
The MDX CrossJoin function for Essbase returns the cross-product of two sets from different dimensions.


CrossJoin ( set1, set2 )



A set to cross with set2.


A set to cross with set1. Must not include any dimension used in set1.


This function returns the cross-product of two sets from different dimensions. If the two sets share a common dimension, an error is returned.

If one of the input sets is empty, the output set will be empty as well. For example, the output will be empty if the input set is [Root Beer].children but [Root Beer] has no children.

The order of the sets (and their constituent tuples) provided to the CrossJoin function have an effect on the order of the tuples in the result set. For example,

CrossJoin({a, b}, {c, d})

returns {(a, c), (a, d), (b, c), (b, d)}

CrossJoin({a, b, c}, {d, e, f})

returns {(a, d), (a, e), (a, f), (b, d), (b, e), (b, f), (c, d), (c, e), (c, f)}

Be aware of the order of the output set when using the results of CrossJoin with other order-dependent set functions; for example, Head or Tail.


Example 1

The following expression

CrossJoin({[Qtr1], [Qtr2]}, {[New York], [California]})

returns the set:

{([Qtr1], [New York]), ([Qtr1], [California]), 
 ([Qtr2], [New York]), ([Qtr2], [California])}

Therefore, the following query

CrossJoin({[Qtr1], [Qtr2]}, {[New York], [California]})
FROM sample.basic

returns the grid:

Table 4-49 Output Grid from MDX Example

Qtr1 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr2
New York California New York California
1656 3129 2363 3288

Example 2

The following expression

CrossJoin({[Qtr1], [Qtr2], [Qtr3]}, {[New York], [California], [Texas]})

returns the set

{([Qtr1], [New York]), ([Qtr1], [California]), ([Qtr1], [Texas]), 
([Qtr2], [New York]), ([Qtr2], [California]), ([Qtr2], [Texas]), 
([Qtr3], [New York]), ([Qtr3], [California]), ([Qtr3], [Texas])}

Therefore, the following query

CrossJoin({[Qtr1], [Qtr2], [Qtr3]}, {[New York], [California], [Texas]})
FROM Sample.Basic

returns the grid:

Table 4-50 Output Grid from MDX Example

Qtr1 Qtr1 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr2 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr3 Qtr3
New York California Texas New York California Texas New York California Texas
1656 3129 1582 2363 3288 1610 1943 3593 1703

Example 3

The following expression

CrossJoin ([100].children, [Profit].children)

returns the set:

{([100-10], Margin), ([100-10], [Total Expenses]), 
 ([100-20], Margin), ([100-20], [Total Expenses]),
 ([100-30], Margin), ([100-30], [Total Expenses])}

Therefore, the following query

 CrossJoin ([100].children, [Profit].children)
FROM Sample.Basic

returns the grid:

Table 4-51 Output Grid from MDX Example

(axis) (axis) East West South Central
100–10 Margin 15762 8803 5937 8124
Total Expenses 4633 4210 2361 4645
100–20 Margin 1785 3707 2767 7426
Total Expenses 671 4241 1570 3495
100–30 Margin 871 1629 #Missing 3975
Total Expenses 458 2139 #Missing 1895