This Essbase configuration setting specifies the maximum amount of time a query can use to retrieve and deliver information before the query is terminated.


QRYGOVEXECTIME [appname [dbname]] n
  • appname—Optional. Applies the query time limit to the application specified. If you do not specify an application, then you cannot specify a cube, and the query time limit applies to all applications and cubes on Essbase Server. If you specify a value for appname and do not specify a value for dbname, the query time limit applies to all cubes in the specified application.

  • dbname—Optional. Must be used with appname and n, or Essbase Server ignores QRYGOVEXECTIME. If you specify dbname, appname, and n, the query time limit is applied only to the specified cube.

  • n—Integer specifying the number of seconds that Essbase Server allows a query to run before the query is terminated. By default, there is no limit.


QRYGOVEXECTIME specifies the maximum amount of time that a query can run before Essbase Server terminates it.

When a query exceeds the time limit and is terminated, an error message is written to the application log.

Restarting Essbase Server after adding or changing this setting activates the new setting values.

Use QRYGOVEXECTIME to prevent these types of queries:

  • A long-running query against a cube that accesses attributes at a high level, forcing many dynamic calculations to occur.

  • A query that uses the "Drill to bottom" option in a large dimension.

  • A query that uses the "Drill to all levels" option in a a large dimension.

Use QRYGOVEXECTIME, for example, if you have users who try to retrieve so much data in a single query that their query appears to hang for minutes at a time.


  • Because the query time setting is evaluated in 10 second increments, the query may actually run nine seconds longer than specified before being terminated.

  • If you use an invalid value (such as a negative number, a letter, a word, or a special character) for n, the server ignores QRYGOVEXECTIME.

  • Query governor settings are ignored during data load and calculation. You can leave query governor settings in the configuration whether you are performing these operations or querying against the data.



Sets 20 seconds as the maximum time that a query can run before being terminated. In this example the restriction applies only to the Basic cube in the Sample application.


Sets 45 seconds as the maximum time that a query can run before being terminated. The query time limit applies to all applications and cubes on the server.

See Also