Execute Job



Executes the job and returns the record containing job information, such as job ID, status, inputs, and output information for the current job.


Supported Media Types
Body ()

Parameter provided as json string in the request body.

Root Schema : JobsInputBean
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : ParametersBean
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : bufferIds
Type: array

Array of unique aggregate storage data load buffer IDs. Use this option if you want to commit multiple buffers.

Show Source
Nested Schema : rtsv
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : selectedDimensions
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : CompactDesignation
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : RTSV
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : value
Type: object
Nested Schema : compactDesignationColumn
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : dateDimensionLeaves
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : dimCompactDesignationList
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : CompactDesignationColumn
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : DimCompactDesignation
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : attNames
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : attribute
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : colNames
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : columnTypes
Type: array
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "TEXT", "INTEGER", "FLOAT", "TIME", "DATE", "BOOLEAN", "EMPTY", "UNKNOWN", "OUT_OF_RANGE" ]
Nested Schema : dimGenColumns
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : genNames
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : headerText
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : uniqCount
Type: array
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response


Job started successfully. Job information returned in response.

Body ()
Root Schema : JobRecordBean
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : jobInputInfo
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : jobOutputInfo
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: object
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: object

400 Response

Bad Request

Application may not exist, or application parameter may be incorrect. Or, database may not exist, or database parameter may be incorrect. Or, a null argument may have been passed.

500 Response

Internal Server Error.

503 Response

Service Unavailable

Naming exception or server exception.

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The following examples show how to run jobs. In these examples, cURL accesses the REST API from within a Windows shell script.

The calling user's ID and password are variables whose values are set in properties.bat.

The jobs you can run are:

Load Data

The following cURL example shows you how to run a data load job. Requires at least Database Update permission.

If you are loading data using an aggregate storage data load buffer, see the Create Buffer endpoint for examples.

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./dataload.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in dataload.json.

 "application": "Sample", 
 "db": "Basic",
 "jobtype": "dataload", 
   { "file": "Data_Basic.txt",
     "abortOnError": "true" }

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 1346,
  "appName": "Sample",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "Data Load",
  "jobfileName": null,
  "userName": "admin",
  "startTime": 1574456694000,
  "endTime": 1574456694000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "dataFileName": "Data_Basic.txt",
    "abortOnError": true,
    "useConnection": false
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "recordsProcessed": 0,
    "recordsRejected": 0,
    "errorMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Build Dimensions

The following cURL example shows you how to run a dimension build job. Requires at least Database Manager permission.

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./dimbuild.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in dimbuild.json.

 "application": "ASOSamp",
 "db": "Basic",
 "jobtype": "dimbuild",
    { "file": "Dim_Products.txt",
      "rule": "Products.rul"  }

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 4,
  "appName": "ASOSamp",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "Dimension Build",
  "jobfileName": "Products",
  "userName": "power1",
  "startTime": 1574814746000,
  "endTime": 1574814746000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "rulesFileName": "Products",
    "dataFileName": "Dim_Products.txt",
    "useConnection": false,
    "restructureOption": 1,
    "forceDimBuild": false
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "recordsProcessed": 0,
    "recordsRejected": 0,
    "errorMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Run Calculation

The following cURL example shows you how to execute a calculation script. Requires at least Database Update permission, as well as provisioned access to the calculation script. Prerequisite: upload the script, as a .csc file, to the cube directory.

call properties.batcurl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./calc.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in calc.json.

 "application": "Sample", 
  "db": "Basic", 
  "jobtype": "calc", 
     { "file": "CalcAll.csc" }

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 1434,
  "appName": "Sample",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "Calc Execution",
  "jobfileName": null,
  "userName": "admin",
  "startTime": 1574733981000,
  "endTime": 1574733981000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {},
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Clear Data

The following cURL example shows you how to run a job to clear cube data. Requires at least Database Update permission.

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./cleardata.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in cleardata.json.

 "application": "Sample", 
  "db": "Basic", 
  "jobtype": "clear", 
      "option": "PARTIAL_DATA",
      "partialDataExpression": "{Feb}"

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 116,
  "appName": "Sample",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "Clear Data",
  "jobfileName": null,
  "userName": "dbupdater",
  "startTime": 1598329480000,
  "endTime": 1598329480000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "clearDataOption": "PARTIAL_DATA"
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Import Cube from Application Workbook

The following cURL example shows you how to run a job that imports a cube from an Excel application workbook. Requires at least power user role, or Application Manager permission.

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./importExcel.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in importExcel.json.

  "application": "ASOSamp",  
   "db": "Basic",  
   "jobtype": "importExcel",  
       "loaddata": "false",
       "overwrite": "true",
       "deleteExcelOnSuccess": "false",
       "catalogExcelPath": "/gallery/Applications/Demo Samples/Aggregate Storage/",
       "importExcelFileName": "ASO_Sample.xlsx",
       "recreateApplication": "true",
       "createFiles": "true"

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 2,
  "appName": "ASOSamp",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "Import Excel",
  "jobfileName": "ASO_Sample.xlsx",
  "userName": "power1",
  "startTime": 1574810127000,
  "endTime": 1574810127000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "catalogExcelPath": "/gallery/Applications/Demo Samples/Aggregate Storage/",
    "importExcelFileName": "ASO_Sample.xlsx",
    "isLoadData": false,
    "recreateApplication": true,
    "isCreateFiles": true,
    "isExecuteScript": false
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Export Cube to Application Workbook

The following cURL example shows you how to run a job that exports a cube to an Excel application workbook. Requires at least Database Manager permission.

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./exportExcel.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in exportExcel.json.

  "application": "Sample",
  "db": "Basic",
  "jobtype": "exportExcel",
      "dataLevel": "ALL_DATA",
      "columnFormat": "false",
      "compress": "false"

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 10,
  "appName": "Sample",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "Export Excel",
  "jobfileName": null,
  "userName": "admin",
  "startTime": 1575413474000,
  "endTime": 1575413474000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "calc": false,
    "data": false
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Example of Response from Get Job {id}

The following curl command checks on the job status:

curl -X GET "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs/10" -H "accept: application/json" -u %User%:%Password%

returning the following response. The status is Completed, and the Excel file is saved in the Essbase file catalog, in the directory specified in metadataFile.

  "job_ID": 10,
  "appName": "Sample",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "Export Excel",
  "jobfileName": null,
  "userName": "admin",
  "startTime": 1575413474000,
  "endTime": 1575413490000,
  "statusCode": 200,
  "statusMessage": "Completed",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "calc": false,
    "data": false
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": "",
    "metadataFile": "/applications/Sample/Basic/Basic.xlsx"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs/10",
      "method": "GET"
      "rel": "post",
      "href": "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs/10",
      "method": "POST"

Back Up Application with LCM Export

The following cURL example shows you how to run a job that backs up cube artifacts to a Lifecycle Management (LCM) .zip file. Requires at least Application Manager permission.

This job type can be run from outside the Essbase machine, whereas the LCM utility must be run on the Essbase machine.

curl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./lcmExport.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload -- Back Up All Applications

The following sample JSON payload, passed to REST API in lcmExport.json, is an example for backing up all applications at once. The required parameters are jobtype, allApp, and zipFileName.

  "jobtype": "lcmExport",
      "allApp": "true",
      "generateartifactlist": "false",
      "include-server-level": "false",
      "zipFileName": "exportedApps.zip",
      "skipdata": "true"

Example of Response Body -- Back Up All Applications

The REST API returns the following response, and when the job is completed, saves the zip file in the issuing user's directory in the Essbase file catalog.

  "job_ID" : 73,
  "appName" : null,
  "dbName" : null,
  "jobType" : "LCM Export",
  "jobfileName" : "exportedApps.zip",
  "userName" : "appmanager",
  "startTime" : 1660755176000,
  "endTime" : 1660755176000,
  "statusCode" : 100,
  "statusMessage" : "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo" : {
    "lcmExportFileName" : "exportedApps.zip",
    "skipdata" : true,
    "copyToStorage" : false,
    "threads" : 10,
    "include-server-level" : false,
    "generateArtifactList" : false,
    "filesystemcopy" : false,
    "disasterRecovery" : false,
    "verbose" : false,
    "allApp" : true,
    "exportdata" : false,
    "exportpartitions" : false,
    "exportfilters" : false
  "jobOutputInfo" : {
    "errorMessage" : "",
    "infoMessage" : ""
  "links" : [ ]

Sample JSON payload -- Back Up One Application

The following sample JSON payload, passed to REST API in lcmExport.json, is an example for backing up one application only. The required parameters are application, jobtype, and zipFileName.

  "application": "Sample",
  "jobtype": "lcmExport",
      "zipFileName": "Sample1.zip",
      "skipdata": "true",
      "include-server-level": "false"

Example of Response Body -- Back Up One Application

The REST API returns the following response:

  "job_ID": 11,
  "appName": "Sample",
  "dbName": null,
  "jobType": "LCM Export",
  "jobfileName": "Sample1.zip",
  "userName": "appmanager",
  "startTime": 1575424208000,
  "endTime": 1575424208000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "lcmExportFileName": "Sample1.zip",
    "skipdata": true,
    "copyToStorage": false,
    "threads": 10,
    "include-server-level": false,
    "generateArtifactList": false,
    "filesystemcopy": false,
    "disasterRecovery": false,
    "verbose": false,
    "allApp" : false,
    "exportdata" : false,
    "exportpartitions" : false,
    "exportfilters" : false
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": "",
    "infoMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Example of Response from Get Job {id}

The following curl command checks on the job status:

curl -X GET "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs/11" -H "accept: application/json" -u %User%:%Password%

returning the following response. The status is Completed, and the zip file is saved in the Essbase file catalog, in the directory specified in lcmExportFilePath.

  "job_ID": 11,
  "appName": "Sample",
  "dbName": null,
  "jobType": "LCM Export",
  "jobfileName": "Sample1.zip",
  "userName": "appmanager",
  "startTime": 1575424208000,
  "endTime": 1575424228000,
  "statusCode": 200,
  "statusMessage": "Completed",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "lcmExportFileName": "Sample1.zip",
    "skipdata": true,
    "copyToStorage": false,
    "threads": 10,
    "include-server-level": false,
    "generateArtifactList": false,
    "filesystemcopy": false,
    "disasterRecovery": false,
    "verbose": false,
    "allApp" : false,
    "exportdata" : false,
    "exportpartitions" : false,
    "exportfilters" : false
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": "",
    "infoMessage": "",
    "lcmExportFilePath": "/users/appmanager/Sample1.zip"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs/11",
      "method": "GET"
      "rel": "post",
      "href": "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs/11",
      "method": "POST"

Restore Cube with LCM Import

The following cURL example shows you how to run a job that restores cube artifacts from a Lifecycle Management (LCM) .zip file. To do this, you must be the power user who created the application, or a service administrator.

This job type can be run from outside the Essbase machine, whereas the LCM utility must be run on the Essbase machine.

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./lcmImport.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in lcmImport.json.

  "jobtype": "lcmImport",
      "zipFileName": "Sample1.zip",
      "include-server-level": "false",
      "targetApplicationName": "Sample_dup",
      "overwrite": "true"

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 12,
  "appName": null,
  "dbName": null,
  "jobType": "LCM Import",
  "jobfileName": "Sample1.zip",
  "userName": "admin",
  "startTime": 1575425649000,
  "endTime": 1575425649000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "lcmImportFileName": "Sample1.zip",
    "lcmImportTargetApplicationName": "Sample_dup",
    "lcmImportFromStorage": false,
    "overwrite": true,
    "include-server-level": false,
    "verbose": false,
    "useCatalogPath" : false
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": "",
    "infoMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Build Aggregation

The following cURL example shows you how to run a job that builds an aggregation. Requires at least Database Access permission.

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./buildagg.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in buildagg.json.

  "application": "ASOSamp",
  "db": "Basic",
  "jobtype": "buildAggregation",
      "ratioToStop": "1.1",
      "basedOnQueryData": "false",
      "enableAlternateRollups": "false"

Aggregations apply to aggregate storage cubes. Aggregations are consolidations, based on outline hierarchy, of level 0 data values in an aggregate storage cube. The term aggregation is used to refer to the aggregation process and the set of values stored as a result of the process.

An aggregation contains one or more aggregate views, which are collections of aggregate cells. When you build an aggregation, Essbase selects aggregate views to be rolled up, aggregates them, and stores the cell values in the selected views. If an aggregation includes aggregate cells dependent on level 0 values that are changed through a data load, the higher-level values are automatically updated at the end of the data load process.

When you build an aggregation, Essbase

  • selects 0 or more aggregate views based on the stopping value (ratioToStop) and/or on querying patterns (basedOnQueryData), if these parameters are given
  • builds the views that were selected

Note: The MaxL equivalent of this job type is the execute aggregate process statement.

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 8,
  "appName": "ASOSamp",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "Build Aggregation",
  "jobfileName": null,
  "userName": "dbaccess",
  "startTime": 1575411748000,
  "endTime": 1575411748000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "enableAlternateRollups": false,
    "basedOnQueryData": false,
    "ratioToStop": 1.1
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Clear Aggregations

The following cURL example shows you how to run a job that clears aggregations on an aggregate storage cube.

call properties.batcurl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./clearagg.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in clearagg.json.

  "application": "ASOSamp",
  "db": "Basic",
  "jobtype": "clearAggregation"

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 9,
  "appName": "ASOSamp",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "Clear Aggregation",
  "jobfileName": null,
  "userName": "dbaccess",
  "startTime": 1575412855000,
  "endTime": 1575412855000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Export Data

The following cURL example shows you how to export data from a cube. Requires at least Database Manager permission.

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./dataexport.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in dataexport.json.

 "application": "Sample", 
 "db": "Basic",
 "jobtype": "exportData", 
     "compress": "false",
     "columnFormat": "false", 
     "dataLevel": "LEVEL_ZERO_BLOCKS"

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 28,
  "appName": "Sample",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "Export Data",
  "jobfileName": null,
  "userName": "dbmanager",
  "startTime": 1575920712000,
  "endTime": 1575920712000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {
    "compress": false,
    "columnFormat": false,
    "dataLevel": "LEVEL_ZERO_BLOCKS"
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "scriptOutputFileName": "",
    "scriptOutputFileNamePath": "",
    "infoMessage": "",
    "errorMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Run MDX Script

The following cURL example shows you how to run an MDX script that performs an insert or export. Requires at least Database Access permission.

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "https://myserver.example.com:9001/essbase/rest/v1/jobs?links=none" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json --data "@./mdxScript.json" -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in mdxScript.json.

 "application": "Sample", 
 "db": "Basic",
 "jobtype": "mdxScript", 
     "file": "share/mdx_scripts/export_examp.mdx"

where export_examp.mdx is an MDX script that creates an export file in the cube directory. The MDX script contents are:

   {[Mar],[Apr]} ON  COLUMNS,
   Crossjoin({[100],[200]} , crossjoin({[Actual],[Budget]},
   {[Opening Inventory],[Ending Inventory]})) ON ROWS
FROM [Sample].[Basic]
WHERE ([New York])  

Example of Response Body

  "job_ID": 26,
  "appName": "Sample",
  "dbName": "Basic",
  "jobType": "MDX Script",
  "jobfileName": null,
  "userName": "dbaccess",
  "startTime": 1575918425000,
  "endTime": 1575918425000,
  "statusCode": 100,
  "statusMessage": "In Progress",
  "jobInputInfo": {},
  "jobOutputInfo": {
    "errorMessage": ""
  "links": [ ]

Additionally, the MDX script writes results into example.txt in the Sample Basic cube directory. The results file contains the following data:

Colas#~Actual#~Opening Inventory#~2041#~2108
Colas#~Actual#~Ending Inventory#~2108#~2250
Colas#~Budget#~Opening Inventory#~1980#~2040
Colas#~Budget#~Ending Inventory#~2040#~2170
Root Beer#~Actual#~Opening Inventory#~2378#~2644
Root Beer#~Actual#~Ending Inventory#~2644#~2944
Root Beer#~Budget#~Opening Inventory#~2220#~2450
Root Beer#~Budget#~Ending Inventory#~2450#~2710
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