Patch and Restore

You can patch Oracle Essbase instances, using OPatch tool, which runs patches to a new version of binaries. You can also roll back an update, if necessary.

Rollback from a patch, to a version that's older than what was used to configure the Essbase instance, is not supported.


If you created Connections or Datasources after applying the patch, and then roll back the patch, you must re-create the Connections or Datasources.


After you roll back an OPatch, you may need to recreate transparent and replicated partitions, and re-validate the partitions.


When you need to upgrade Java, from JDK 1.8.0_291 or higher, to 1.8.0_331, see Upgrade Java after Configuration to JDK 1.8.0_331 or Higher.
To install a software update (patch/upgrade) to an Essbase instance
  1. Stop all managed servers and system components, including Essbase server, EAS Server, Admin Server, and Node Manager.

    For Linux:

    sh <Oracle_Home>/user_projects/domains/essbase_domain/esstools/bin/

    For Windows:


    For an explanation of Oracle_Home, see Environment Locations in the Essbase Platform.

  2. Check the build number.

    For Linux:

    cat <Oracle_Home>/essbase/bi-epm-registry/baseproperties/essbase/
    For Windows (open using Notepad):
  3. [This step is relevant for Linux only] If essbase.ear is a directory, rename it to essbase.ear.folder. Note that <Oracle_Home> below is the same Oracle Home directory mentioned during Essbase installation.
    ls <Oracle_Home>/essbase/products/Essbase/redist/essbase.ear
    mv essbase.ear essbase.ear.fold
    mv essbase.ear.archived essbase.ear
    mv essbase.ear.ORIG essbase.ear

    mv essbase.ear essbase.ear.folder –- renames essbase.ear directory to essbase.ear.folder

    mv essbase.ear.archived essbase.ear or mv essbase.ear.ORIG essbase.ear –- if essbase.ear is a directory then there is a file with the name essbase.ear.archived (or essbase.ear.ORIG), which is renamed to essbase.ear.

  4. Apply OPatch. You can apply it directly, while in zip format, providing the absolute path of the zip file. You can optionally unzip the file and apply the patch, providing the absolute path of the unzipped folder.
    1. Run the command. For example,

      For Linux:

      <Oracle_Home>/OPatch/opatch apply <Path of Linux opatch zip file>

      For Windows:

      <Oracle_Home>\OPatch\opatch apply <Path of Windows opatch zip file>
    2. Check the build number.

      For Linux:

      cat <Oracle_Home>/essbase/bi-epm-registry/baseproperties/essbase/
      For Windows (open using Notepad):
  5. Start all servers.

    For Linux:

    sh <Oracle_Home>/user_projects/domains/essbase_domain/esstools/bin/

    For Windows:

[Optional] Rollback update if necessary
  1. Stop the servers.

    For Linux:

    sh <Oracle_Home>/user_projects/domains/essbase_domain/esstools/bin/
    For Windows:
  2. Get the Unique OPatch ID.

    For Linux:

    <Oracle_Home>/OPatch/opatch lsinventory
    For Windows:
    <Oracle_Home>\OPatch\opatch lsinventory
  3. Roll back the applied OPatch. The following sample syntax shows an OPatch ID example. Use the relevant OPatch ID.

    For Linux:

    <Oracle_Home>/OPatch/opatch rollback -id 3012639

    For Windows:

    <Oracle_Home>\OPatch\opatch rollback -id 3012639
  4. Check the current build number.

    For Linux:

    cat <Oracle_Home>/essbase/bi-epm-registry/baseproperties/essbase/
    For Windows (open using Notepad):
  5. Start the servers.

    For Linux:

    sh <Oracle_Home>/user_projects/domains/essbase_domain/esstools/bin/

    For Windows:
