12 Deploy Sample Applications

Using samples is the fastest way for you to get familiar with MicroTx. This is an optional task. After installing MicroTx, you may want to run sample applications and then use distributed tracing to understand how requests flow between MicroTx and the microservices.

Sample applications are microservices that demonstrate how you can develop your services for participating in different transaction protocols using MicroTx. The code of the sample applications includes the MicroTx libraries. You can use the sample applications as a reference while integrating the MicroTx libraries with your application.

You can use one of the following options to run the sample applications.

  • Use the runme.sh script file to install Transaction Manager for Microservices (MicroTx) in a runtime environment, and then quickly run sample applications. See About the runme.sh Script in Transaction Manager for Microservices Quick Start Guide.
  • Clone the sample application code from the git repository, https://github.com/oracle-samples/microtx-samples.

    This repository contains the source code for sample applications of different transaction protocols, XA, Saga, and TCC, in individual folders. The source code of the sample applications is already integrated with the MicroTx libraries. Since a sample application consists of multiple microservices, each folder contains the source code for all the sample microservices and files required by Helm to install the microservices. For details to set up and run the sample applications, refer to the readme files located in the respective folders.

  • Use the step-by-step instructions provided in the hands-on labs to set up and run the sample applications. See MicroTx LiveLabs.
