Specify this Essbase configuration setting to define the upper limit for date measures you can export and import. This configuration is applicable only to cubes that have typed measures enabled and have date measures defined.


MAXDATE [appname [dbname]] dateConst

appname—The application for which you want to specify max date.

dbname—The database (cube) for which you want to specify a max date.

dateConst—A constant in format of YYYY-MM-DD representing the latest possible date recognized by Essbase. The default value is 3000-12-31. The highest allowed value is the same as the default, on Windows, or 9999-12-31 on Linux.


There are several cases where the value of a date measure can become invalid:
  • If multiple dates are loaded into the same cell with the Add load option. See Adding to and Subtracting from Existing Values.
  • If a non-base member of a hierarchy summarizes values of its date-type children.
  • If a data set imported into an Essbase database includes incorrect date values, or date values not supported by the operating system.

To avoid encountering invalid date measures, Oracle recommends that once you choose a value for dateConst (or accept the default), you do not make changes to it. Changing the constant value could render old, exported data unusable.


  • If any date is less than 1970-01-01 or greater than dateConst, it is considered out of range.
  • Data loads will fail if a date measure value exceeds the MAXDATE dateConst value with an appropriate message. For example, one of the messages you may see is the following:

    Date measure value [#Txt:2040-05-15] is out of range. Please make sure the date value is valid. [3] records Completed

  • During data export, date values that are out of range will be exported as "#Txt:OutOfRange". The exported data file with "#Txt:OutOfRange" strings can be reimported to Essbase if you want to load out of range values to the date measures.
  • The MAXDATE format does not have any correlation with the date format of the outline. Regardless of the date format of the outline, the format of dateConst should always be specified in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
  • The value of dateConst is printed to the application log. If you specify it incorrectly, a warning is logged, and it is set to its default value.
  • Dates that have a stored internal value resulting in year with more than 4 digits are displayed as out of range and exported as out of range.


MAXDATE 3000-12-31