About Oracle Database Release Numbers

Oracle Database releases are categorized by five numeric segments that indicate release information.


Starting with October 2022, Oracle provides quarterly updates in the form of Release Updates (Updates, or RU) and Monthly Recommended Patches (MRPs). Oracle no longer releases patch sets or bundle patch sets. MRPs replace Release Update Revisions (RURs). For more information, see My Oracle Support note 555.1.

Release Numbers and their Meaning

Oracle Database releases are released in version and version_full releases.

The version release is designated in the form major release version. The major release version is based on the last two digits of the year in which an Oracle Database version is released for the first time. For example, the Oracle Database version released for the first time in the year 2023 has the major release version of 23, and thus its version release is This base release number is not updated over the course of the release. You can identify the base release by logging in to SQL*Plus and entering SELECT BANNER FROM V$VERSION to see the release displayed. For example:


Oracle Database 23ai Enterprise Edition Release 

The version_full releases are categorized by five numeric segments separated by periods as shown in the following example:

Figure 1-1 Example of an Oracle Database Version Full Release Number

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Example of an Oracle Database Version Full Release Number"
  • First numeral: This numeral indicates the major release version. It also denotes the last two digits of the year in which the Oracle Database version was released for the first time.
  • Second numeral: This numeral indicates the release update level. In this example, the release update is Release Update (RU) 4 (04).

  • Third numeral: This numeral indicates a refresh of an RU or a Monthly Recommended Patch (MRP) version. In this example, the numeral is 0, indicating that this is the initial release of Release Update 4.

  • Fourth numeral: The fourth numeral indicates the year of release for the software, RU, or MRP, by last two digits. In this example, the year is 2023.

  • Fifth numeral: This numeral indicates the month (01 through 12) in which a release, RU, or MRP was released. In this example, the month is October (10).


    The first three numerals mainly identify an Oracle Database release.

You can see both the major release version and the compatibility and any RU or MRP updates by entering SELECT BANNER_FULL FROM V$VERSION. For example:


Oracle Database 23ai Enterprise Edition Release 

Monthly Recommended Patches and Release Updates

For each new release update (RU) after October 2022, Oracle provides to customers six MRPs for each RU, with the following characteristics:

  • Each MRP for an RU contains all MRPs previously released for the RU, as well as the most current set of recommended one-off patches for the RU. These patches are documented My Oracle Support Note 555.1
  • MRPs replace RURs.
  • MRPs are available only for the Linux operating system.