Dataload: Load Data to a Cube

The dataload CLI command for Essbase loads data to a cube. To use this command, you need at least Database Update permission.

This command requires one of the following sets of options:

  • Data file and optional rule file

  • Rule file with user name and password

  • Stream option referencing a saved local connection

The source database should be accessible within the client network, as not all database drivers can work with Java proxies.

To load data, you must first upload the data load and rule files to the cube directory. You can use the CLI to upload files. See Upload: Add Cube Files.


dataload [-verbose] -application appname -db cubename -file filename [| -catalogfile catalogFile] [-rule rulesFile | -catalogrulefile catalogRulesFile] [-user username [-password password]]  [-stream] [-connection connectionName][-query queryString] [-rows n]]  [-abortOnError]
Option Abbreviation Description
-verbose -v Show extended descriptions
-application -a Application name
-db -d Database (cube) name
-file -f Data load file name. You do not need to give a full path. Files are assumed to be in the relevant database directory. You can use -catalogfile in place of this option.
-rule -r Optional. Rule file name. You do not need to give a full path. Files are assumed to be in the relevant database directory. You can use -catalogrulefile in place of this option.
-catalogfile -CF Data load file name from the file catalog. You can use this option in place of -file.
-catalogrulefile -CRF Rule file name from the file catalog. You can use this option in place of -rule.
-user -u Optional. User name. Requires password if used.

If you are using a saved connection and Datasource, no user name and password are required. If you are not using a saved connection, and the rule file connects to an RDBMS, specify the user name and password to connect to the RDBMS.

-password -p Optional. Password for user. If omitted, user will be prompted for password.
-stream -S Optional. Use streaming data load. Requires -conn option if used.
-connection -conn Required if streaming option is used. Name of a saved connection that was created using the createlocalconnection CLI command.
-query -q Optional. Database query to submit along with the streaming data load.
-rows -rows Optional. Number of rows to stream simultaneously. Default is 100.
-abortOnError -abort Abort data load if error is encountered


esscs dataload -a Sample -db Basic -f Calcdat.txt -abort true
esscs dataload -a Sample -db Basic -r Basic.rul -S -conn oraConn -q "Select * from Data" -rows 50
esscs dataload -a Sample -db Basic -CF /users/weblogic/Data_Basic.txt -r Data.rul -abortonerror
esscs dataload -a Sample -db Basic -CF /users/weblogic/Data_Basic.txt -CRF /shared/Data.rul -abort
esscs dataload -a Sample -db Basic -CRF /shared/Data.rul -S -conn localConnectionName -q "Select * from Table"

You can also load data using Cube Designer, Jobs in the Essbase web interface or REST API, or import data in MaxL.