Solve Order in Hybrid Mode

Solve order in Essbase determines the order in which dynamic calculation executes in hybrid mode. You can customize the solve order or accept the default, which is optimized for high performance and dependency analysis.

The concept of solve order applies to dynamic calculation execution, whether initiated by a dynamic member formula or a dynamic dependency in a calculation script. When a cell is evaluated in a multidimensional query, the order in which the calculations should be resolved may be ambiguous, unless solve order is specified to indicate the required calculation priority.

You can set solve order for dimensions or members, or you can use the default Essbase solve order. The minimum solve order you can set is 0, and the maximum is 127. A higher solve order means the member is calculated later; for example, a member with a solve order of 1 is solved before a member with a solve order of 2.

When hybrid mode is enabled, the default solve order (also known as calculation order) closely matches that of block storage databases:

Dimension/Member Type Default Solve Order Value
Stored members 0
Sparse Dimension Members 10
Dense Account dimension members 30
Dense Time dimension members 40
Dense regular dimension members 50
Attribute dimension members 90
Two pass dynamic members 100
MDX calculated members or named sets (defined in MDX With) 120

In summary, the default solve order in hybrid mode dictates that stored members are calculated before dynamic calc members, and sparse dimensions are calculated before dense dimensions, in the order in which they appear in the outline (top to bottom).

Dynamic members (with or without formulas) that do not have a specified solve order inherit the solve order of their dimension, unless they are tagged as two pass.

Two-pass calculation is a setting you can apply, in block storage mode, to members with formulas that must be calculated twice to produce the correct value.


Do not use two-pass calculation with hybrid mode cubes. Only use solve order.

Two pass is not applicable in hybrid mode, and any members tagged as two pass are calculated last, after attributes. In hybrid mode, you should implement a custom solve order, instead of two pass, if the default solve order does not meet your requirements.

The default solve order in hybrid mode is optimized for these scenarios:

  • Forward references, in which a dynamic member formula references a member that comes later in the outline order. There is no outline order dependency in hybrid mode.

  • Aggregation of child values based on outline order more closely matches aggregation using equivalent formulas.

  • Dynamic dense members as dependencies inside sparse formulas. In hybrid mode, if a sparse formula references a dense dynamic member, the reference is ignored, because sparse dimensions are calculated first. To change this, assign a solve order to the sparse dimension that is higher than (calculated later than) the dense dimension’s solve order.

Customizing the Solve Order

If you need to adjust the behavior of dynamic calculations in hybrid mode, customizing the solve order of dimensions and members helps you achieve it without making major changes to the outline.

If you implement a custom solve order, it overrides the default solve order. If members or dimensions have equal solve order, the order in which they appear in the outline (top to bottom) resolves the conflict.

Unless you customize a solve order for certain members, the top dimension member's solve order applies for all dynamic members in the dimension.

To change the solve order, use the outline editor in the Essbase web interface, or use Smart View (see Changing the Solve Order of a Selected POV).

The minimum solve order you can set is 0, and the maximum is 127. A higher solve order means the member is calculated later.

To explore use cases for solve order, see the Solve Order templates in the Technical section of the gallery of application workbooks, which you can find in the files catalog in Essbase.

Notes on Solve Order in Non-hybrid Mode

In aggregate storage cubes,

  • Solve order is set to 0 for all dimensions.

  • Aggregation executes in outline order, except:

    • Stored hierarchy members are processed first.
    • Dynamic hierarchy members are processed next.

In non-hybrid block storage cubes, the default solve order is

  • sparse before dense

  • accounts before time

  • attributes last


If Accounts members' solve order are set manually to be greater than Time members' solve order, the Accounts will be evaluated after Dynamic Time Series members.