C Diagrams for Basic SQL/JSON Path Expression Syntax

Syntax diagrams and corresponding Backus-Naur Form (BNF) syntax descriptions are presented for the basic SQL/JSON path expression syntax.

The basic syntax of SQL/JSON path expression is explained in Basic SQL/JSON Path Expression Syntax. This topic recapitulates that information in the form of syntax diagrams and BNF descriptions.

Figure C-1 json_basic_path_expression

Description of Figure C-1 follows
Description of "Figure C-1 json_basic_path_expression"

Figure C-2 json_absolute_path_expression

Description of Figure C-2 follows
Description of "Figure C-2 json_absolute_path_expression"

Figure C-3 json_nonfunction_steps

Description of Figure C-3 follows
Description of "Figure C-3 json_nonfunction_steps"

Figure C-7 json_array_index

Description of Figure C-7 follows
Description of "Figure C-7 json_array_index"

Array indexing is zero-based, so integer is a non-negative integer (0, 1, 2, 3,...).

The array index form last + integer is only for use with Oracle SQL function json_transform, and you cannot use it in combination with other indexes, including in a range specification (a json_array_step of the form json_array_index to json_array_index).

Figure C-14 json_relative_path-expr

Description of Figure C-14 follows
Description of "Figure C-14 json_relative_path-expr"

Figure C-17 json_scalar

Description of Figure C-17 follows
Description of "Figure C-17 json_scalar"


json_string is a JSON string literal. json_number is a standard JSON number literal: a decimal numeral, possibly signed and possibly including a decimal exponent. See JSON Syntax and the Data It Represents.

See Also: