gns -deletesrv service_name -target target -protocol protocol

srvctl update gns -createtxt name -target target [-timetolive time_to_live]
   [-namettl name_ttl] [-verbose]

srvctl update gns -deletetxt name -target target [-verbose]

srvctl update gns -createptr name -target target [-timetolive time_to_live]
   [-namettl name_ttl] [-verbose]

srvctl update gns -deleteptr name -target target [-verbose]


Table F-43 srvctl update gns Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-advertise name

Use this parameter to advertise a name through GNS.

-address ip_address

Specify the IP address for an advertised name.

-timetolive time_to_live

Optionally, you can specify, in seconds, an amount of time for the record to live.

-delete name

Use this parameter to remove the advertisement of a name from GNS.

-alias alias

Use this parameter to create an alias for an advertised name.

-name name

You must specify a name to associate with the alias.

-deletealias alias

Use this parameter to delete an alias.

-createsrv service

Use this parameter to create a service that is described by the record.

-target target

Use this parameter to associate a name with the service.

-protocol protocol

Use this parameter to specify which protocol is used to connect to the service.

-weight weight

Optionally, you can specify the weight of the record.

-priority priority

Optionally, you can specify a priority of the record, with a value ranging from 0 to 65535.

-port port_number

Optionally, you can specify a port number used to connect to the service, with a value ranging from 0 to 65535.

-instance instance_name

Optionally, you can specify an instance name for the service.

-deletesrv service_name

Use this parameter to specify the name of the service record you want to delete.

-createtxt name

Use this parameter to add a text (TXT) record using the specified name.

-namettl name_ttl

Optionally, you can specify the time, in seconds, to live for the name.

-deletetxt name

Use this parameter to delete a text (TXT) record for a specific name.

-createptr name

Use this parameter to add a pointer (PTR) record for a specific name.

-deleteptr name

Use this parameter to delete a pointer (PTR) record for a specific name.

Usage Notes

You must be logged in as the root user on Linux and UNIX platforms, or as an Administrator user on Windows platforms, to run this command.


The following command advertises a name with GNS:
# srvctl update gns -advertise myname -address

srvctl add havip

Adds highly available VIPs (HAVIPs) (used for highly available NFS and SMB exports) to a cluster.


srvctl add havip -id havip_name -address {host_name | ip_address}
    [-netnum network_number] [-description text] [-skip] [-homenode node_name]


Table F-44 srvctl add havip Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-id havip_name

Specify a unique ID for the HAVIP resource.

-address {host_name | ip_address}

Specify either a host name or an IPv4 IP address for the HAVIP you are going to create.

Note: You must configure the IPv4 IP address with a non-DHCP, non-round robin DNS address.

-netnum network_number

Optionally, you can specify a network resource upon which the HAVIP depends. The default value for this parameter is 1.

-description text

Optionally, you can specify a text description of the HAVIP.


Optionally, you can specify this parameter to skip the reachability check for the IP address.

-homenode node_name

Optionally, you can specify a preferred node or an empty string to clear the home node.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl add havip -id myhavip -address -netnum 2 -description
    "My HA VIP" -skip -homenode myNode2

srvctl config havip

Displays configuration information for a specific highly available VIP (HAVIP) (used for highly available NFS and SMB exports) or all HAVIP resources in a cluster.


Use the srvctl config havip command with the following syntax:

srvctl config havip [-id havip_name]


Table F-45 srvctl config havip Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-id havip_name

Specify the unique name of the HAVIP resource you want to display. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL displays the configuration information for all HAVIPs known to Oracle Clusterware.


This command returns output similar to the following:

$ srvctl config havip -id hrexports

VIP: /mjk-vm3-vip/
Description: HR Exports

srvctl disable havip

Prevents a specific highly-available VIP (HAVIP) (used for highly-available NFS and SMB exports) resource from running on a number of specified nodes.


srvctl disable havip -id havip_name [-node node1,node2,...,noden]


Table F-46 srvctl disable havip Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-id havip_name

Specify the unique name of the HAVIP resource you want to disable.

-node node1,node2,...,noden

Specify the name of a node or a comma-delimited list of node names on which you do not want the HAVIP resource to run.

If you specify all but one node in the cluster, then the HAVIP will not fail over.

Usage Notes

You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl disable havip -id myhavip -node myNode1,myNode3

srvctl enable havip

Enables a specific highly-available VIP (HAVIP) (used for highly-available NFS and SMB exports) to run on a number of specified nodes.


srvctl enable havip -id havip_name [-node node_name]


Table F-47 srvctl enable havip Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-id havip_name

Specify the unique name of the HAVIP resource you want to enable.

-node node_name

Specify the name of a node on which you want the HAVIP resource to be able to run.

Usage Notes

You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl enable havip -id myhavip -node myNode1

srvctl modify havip

Modifies a highly-available VIP (HAVIP) (used for highly-available NFS and SMB exports).


srvctl modify havip -id havip_name [-address {host_name | ip_address}
    [-netnum network_number] [-skip]] [-description text] [-homenode node_name]


Table F-48 srvctl modify havip Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-id havip_name

Specify the unique name for the HAVIP resource you want to modify.

-address {host_name | ip_address

Specify either a host name or an IPv4 IP or IPv6 address for the HAVIP you want to modify.

Note: You must configure the IPv4 IP address with a non-DHCP, non-round robin DNS address.

-netnum network_number

Optionally, you can change the network resource upon which the HAVIP depends. The default value for this optional parameter is 1.


Specify this parameter to skip checking the reachability of the IP address.

-description text

Specify a text description for the HAVIP.

-homenode node_name

Optionally, you can specify a preferred node or an empty string to clear the home node.

Usage Notes

You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl modify havip -id myhavip -address -netnum 2

srvctl relocate havip

Relocates a highly-available VIP (HAVIP) (used for highly-available NFS and SMB exports) to another node in a cluster.


srvctl relocate havip -id havip_name [-node node_name] [-force]


Table F-49 srvctl relocate havip Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-id havip_name

Specify the unique name of the HAVIP resource you want to relocate.

-node node_name

Specify the name of the node to which you want to relocate the HAVIP resource.


Optionally, you can force the relocation of the HAVIP resource.


An example of this command is:

$ srvctl relocate havip -id myhavip -node node3

srvctl remove havip

Removes a highly-available VIP (HAVIP) (used for highly-available NFS and SMB exports).


srvctl remove havip -id havip_name [-force]


Table F-50 srvctl remove havip Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-id havip_name

Specify the unique name of the HAVIP resource you want to remove.


Use this parameter to forcibly remove the resource from the cluster and ignore any dependencies.

Usage Notes

  • You must first stop the HAVIP resource before you attempt to remove it.

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl remove havip -id myhavip -force

srvctl start havip

Starts a specific highly-available VIP (HAVIP) (used for highly-available NFS and SMB exports) on a specific node.


srvctl start havip -id havip_name [-node node_name]


Table F-51 srvctl start havip Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-id havip_name

Specify the unique name of the HAVIP resource you want to start.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can use the -node parameter to specify the name of the node on which the HAVIP resource starts.

Usage Notes

You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl start havip -id myhavip -node myNode1

srvctl status havip

Displays the status of all highly-available VIPs (HAVIPs) (used for highly-available NFS and SMB exports) in a cluster or one particular HAVIP.


srvctl status havip [-id havip_name]

Usage Notes

Specify the unique name of the HAVIP resource you want to display. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL displays the status of all HAVIPs known to Oracle Clusterware.


This command returns output similar to the following:

$ srvctl status havip

HAVIP ora.ha1.havip is enabled
HAVIP ora.ha1.havip is not running

srvctl stop havip

Stops the highly-available VIPs (HAVIPs) (used for highly-available NFS and SMB exports) on a specific node.


srvctl stop havip -id havip_name [-node node_name] [-force]


Table F-52 srvctl stop havip Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-id havip_name

Specify the unique name of the HAVIP resource to stop.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the node on which the HAVIP resource to stop resides.


Use this parameter to forcibly stop the HAVIP.

Usage Notes

You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl stop havip -id myhavip -node myNode1 -force

srvctl add ioserver

Adds an Oracle ASM IOServer configuration to the cluster.

When you configure or upgrade to an Oracle Flex Cluster, you can create an Oracle ASM IOServers on the nodes in the cluster.


srvctl add ioserver [-spfile spfile] [-count number_of_ioserver_instances| ALL] [-listener listener_name]


Table F-53 srvctl add ioserver Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-spfile spfile

Specify the path to the server parameter file.

-count number_of_ioserver_instances| ALL

Specify the number of Oracle ASM IOServer instances you want to add or ALL to add instances to all nodes.

-listener listener_name

Specify the name of the listener.


An example of this command is:

# srvctl add ioserver -count 2

srvctl config ioserver

Displays the configuration details of Oracle ASM IOServers.


srvctl config ioserver

Usage Notes

This command has no parameters.


This command displays output similar to the following:

$ srvctl config ioserver
ASM I/O Server instance count: 3
ASM I/O Server is enabled. 
ASM I/O server is enabled on nodes:
ASM I/O server is disabled on nodes:

srvctl disable ioserver

Disables an Oracle ASM IOServer.


srvctl disable ioserver -node node_name

Usage Notes

Use the -node parameter to specify the name of a cluster node on which you want to disable an Oracle ASM IOServer.

srvctl enable ioserver

Enable an Oracle ASM IOServer on a specific node.


srvctl enable ioserver [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Use the -node parameter to specify the name of a cluster node on which you want to enable an Oracle ASM IOServer.

srvctl getenv ioserver

Displays the values for environment variables associated with an Oracle ASM IOServer.


srvctl getenv ioserver [-envs "name_list"]

Usage Notes

Specify a comma-delimited list of the names of environment variables. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL displays the values of all environment variables associated with the database.

srvctl modify ioserver

Modifies an Oracle ASM IOServer configuration on a cluster.


srvctl modify ioserver [-spfile spfile] [-count number_of_ioserver_instances | ALL]
  [-listener listener_name] [-force] 


Table F-54 srvctl modify ioserver Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-spfile spfile

Optionally, specify the path to the server parameter file path.

-count number_of_ioserver_instances | ALL

Optionally, specify a number of instances or ALL (to modify instances on all nodes) that you want to modify. If you modify the count, then, because this results in a change in cardinality of the cluster resource, the changes take effect immediately.

-listener listener_name

Optionally, specify the name of the listener.


Optionally, you can ignore any dependencies and force the modification of the Oracle ASM IOServer.

srvctl relocate ioserver

Relocates an Oracle ASM IOServer instance from its current hosting node to another node within the cluster.


srvctl relocate ioserver -currentnode node_name [-targetnode node_name] [-force]


Table F-55 srvctl relocate ioserver Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-currentnode node_name

The name of the node on which the Oracle ASM IOServer instance currently resides

-targetnode node_name

The name of the node to which to relocate the IOServer instance


Optionally, you can force the relocation of the Oracle ASM IOServer instance


The following command relocates the Oracle ASM IOServer from a node called crsNode2 to a node called crsNode5:

$ srvctl relocate ioserver -currentnode crsNode2 -targetnode crsNode5

srvctl remove ioserver

Use this command to remove an Oracle ASM IOServer instance from the cluster.


srvctl remove ioserver [-force]

Usage Notes

Use the -force parameter to forcibly remove the Oracle ASM IOServer instance, ignoring any dependencies.

srvctl setenv ioserver

Administers the environment configuration for an Oracle ASM IOServer.


srvctl setenv ioserver {-envs "name=val[,name=val][...]" | -env "name=val"}


Table F-56 srvctl setenv ioserver Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-envs "name=val,..."

Comma-delimited list of name-value pairs of environment variables enclosed in double quotation marks ("").

-env "name=val"

Alternatively, use this parameter to set a single environment variable to a value that contains commas or other special characters, enclosed in double quotation marks ("").

srvctl start ioserver

Starts Oracle ASM IOServers in the cluster.

You can also start an Oracle ASM IOServer on a particular cluster node by specifying the node name.


srvctl start ioserver [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

If you choose to start an Oracle ASM IOServer on a particular cluster node, then use the -node parameter and specify the name of the node. If you do not specify a particular cluster node, then SRVCTL starts all Oracle ASM IOServers in the cluster.


The following command starts an Oracle ASM IOServer on a cluster node named mjk46:

$ srvctl start ioserver -node mjk46

srvctl status ioserver

Displays the status of Oracle ASM IOServers running in the cluster.

You can display the status of all Oracle ASM IOServers running a cluster, the status of an Oracle ASM IOServer running on a particular cluster node, or the information about clients from a specific database.


srvctl status ioserver [-node node_name] [-detail]


Table F-57 srvctl status ioserver Parameters

Parameter Description
—node node_name

Specify a particular cluster node to display the status of the Oracle ASM IOServer resource instance running there. If you do not specify a cluster node, then SRVCTL returns the status of all Oracle ASM IOServer resource instances running in the cluster.


Use this parameter to display more detailed information about the status of the Oracle ASM IOServer.


If you run the command with the -detail parameter, then SRVCTL displays output similar to the following:

$ srvctl status ioserver -detail
ASM I/O Server is enabled
ASM I/O Server is running on nodes: mjk376, mjk377

ASM I/O Server instance +IOS1 running on node mjk376 is connected to ASM instance +ASM2:
Number of clients connected: 2
Names of clients: later14, alus16, later12, alus9, db0010

ASM I/O Server instance +IOS2 running on node mjk377 is connected to ASM instance +ASM3:
Number of clients connected: 3
Number of requests completed per sec: 110
Names of networks: eth1, eth2
Names of clients: later11, later3, later14, later15, later16, alus19, alus17, alus13

srvctl stop ioserver

Stops an Oracle ASM IOServer in the cluster.


srvctl stop ioserver [-node node_name] [-force]

Usage Notes

  • Use the -node parameter to stop an Oracle ASM IOServer on a particular cluster node. If you do not specify a particular node, then SRVCTL stops all of the Oracle ASM IOServers in the cluster.

  • Use the -force parameter to stop an Oracle ASM IOServer, regardless of any dependencies.

srvctl unsetenv ioserver

Unsets the Oracle ASM IOServer environment configurations.


srvctl unsetenv ioserver -envs "name_list"

Usage Notes

Use the -envs parameter to specify a comma-delimited list of the names of environment variables enclosed in double quotation marks ("").

srvctl add mountfs

Adds Network Attached Storage (NAS) configuration to Oracle Clusterware.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl add mountfs -name mountfs_name -path mount_path -exportserver server_name
   -exportpath path [-mountoptions mount_options] [-user user]


Table F-58 srvctl add mountfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify a unique name for the NAS.

-path mount_path

Specify a mount path for the NAS.

-exportserver server_name

Specify a name for the export server.

-exportpath path

Specify an export file path.

-mountoptions mount_options

Optionally, you can specify mount options for the NAS.

-user user

Optionally, you can specify a user authorized to mount and dismount the NAS.

srvctl config mountfs

Displays the configuration information for a specific NAS.


Use this command only with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl config mountfs [-name mountfs_name]

Usage Notes

Specify the unique name of the NAS for which you want to display configuration information.

srvctl disable mountfs

Disables the specified NAS from Oracle Clusterware management.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl disable mountfs -name mountfs_name [-node node_list]


Table F-59 srvctl disable mountfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify the unique name for the NAS you want to disable.

-node node_list

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which to disable NAS.

srvctl enable mountfs

Enables the specified Network Attached Storage (NAS) for Oracle Clusterware management.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl enable mountfs -name mountfs_name [-node node_list]


Table F-60 srvctl enable mountfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify the unique name for the NAS you want to enable.

-node node_list

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which to enable NAS.

srvctl modify mountfs

Modifies Network Attached Storage (NAS) configuration in Oracle Clusterware.


This command is available only with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl modify mountfs -name mountfs_name [-path mount_path] [-exportserver server_name]
   [-exportpath path] [-mountoptions mount_options] [-user user_name]


Table F-61 srvctl modify mountfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify a unique name for the NAS you want to modify.

-path mount_path

Modify the mount path for the NAS.

-exportserver server_name

Modify the name of the export server.

-exportpath path

Modify the export file path.

-mountoptions mount_options

Modify mount options for the NAS.

-user user_name

Modify the user authorized to mount and dismount the NAS.

srvctl remove mountfs

Removes a specific NAS configuration.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl remove mountfs -name mountfs_name [-force]

Usage Notes

  • Specify the unique name for the NAS to mount.

  • Optionally, you can use the -force parameter to ignore resource dependencies while removing the NAS.

srvctl start mountfs

Mounts a specific NAS.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl start mountfs -name mountfs_name [-node node_list]


Table F-62 srvctl start mountfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify the unique name for the NAS to mount.

-node node_list

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of nodes on which to mount NAS.

srvctl status mountfs

Displays the current state of a specific NAS.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl status mountfs -name mountfs_name

Usage Notes

Specify the unique name of the NAS for which you want to display the status.

srvctl stop mountfs

Unmounts a specific NAS.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl stop mountfs -name mountfs_name [-node node_list] [-force]


Table F-63 srvctl stop mountfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name mountfs_name

Specify the unique name for the NAS to unmount.

-node node_list

Optionally, you can specify a comma-delimited list of nodes from which to unmount NAS.


Optionally, you can use the -force parameter to ignore resource dependencies while stopping NAS.

srvctl add netstorageservice

Adds the netstorageservice resource.


srvctl add netstorageservice -device volume_device


Table F-64 srvctl add netstorageservice Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-device volume_device

Specify the device and volume name to which you want to add the netstorageservice resource.


To add the netstorageservice resource:

$ srvctl add netstorageservice -device /dev/asm/data_db1-68

srvctl config netstorageservice

Displays the configuration details for the netstorageservice resource.


srvctl config netstorageservice


To list the netstorageservice resource configuration details:

$ srvctl config netstorageservice

srvctl disable netstorageservice

Disables the netstorageservice resource.


srvctl disable netstorageservice [-node node_name]


Table F-65 srvctl disable netstorageservice Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the node on which the netstorageservice resource should be disabled. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL disables the netstorageservice resource on all the available nodes in the cluster.


To disable the netstorageservice resource on a specified node:

$ srvctl disable netstorageservice -node node1

srvctl enable netstorageservice

Enables the netstorageservice resource.


srvctl enable netstorageservice [-node node_name]


Table F-66 srvctl enable netstorageservice Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the node on which the netstorageservice resource should be enabled. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL enables the netstorageservice resource on all the available nodes in the cluster.


To enable the netstorageservice resource on a specified node:

$ srvctl enable netstorageservice -node node1

srvctl remove netstorageservice

Removes the netstorageservice resource.


srvctl remove netstorageservice [-force]


Table F-67 srvctl remove netstorageservice Command Parameters

Parameter Description


Force a stop.


To remove the netstorageservice resource:

$ srvctl remove netstorageservice

srvctl start netstorageservice

Starts the netstorageservice resource.


srvctl start netstorageservice [-node node_name]


Table F-68 srvctl start netstorageservice Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the node on which the netstorageservice resource should be started. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL starts the netstorageservice resource on all the available nodes in the cluster.


To start the netstorageservice resource on a specified node:

$ srvctl start netstorageservice -node node1

srvctl status netstorageservice


srvctl status netstorageservice


To display the status of the netstorageservice resource:

$ srvctl status netstorageservice

srvctl stop netstorageservice

Stops the netstorageservice resource.


srvctl stop netstorageservice [-node node_name] [-force]


Table F-69 srvctl stop netstorageservice Command Parameters

Parameter Description

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of the node on which the netstorageservice resource should be stopped. If you do not specify this parameter, then SRVCTL stops the netstorageservice resource on all the available nodes in the cluster.


Force a stop.


To stop the netstorageservice resource on a specified node:

$ srvctl stop netstorageservice -node node1

srvctl add rhpclient

Adds a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client configuration file to the Oracle Clusterware configuration.


srvctl add rhpclient -clientdata path_to_file [-diskgroup disk_group_name -storage base_path] 
  [-enableTLS {YES|NO} [-p12certpath P12_file_absolute_path -certname custom_cert_name]] 
  [-email email_address -mailserver mail_server_address -mailserverport mail_server_port] [-verbose]


Table F-70 srvctl add rhpclient Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-clientdata path_to_file

Specify the path to the file that contains the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client data.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify the Oracle ASM disk group from which to create the Oracle ACFS file system for image storage.

-storage base_path

Specify a location that is available on all cluster nodes and that is used for mounting an Oracle ACFS that you create for image storage on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.

-enableTLS {YES|NO}

Specify this parameter to enable or disable TLS.


You must enable TLS to use custom security certificates.
-p12certpath P12_file_absolute_path

Specify absolute path to the P12 certificate file.

-certname custom_cert_name

Specify a name with which you want to register the certificate.

-email email_address

Specify an email address.

-mailserver mail_server_address

Specify the mail server address.

-mailserverport mail_server_port

Specify the mail server port number.


Displays verbose output.

-tlscert certificate_wallet

Specify path of the wallet that has security certificates stored in it.

Usage Notes

  • You cannot run this command on a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

  • You must run this command as root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.

  • This command does not create an Oracle Clusterware resource.

  • To store working copies in RHP_MANAGED_STORAGE on the client, you must specify the -diskgroup and -storage parameters with this command (or with ). An additional benefit of using these options applies to multi-node client clusters. When the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server provisions a working copy to the client cluster, the image is transferred to one node, and the client distributes it, internally, to remaining nodes.


The following command creates a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client:

# srvctl add rhpclient -clientdata /tmp/gnsdata

srvctl config rhpclient

Displays configuration information for a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl config rhpclient


This command returns output similar to the following:
$ srvctl config rhpclient

Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is configured
Cluster name: mjk9394
Storage base path: /scratch/aime/storage
Disk group: MJKRHPCDG
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server (RHPS): mjk8990clust
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server discovery string:
Port number: 8896
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is enabled
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is individually enabled on nodes:
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is individually disabled on nodes:

srvctl disable rhpclient

Disables a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance on a specific node from Oracle Clusterware management.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl disable rhpclient [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify a particular node on which to disable a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl disable rhpclient -node clusterNode01

srvctl enable rhpclient

Enables a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance on a specific node.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl enable rhpclient [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify the node on which you want to enable the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance. If you do not specify a node, then SRVCTL enables all of the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients in the Oracle Clusterware configuration.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl enable rhpclient -node clusterNode03

srvctl modify rhpclient

Changes the locations of the client data and image storage for the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.


srvctl modify rhpclient [-clientdata path_to_client_data] [-port rmi_port] [-diskgroup dg_name -storage base_path]
  [-p12certpath P12_file_absolute_path -certname custom_cert_name]
  [-email email_address -mailserver mail_server_address -mailserverport mail_server_port]


Table F-71 srvctl modify rhpclient Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-clientdata path_to_client_data

Modify the path to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client data.

-port rmi_port

Modify the RMI port number used by the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client.

-diskgroup dg_name

Modify the Oracle ASM disk group from which to create the Oracle ACFS file systems for image storage.

-storage base_path

Modify the location which is available on every cluster node but is not necessarily shared. It is not required that this location exist when you add a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client. All images are mounted on base_path/images for all local Oracle ACFS storage.

-p12certpath P12_file_absolute_path

Specify absolute path to the P12 certificate file.

-certname custom_cert_name

Specify a name with which you want to register the certificate.

-email email_address

Modify an email address.

-mailserver mail_server_address

Modify the mail server address.

-mailserverport mail_server_port

Modify the mail server port number.

-tlscert certificate_wallet

Specify path of the wallet that has security certificates stored in it.

Usage Notes

  • You must run this command as the root user on Linux and UNIX platforms.

  • You run this command only on Fleet Patching and Provisioning Clients.

  • After running this command, you must run srvctl stop rhpclient and srvctl start rhpclient on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client, so that it communicates the changes to the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.

srvctl relocate rhpclient

Relocates a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance to a different node.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl relocate rhpclient -node node_name

Usage Notes

Specify a node to which you want to relocate the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl relocate rhpclient -node crsNode03

srvctl remove rhpclient

Removes a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl remove rhpclient [-force]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can use the -force parameter to forcibly remove the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance, ignoring any dependencies.

srvctl start rhpclient

Start a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance on one or more nodes.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl start rhpclient [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Specify the node on which you want to start the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance. If you do not specify a node, then Oracle Clusterware determines the node where the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is to be started. The Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client resource has cardinality of 1 and Oracle Clusterware decides the placement when the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client resource is started.


An example of this command to start the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server on the node named crs3:
$ srvctl start rhpclient -node crs3

srvctl status rhpclient

Displays the current state of a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl status rhpclient

Usage Notes

This command does not accept any parameters except for -help.


This command displays output similar to the following:
$ srvctl status rhpclient

Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is enabled
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client is running on node mjk1270093

srvctl stop rhpclient

Stops a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client instance that is in a running or starting state.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl stop rhpclient

Usage Notes

This command does not accept any parameter, except for -help.

srvctl add rhpserver

Adds a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to the Oracle Clusterware configuration.


srvctl add rhpserver -storage base_path [-diskgroup disk_group_name | -vault vault_name] 
  [-email email_address -mailserver mail_server_address -mailserverport mail_server_port]
  [-pl_port RHP_progress_listener_port] [-clport RHP_copy_listener_port]
  [-enableTLS {YES|NO} [-p12certpath p12_file_path -certname cert_name]] [-enableHTTPS '{YES|NO}']
  [-dbtype {FPPDB|EXTERNAL} [-connstr connection_string [-dbadmin db_user]]] [-port_range low_val-high_val]  
  [-tmploc temporary_location] [-rhpsvip_address rhps_vip_address] 
  [-memsettings {LOW|MEDIUM|HIGH}] [-verbose] [-ssh_port ssh_port_number]


If -dbtype is set to EXTERNAL, then srvctl add rhpserver prompts for the sys user password for Oracle FPP repository database.


Table F-72 srvctl add rhpserver Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-storage base_path

Specify a location that is available on all cluster nodes. It is not necessary that this location be shared. The catalog for the server is kept in this location and all the image file systems are mounted on base_path/images.

-diskgroup disk_group_name

Specify a particular Oracle ASM disk group from which to create the Oracle ACFS file system for storing images.

-vault vault_name

Specify an Oracle Database vault name.

-enableTLS {YES|NO}

Specify this parameter to enable or disable TLS.


You must enable TLS to use custom security certificates.
-p12certpath P12_file_absolute_path

Specify absolute path to the P12 certificate file.

-certname custom_cert_name

Specify a name with which you want to register the certificate.

-email email_address

Specify an email address.

-mailserver mail_server_address

Specify the mail server address.

-mailserverport mail_server_port

Specify the mail server port number.

-pl_port RHP_progress_listener_port

Specify the Fleet Patching and Provisioning progress listener port number.

-clport RHP_copy_listener_port

Specify the Fleet Patching and Provisioning copy listener port number.

-enableHTTPS '{YES|NO}'

Enable Fleet Patching and Provisioning transport layer security for HTTP.


Specify the metadata repository type. The EXTERNAL option creates an Oracle Database repository.

-connstr connection_string

Specify the connection string for the database. This parameter is mandatory if you create an external metadata repository.

-dbadmin db_user

Specify a database user with DBA privileges on the external metadata repository. By default, SYS user is used. This parameter is not required if wallet is specified.

-port_range low_val-high_val

Specify the lower and upper port values for the ports to use for file transfer.


Modify the temporary location for Oracle FPP Server installation processing.

-rhpsvip_address rhps_vip_address

Specify the VIP address for the Oracle FPP Server.

-memsettings {LOW|MEDIUM|HIGH}
Modify the Java heap memory settings. The following settings are available:
  • LOW: Minimum heap memory is set to 128MB and maximum heap memory is set to 384MB.
  • MEDIUM: Minimum heap memory is set to 3GB and maximum heap memory is set to 5GB.
  • HIGH: Minimum heap memory is set to 6GB and maximum heap memory is set to 8GB.
-ssh_port ssh_port_number

Modify the SSH port that Oracle FPP use for command execution.

Usage Notes

  • You must be root user on Linux and UNIX platforms to run this command.

  • The default user is the user who installed Oracle Clusterware, and this user gets added to the user list for the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server resource.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl add rhpserver -storage /scratch/rhp_storage -diskgroup GHDGP_01 -dbtype FPPDB -dbadmin cdbadmin
Enter user "sys" password:

srvctl config rhpserver

Displays configuration information for a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl config rhpserver


This command returns output similar to the following:
$ srvctl config rhpserver

Storage base path: /scratch/rhp_storage
Disk Groups: GHDGP_01
Port number: 8896
Temporary Location:
Transfer port range:
Rapid Home Provisioning Server is enabled
Rapid Home Provisioning Server is individually enabled on nodes:
Rapid Home Provisioning Server is individually disabled on nodes:
Email address:
Mail server address:
Mail server port:
Transport Level Security enabled
HTTP Secure is enabled
Endpoint: rhps-vip:vip_address
Minimum Heap memory: 128, Maximum Heap memory: 384
SSH Port: 22
Connection Description: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=host_name)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=pdb1)))
Fri Jul 14 07:30:39 UTC 2023

srvctl disable rhpserver

Disables a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server on a specific node from Oracle Clusterware management.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl disable rhpserver [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify a node on which you want to disable the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl disable rhpserver -node clusterNode01

srvctl enable rhpserver

Use this command to enable a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server on a specific node.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl enable rhpserver [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify a node on which you want to enable the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server. If you do not specify a node, then SRVCTL enables all of the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Servers in the Oracle Clusterware configuration.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl enable rhpserver -node clusterNode03

srvctl modify rhpserver

Modifies the storage for a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


srvctl modify rhpserver [-port rmi_port [-force]] [-p12certpath P12_file_absolute_path -certname custom_cert_name]
   [-email email_address -mailserver mail_server_address -mailserverport mail_server_port] 
   [-pl_port RHP_progress_listener_port] [-clport RHP_copy_listener_port] [-resetcreds [-dbadmin db_admin_user_name] [-newpwd]] 
   [-enableHTTPS '{YES|NO}'] [-port_range low_val-high_val] [-tmploc temporary_location] [-rhpsvip_address rhps_vip_address] 
   [-httpport rhpserver_http_port] [-memsettings {LOW|MEDIUM|HIGH}] [-ssh_port ssh_port_number]


Table F-73 srvctl modify rhpserver Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-port rmi_port

Modify the RMI port number used by the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


Specify this parameter to stop and restart the resource to effect a change.

-p12certpath P12_file_absolute_path

Specify absolute path to the P12 certificate file.

-certname custom_cert_name

Specify a name with which you want to register the certificate.

-email email_address

Modify an email address.

-mailserver mail_server_address

Modify the mail server address.

-mailserverport mail_server_port

Modify the mail server port number.

-pl_port RHP_progress_listener_port

Modify the Fleet Patching and Provisioning progress listener port number.

-clport RHP_copy_listener_port

Modify the Fleet Patching and Provisioning copy listener port number.


Resets Oracle FPP schema credentials in the metadata repository.


Metadata repository database administrative user account name.


Specify a new password through standard input instead of automatically generating a password.

-enableHTTPS '{YES|NO}'

Enable Fleet Patching and Provisioning transport layer security for HTTP.

-port_range low_val-high_val

Modify the lower and upper port values for the ports to use for file transfer.


Modify the temporary location for Oracle FPP Server installation processing.

-rhpsvip_address rhps_vip_address

Specify the VIP address for the Oracle FPP Server.

-httpport rhpserver_http_port

Specify the HTTP port number.

-memsettings {LOW|MEDIUM|HIGH}
Modify the Java heap memory settings. The following settings are available:
  • LOW: Minimum heap memory is set to 128MB and maximum heap memory is set to 384MB.
  • MEDIUM: Minimum heap memory is set to 3GB and maximum heap memory is set to 5GB.
  • HIGH: Minimum heap memory is set to 6GB and maximum heap memory is set to 8GB.
-ssh_port ssh_port_number

Modify the SSH port that Oracle FPP use for command execution.

srvctl relocate rhpserver

Relocates a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server to a different node.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl relocate rhpserver [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify a node to which you want to relocate the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl relocate rhpserver -node crsNode03

srvctl remove rhpserver

Removes a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server instance configured for the cluster.


srvctl remove rhpserver [-resource] [-force] [-verbose]


Starting with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 23ai, the srvctl remove rhpserver command prompts for the sys user password for the Oracle FPP repository database.


Table F-74 srvctl remove rhpserver Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Optionally, you can remove the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server resource only, leaving its repository unaffected.


Forcibly remove the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, ignoring any dependencies.


Print verbose output.


An example of this command is:
$ srvctl remove rhpserver
Enter user "sys" password:

srvctl start rhpserver

Starts a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server on a specific node.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl start rhpserver [-node node_name]

Usage Notes

Optionally, you can specify a node on which you want to start the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


The following example starts the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server on a node named clusterNode03:
$ srvctl start rhpserver -node clusterNode03

srvctl status rhpserver

Displays the current state of a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl status rhpserver

Usage Notes

This command does not accept any parameters except for -help.


This command returns output similar to the following:
$ srvctl status rhpserver

Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is enabled
Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server is running on node mjk1270089

srvctl stop rhpserver

Stops a Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server that is in a running or starting state.


This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl stop rhpserver

Usage Notes

This command does not accept any parameter except for -help.

srvctl add vm

Adds a resource for Kernel Virtual Machines (VMs) to the Oracle Clusterware.


srvctl add vm -name unique_resource_name [-node "node_list"] [-failover {YES|NO}] 
    [-starttimeout start_timeout] [–stoptimeout stop_timeout] [-checkinterval check_interval]
    [-dbvm {YES|NO}] [-xmlpath domain_path] [-acfspath "acfs_path_list"] [-autostart {ALWAYS|NEVER|RESTORE}] 
    [-placement {balanced|restricted|favored}] [-description "KVM_resource_description"]


Table F-75 srvctl add vm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name resource_name

Specify a unique name for the virtual machine resource. If the name is not unique, then the command results in an error.

-node "node_list"

Optionally, you can specify the list of nodes to which to add the virtual machine resource.

A list of nodes must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("").

If you choose to specify a list of nodes, then the number of nodes must be greater than or equal to the number of virtual machine resources you specify.

-failover {YES|NO}

Specify whether or not to allow failover of KVM resources from the nodes on which they fail.

-starttimeout start_timeout

Specify a start timeout, in seconds.

–stoptimeout stop_timeout

Specify a stop timeout, in seconds. The default is 180 if you do not assign a value to the parameter.

-checkinterval check_interval

Specify an interval between checks, in seconds. The default is 10 if you do not assign a value to the parameter.

-dbvm {YES|NO}

Specify this flag to indicate that this VM resource belongs to a database server.

-xmlpath xml_domain_path

Specify the absolute path to the VM resource XML domain file.

-acfspath "acfs_path_list"

Specify the list of Oracle ACFS paths for VM resource usage.


This parameter is available only on the platforms on which Oracle ACFS is supported.

Autostart policy for the VM resource.

-placement {balanced|restricted|favored}

Specify how Oracle Clusterware selects a node on which to start the VM resource.

-description description

Provide a valid description for the VM resource.

Usage Notes

You must add virtual machine manager credentials before you add a virtual machine resource.


An example of this command is:

srvctl add vm -name vmres -node node1 -failover YES -autostart ALWAYS -placement balanced

srvctl check vm

Checks the status of a specific virtual machine or a virtual machine instance running on a specific node.


srvctl check vm -name resource_name [-node node_name]


Table F-76 srvctl check vm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name resource_name

Specify the name of the virtual machine resource for which you want to check the status.

-node node_name

Alternatively, specify the name of the node on which the virtual machine resides.

srvctl config vm

Lists the current configuration of a particular virtual machine.


srvctl config vm [-name unique_name]

Usage Notes

Specify the unique name of the virtual machine resource for which you want to display the configuration information. If you do not specify a particular virtual machine resource, then the command displays all of the virtual machine resources in the cluster.


This command displays output similar to the following, depending on the command syntax used:

srvctl config vm -name vmres1

VM resource name: vmres1
VMs: vm1, y, vm3
VM Names: x, y, z
VM IDs: vm1, vm2, vm3
Nodes: node1, node2
Stop Timeout: 7
Check Interval: 5
VM resource "vmres1" is enabled.
VM resource is individually enabled on nodes:
VM resource is individually disabled on nodes:
VM resource is individually disabed for VMs: vm2,vm3

srvctl config vm


srvctl disable vm

Disables a virtual machine resource.


srvctl disable vm -name unique_name [-node node_name]


Table F-77 srvctl disable vm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Specify the unique name of the virtual machine resource you want to disable.

-node node_name

Alternatively, specify the name of the node on which the virtual machine resides. If you specify this parameter, then SRVCTL does not allow any instances of the specified resource to run on that node.

Usage Notes

If you do not specify any of the optional parameters, then SRVCTL disables the virtual machine resource, and the enabled or disabled states of all the nodes are purged, but the state of the virtual machines within the resource remains unchanged.


An example of this command is:

$ srvctl disable vm -name vmres

srvctl enable vm

Enables a virtual machine resource.


srvctl enable vm -name unique_name [-node node_name]


Table F-78 srvctl enable vm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Specify the name of the virtual machine resource you want to enable.

-node node_name

Alternatively, specify the name of the node on which the virtual machine resides. If you specify this parameter, then SRVCTL does not allow any instances of the specified resource to run on that node.

Usage Notes

If you do not specify any of the optional parameters, then SRVCTL enables the virtual machine resource, and the enabled or disabled states of all the nodes are purged, but the state of the virtual machines within the resource remains unchanged.


An example of this command is:

$ srvctl enable -name vmres -node node3

srvctl modify vm

Modifies the virtual machine resource configuration.


srvctl modify vm -name unique_resource_name [-node "node_list"] [-failover {YES|NO}] 
    [-starttimeout start_timeout] [–stoptimeout stop_timeout] [-checkinterval check_interval]
    [-dbvm {YES|NO}] [-xmlpath domain_path] [-acfspath "acfs_path_list"] [-autostart {ALWAYS|NEVER|RESTORE}] 
    [-placement {balanced|restricted|favored}] [-description "KVM_resource_description"]


Table F-79 srvctl modify vm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name resource_name

Specify a unique name for the virtual machine resource. If the name is not unique, then the command results in an error.

-node "node_list"

Optionally, you can specify the list of nodes to which to modify the virtual machine resource configuration.

A list of nodes must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("").

If you choose to specify a list of nodes, then the number of nodes must be greater than or equal to the number of virtual machine resources you specify.

-failover {YES|NO}

Specify whether or not to allow failover of KVM resources from the nodes on which they fail.

-starttimeout start_timeout

Modify the start timeout, in seconds.

–stoptimeout stop_timeout

Modify the stop timeout, in seconds. The default is 180 if you do not assign a value to the parameter.

-checkinterval check_interval

Modify the interval between checks, in seconds. The default is 10 if you do not assign a value to the parameter.

-dbvm {YES|NO}

Specify this flag to indicate that this VM resource belongs to a database server.

-xmlpath xml_domain_path

Modify the absolute path to the VM resource XML domain file.

-acfspath "acfs_path_list"

Modify the list of Oracle ACFS paths for VM resource usage.


This parameter is available only on the platforms on which Oracle ACFS is supported.

Autostart policy for the VM resource.

-placement {balanced|restricted|favored}

Specify how Oracle Clusterware selects a node on which to start the VM resource.

-description description

Provide a valid description for the VM resource.


An example of this command is:

$ srvctl modify vm -name vmres -node "node1,node2" -stoptimeout 93 -autostart ALWAYS -placement balanced

srvctl relocate vm

Relocates a running virtual machine resource to another node, or relocates the virtual machine resource running on the specified node to another node.


srvctl relocate vm -name unique_name {-srcnode source_node_name}
   -node destination_node_name]


Table F-80 srvctl relocate vm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Specify the unique name of the virtual machine resource you want to relocate.

-srcnode source_node_name

Alternatively, you can specify a node from which you want to relocate a virtual machine resource.

-node destination_node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a destination node to which you want to relocate the virtual machine resource.


An example of this command is:

$ srvctl relocate -name vmres -srcnode node1 -node node3

srvctl remove vm

Removes a specific virtual machine resource.


srvctl remove vm -name unique_name [-force]

Usage Notes

Specify the unique name of the virtual machine resource you want to remove and, optionally, you can forcibly remove a running virtual machine resource.

srvctl start vm

Starts a specific virtual machine resource on a node.


srvctl start vm -name unique_name [-node node_name]


Table F-81 srvctl start vm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name resource_name

Specify the unique name of the virtual machine resource you want to start.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a node on which a virtual machine resides that contains the virtual machine resource you want to start.

Usage Notes

You can use the -node parameter to start a particular virtual machine resource on a particular node.


An example of this command is:

$ srvctl start vm -name vmres -node node3

srvctl status vm

Displays the currently known state of the virtual machine resource.


srvctl status vm -name unique_name [-node node_name]


Table F-82 srvctl status vm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Specify the unique name of the virtual machine resource for which you want to display the status.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a node on which a virtual machine resides that contains the virtual machine resource you want to display the status.


This command returns output similar to following, depending on which parameters you specify:

$ srvctl status vm -name vmres1

Virtual machine "vm1" of VM resource “vmres1” is running on node aime1.
Virtual machine "vm2" of VM resource “vmres1” is not running.
Virtual machine "vm3" of VM resource “vmres1” is running on node aime3

srvctl stop vm

Stops a specific virtual machine resource on the specified nodes.


srvctl stop vm -name unique_name [-node node_name] [-force]


Table F-83 srvctl stop vm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name unique_name

Specify the unique name of the virtual machine resource you want to stop.

-node node_name

Optionally, you can specify the name of a node on which a virtual machine resides that contains the virtual machine resource you want to stop.


Stop the VM resource forcefully.


An example of this command is:

$ srvctl stop vm -name vmres1 -node node1