Data Load Differences for ASO

Loading data to Essbase aggregate storage cubes differs from block storage. Data loads only to stored, level-0 members. Temporary buffers help streamline flows from multiple sources, and slices can be merged and replaced. Date format strings help load to date-time dimensions. Aggregations cause recalculation post data load.

Table 36-4 Data Load Differences Between Aggregate Storage and Block Storage

Data Load Functionality Aggregate Storage Block Storage

Cells loaded through data loads

Only level 0 cells whose values do not depend on formulas in the outline are loaded

Cells at all levels can be loaded (except Dynamic Calc members)

Update of database values

At the end of a data load, if an aggregation exists, the values in the aggregation are recalculated

No automatic update of values. To update data values, you must execute all necessary calculation scripts.

Data load buffers

The loading of multiple data sources into aggregate storage databases is managed through temporary data load buffers

Not supported

Atomic replacement of the contents of a database

When loading data into an aggregate storage database, you can replace the contents of the database or the contents of all incremental data slices in the database

Not supported

Data slices

Aggregate storage databases can contain multiple slices of data. Data slices can be merged

Not supported

Dimension build for shared members

Full support for parent-child build method. Duplicate generation (DUPGEN) build method limited to building alternate hierarchies up to generation 2 (DUPGEN2).

Support for all build methods

Loading data mapped to dates

In a date-time dimension, you can load data into level 0 members using supported date-format strings instead of member names

Date-time dimension type is not supported

Renegade members


Not supported

Load rules and impact on existing values

Using load rules with the aggregate storage data load buffer, you can choose to overwrite all the cube data, or replace one slice at a time. Slices can be incrementally gathered into the data load buffer before they are loaded to the database.

Using load rules for block storage, you choose for each source of data whether to overwrite existing values, add values to existing values, or subtract values from existing values.