Create a Federated Partition in Cube Designer

This topic shows you how to create a federated partition in Cube Designer by creating a Cube.FederatedPartition worksheet in the application workbook for your Essbase cube, and then validating the sheet and saving the partition to the server.

The federated partition is between Essbase and Autonomous Data Warehouse Serverless.

This topic assumes you have completed the prerequisites and reviewed the information detailed in Integrate Essbase with Autonomous Database Using Federated Partitions.

  1. Build an Essbase application and cube without a federated partition.
  2. Open the application workbook for the cube. If you don't have one, see Export a Cube to an Application Workbook.
  3. On the Cube Designer ribbon, click Cube Designer to open the Designer Panel.
  4. Click From Sheet Image of the From Sheet icon on the cube designer panel. to populate the Designer Panel with the contents of the sheet.
  5. Click the Settings tab.
  6. On the Settings tab, expand Properties and select Federated Partition

    Image of the Cube Designer panel, Settings tab, with Federated Partition selected.

  7. Click To Sheet Image of the To Sheet icon in the Cube Designer Panel. to create a Cube.FederatedPartition sheet in the application workbook.
  8. Click Yes to edit the new Cube.FederatedPartition worksheet.

    The Federated Partition wizard opens in Cube Designer.

  9. For Connection name, enter the connection to Autonomous Data Warehouse that was previously created by an administrator as shown in Create a Connection for Federated Partitions.


    When creating a federated partition in Cube Designer, the connection must be a global connection.
  10. For Schema name, ensure that it matches the name of the database schema (user name that you entered when you created the connection).
  11. For Storage management, keep the default option, User.


    To let Essbase create and manage a fact table for you, you can select Essbase managed, which is in preview mode.
  12. For Fact table name, select the name of the fact table in Autonomous Data Warehouse that stores numeric values and keys.
  13. For Pivot dimension, select the name of the pivot dimension you decided to use from the Essbase outline, during the Identify the Pivot Dimension process.

    Image of the Federated partition wizard in Cube Designer with multicube selected for the connection name and schema, User for storage management, SHAREDFACT for the fact table name, and Year for the pivot dimension. The pivot member column names show generation three with months of the year.

    If the column names in the fact table are the same as the dimensions and pivot member names in the outline, then the mapping is automatically populated in Essbase to column map. If any dimensions or members cannot be automatically mapped to a column in the fact table, you will need to map them manually.

    If a member of the pivot dimension (or a non-measures dimension name) includes a special character, such as &, Oracle recommends renaming it.

    In the Pivot Member column, row values are numeric values, or the data. The headers for these columns are member names.

    The values in the Dimension Column are textual values. These map to Essbase member names. The headers for these columns map to Essbase dimension names.

  14. If Essbase dimension and member names do not exactly match the column names in the fact table, map them by dragging and dropping the Essbase names to the appropriate column names in both the Pivot Member column and the Dimension Column.

    For example, drag and drop Accounts to Measures.

    Image of the Essbase members to fact table column mapping in the cube designer federated partition wizard, showing that Accounts needs to be mapped to Measures.

    Image of the Essbase member to fact table column mapping in the cube designer federated partition wizard, showing Accounts mapped to Measures.

  15. Complete the federated partition creation process:
    1. Click Validate to validate the partition.
    2. Click Save to save your changes to the Cube.FederatedPartition worksheet.
    3. Click Build to build the federated partition on the server.


      The Build button in the federated partition wizard does not work on aggregate storage cubes.

      Alternatively, you can use the Build Cube option on the Cube Designer ribbon to build the cube and create the federated partition.


      The federated partition build process is launched as a job which can then be monitored in View Jobs on the Cube Designer ribbon.
  16. The federated partition is created. This process also creates dimension helper tables (and other artifacts) in Autonomous Data Warehouse, which are linked (by keys) to the fact table.
  17. Continue to use the wizard to make changes to just the federated partition or rebuild the application with the new saved federated partition settings in the application workbook.