Provision an Autonomous Data Warehouse for Federated Partitions

To use federated partitions with Essbase, you must provision an instance of Autonomous Data Warehouse Serverless. You can do this before you deploy the Essbase stack on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using the Marketplace listing, or you can provision it during the Essbase deployment.

Before you start, review these links:

If you want to pre-create the Autonomous Data Warehouse Serverless instance required for federated partitions prior to deployment of the Essbase stack from the Marketplace listing, use the following guidelines.

  1. Log in to your organization's Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy.

  2. In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click Oracle Database.

    Oracle Database selected from main menu of OCI Console

  3. Under Autonomous Database, click Autonomous Data Warehouse.

    Autonomous Data Warehouse selected from Oracle Database options in OCI Console

  4. Under List scope, ensure the correct target compartment is shown.

    Compartment named essbase-ua is active under List scope

  5. Click Create Autonomous Database.

    Create Autonomous Database button

  6. In the basic information area,

    1. Optionally change the Display name to something other than the default assigned name.

    2. Enter a Database name.

    Basic information completed for Autonomous Database. Compartment is essbase-ua, Display name is essbaseADW, and Database name is essbaseADW

  7. For the workload type, keep the default selection of Data Warehouse.

    "Choose a workload type" option with Data Warehouse selected

  8. For the deployment type, choose Serverless.

    "Choose a deployment type" option with Serverless selected

  9. In the configuration area,

    1. Select a database version.

    2. Select an OCPU count.

    3. Select an amount of storage to allocate.

    4. Select auto scaling requirements.

  10. In the Create administrator credentials area, define the password for the Autonomous Database administrator.

    "Create administrator credentials" are with read only Username ADMIN, and two password entry fields

  11. In the Choose network access area,

    1. Select one of the access types:

      • Secure access from everywhere
      • Secure access from allowed IPs and VCNs only
      • Private endpoint access only
    2. Leave the option checked to require mutual TLS authentication.

  12. In the Choose license and Oracle Database edition area, indicate your license type.

  13. If you selected BYOL, then also choose an edition: Enterprise (EE) or Standard (SE).

  14. Enter at least one e-mail address at which to receive operational notifications and announcements.

  15. Click Create Autonomous Database.
    Create Autonomous Database button

  16. Allow a few minutes for OCI to provision the Autonomous Data Warehouse.

  17. Use a vault in the Identity & Security section of OCI Console to encrypt and save the Autonomous Database administrator password. See Create Vault, Secrets, and Encrypt Values.

  18. In Autonomous Data Warehouse, set up a schema / Database user (for example, adb_user) and grant them least the privileges shown:

          to adb_user;