
The MDX Head function for Essbase returns the first n members or tuples present in a set.


Head ( set [,numeric value expression ] )



The set from which to take items.

numeric value expression

The count of items to take from the beginning of the set. If omitted, the default is 1. If less than 1, an empty set is returned. If the value exceeds the number of tuples in the input set, the original set is returned.


Example 1

This example uses the following part of the Sample Basic outline:

Outline section showing member Product and its children.

The following expression


returns the set:

{ [100], [200], [300], [400], [Diet] }

Therefore, the following expression

 Head (
  [Product].children, 2) 

returns the first two members of the previous result set:

{ [100], [200] }

Example 2

This example uses the following parts of the Sample Basic outline:

Outline section showing member 100 and its children.

Outline section showing member South and its children.

Outline section showing member Year and its children.

The following expression

 CrossJoin ( [100].children, [South].children )

returns the set:

{ ([100-10], Texas), ([100-10], Oklahoma), ([100-10], Louisiana), ([100-10], [New Mexico]),
  ([100-20], Texas), ([100-20], Oklahoma), ([100-20], Louisiana), ([100-20], [New Mexico]),
  ([100-30], Texas), ([100-30], Oklahoma), ([100-30], Louisiana), ([100-30], [New Mexico]) }

And the following expression

Head ( CrossJoin ([100].children, [South].children), 8 )

returns the first 8 tuples of the previous result set:

{ ([100-10], Texas), ([100-10], Oklahoma), ([100-10], Louisiana), ([100-10], [New Mexico]),
  ([100-20], Texas), ([100-20], Oklahoma), ([100-20], Louisiana), ([100-20], [New Mexico]) } 

Additionally, the following expression


returns the set of members comprising the second generation of the Year dimension:

{ [Qtr1], [Qtr2], [Qtr3], [Qtr4] }

Therefore, the following query

Head (
 CrossJoin (
  [100].children, [South].children), 8
FROM Sample.Basic 

returns the grid:

Table 4-76 Output Grid from MDX Example

(axis) Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
100–10 Texas 489 536 653 547
Oklahoma 87 92 128 211
Louisiana 93 106 128 137
New Mexico 76 101 122 70
100–20 Texas 206 199 152 82
Oklahoma 84 66 55 79
Louisiana 119 158 171 104
New Mexico –103 –60 –98 –18

See Also
