Create a Transparent Partition

This topic shows you how to create a transparent partition. Transparent partitions allow access to data from the data source as though it were stored in the data target. The data source can be in another cube, or on another Essbase instance.

If your source cube is on a different Essbase instance, you must first define an Essbase connection as described in Define a Reusable Connection for Partitions or XREF/XWRITE.
  1. Navigate to the Partitions page:
    In the Redwood Interface,
    1. On the Applications page, open the target application and then open the target database (cube).
    2. Click Partitions.
    In the Classic Web Interface,
    1. On the Applications page, expand the target application.
    2. In the row for the target cube, click the Actions menu, and click Inspect.
    3. Select the Partitions tab.
  2. Click Create >Transparent.
  3. On the Connection tab, in Source Information, if the source cube is on a different Essbase instance, select the name of the saved connection that you created. If the source cube is on the same Essbase instance, leave the Connection Name field empty. If you have not created any connections, you will not see a Connection Name field.
  4. Provide the source Application and Database name, your User name and password, and an optional Description.
  5. In the Target Information, type your User name and password.
  6. You need to define at least one area. Go to the Areas tab.
  7. (Optional) Click the Use member selection check box to select members from the outline.
  8. Click Add Area and provide at least one source and target area definition. For example, add a source area of some valid upper-level member specifications, and add the same matching target area. If the same member doesn’t exist in both cubes, create an area mapping as described below.
    Image of a transparent partition area definition, showing a source area of "Actual", "Budget" and a target area of "Actual", "Budget", "Boston"

  9. Click Cell Count to identify how many cells are in the defined partition area and to ensure that the counts are matching.
  10. Optionally, you can map member names between the target and source cubes within a specific area, using the Areas tab, or for multiple areas, using the Mappings tab. See Mapping Members in Partitions.
    Image of mappings for a transparent partition, showing "void" for the source and "Boston" for the target

  11. Click Validate.
  12. If the validation succeeded, click Save and Close.