Setting Aliases

An alias is an alternate name for a member or shared member. Aliases, stored in alias tables, can improve the readability of outlines or reports.

For example, in the Sample.Basic cube outline, members in the Product dimension are identified both by product SKU codes, such as 100-10, and by multiple descriptive aliases, such as Cola. The following outline view shows some Product member names with their corresponding, default aliases:

Product dimension with product members named 100 (Alias: Colas), 200 (Alias: Root Beer), 300 (Alias: Cream Soda), 400 (Alias: Fruit Soda), and Diet (Alias: Diet Drinks). Member named 100 is expanded to show children: 100-10 (Alias: Cola), 100-20 (Alias: Diet Cola), 100-30 (Alias: Caffeine Free Cola)

In the following Smart View grid, the aliases are displayed alongside the member names.

Smart View grid with Products on rows, Measures on column, and Scenario, East, Year on page. Product categories in column A are listed by member names: 100, 200, 300, 400, and Diet. In column B the product category aliases are listed: Colas, Root Beer, Cream Solda, Fruit Soda, and Diet Drinks.

In the Smart View and outline views above, the aliases are from the default alias table defined in Sample Basic's outline. However, a member can have multiple aliases, if you add and populate more alias tables in addition to the built-in alias table named Default.

Consider the Product member 100-10 in Sample Basic. As Sample Basic has six alias tables, this member can be displayed using any of the aliases.

Member inspector in the Essbase web interface shows all aliases defined for the member named 100-10, including the default alias of Cola, aliases in different languages, and aliases with alternate names for the Cola brand.

When multiple alias tables are implemented in the cube, Smart View users can click Change Alias on the Essbase ribbon to select a different set of aliases. A common use of multiple alias tables is for language conversion. Users in different countries can set the appropriate alias table to read member names in their language.

Smart View dialog to select an alias table other than the default

Smart View grid with Products on rows, Umsätze on column, and Szenario, Ost, and Jahr on page. Product categories in column A are listed by member names: 100, 200, 300, 400, and Diet. In column B, the product category level German language aliases are listed.

Information about aliases and alias tables applies to block storage and aggregate storage cubes.

Creating Aliases

You can provide an alias for any member. Alias names must follow the same rules as for member names.

You can use any of the following methods to create aliases in an existing alias table:

  • Manually assign an alias to a member while editing an outline.

  • Use Cube Designer and an application workbook to create alias tables and add aliases to them.

  • Use dimension build and a data source to add aliases to an alias table.

  • Import alias values from an alias table source file created in a predefined format.

Add Aliases in Outline Editor

To add an alias while editing an outline,

  1. In the Essbase web interface, open the outline for editing.

  2. Right click on a member name and click Inspect.

  3. Click the Aliases tab.

  4. Enter the alias name for the current member in one of the alias tables. If you have not defined any, you can enter the alias in the alias table named Default.

    Aliases tab of the member inspector in outline editor. A text field labeled Default has "Root Beer" entered as an alias name.

  5. Click Apply and Close.

  6. Save the outline.

Add Aliases in an Application Workbook

Using an application workbook, you build and populate alias tables when you build the cube.

To add an alias using an application workbook,

  1. Open the application workbook.

  2. If the alias table already exists for the alias you want to add,

    1. Go to the appropriate dimension worksheet to add an alias. For example, to add an alias for a product, go to the worksheet for the product dimension.

    2. If this is the first alias you have added to this dimension and/or alias table, add a new column named ALIAS.<AliasTableName>, and add aliases to that column. If aliases already exist in this dimension and alias table, then simply add a new alias to the appropriate row for the member. For example, in the image below, a new column is added: ALIAS.AliasTableName, containing a new alias -- "Product alias" -- for product member 100.

      Application workbook with Dim.Product sheet active. Image focuses on columns PARENT, CHILD, and ALIAS.AliasTableName, in the Members section of the worksheet. In the row for Product > 100, a new alias, "Product alias," is added within the ALIAS.AliasTableName column.

  3. If the alias table does not exist yet, specify a new alias table name in the Cube.Settings worksheet, adding it below the alias table named Default. Then return to the previous step to add aliases to dimensions.

    For example, in the image below, the space labeled ADD NEW ALIAS TABLE HERE is where you should enter a new alias table name.

    Application workbook with Cube.Settings sheet active. Image focuses on Alias Tables (Alternate Member Names) section. Directly beneath the alias table named Default, an additional row says ADD NEW ALIAS TABLE HERE.

  4. Build the cube using the application workbook, either using Cube Designer or by importing the application workbook from the Essbase web interface.

See also Understand the Cube.Setting Worksheet: Alias Tables.

Add Aliases in a Dimension Build

To add aliases in a dimension build, use the following workflow. This example works on Sample Basic, which already has an empty alias table called Long Names.

The following instructions assume you have already built or imported Sample Basic.

  1. Create a dimension build data file. For example, the following data file is named loadaliases.txt:

    "Product","100","Amazing Colas"
    "100","100-10","The Best Cola"
    "100","100-20","Minimalist Cola"
    "100","100-30","Sleepy Cola"
    "Product","200","Rockin Root Beers"
    "200","200-10","Old Times Root Beer"
    "200","200-20","Skinny Root Beer"
    "200","200-30","Rooty Root Beer"
    "200","200-40","Moms Birch Beer"
    "Product","300","Crazy Cream Sodas"
    "300","300-10","Milkies Dark Cream"
    "300","300-20","Vanilla Dream Cream"
    "300","300-30","Lean Cream"
    "Product","400","Fruituristic Drinks"
    "400","400-10","Grape Expectations"
    "400","400-20","Orange You Glad"
    "400","400-30","Strawberry Hill"
    "Product","Diet","No Frills Drinks"
  2. Upload the dimension build data file to the Sample Basic cube directory in the catalog.

  3. Create a new dimension build rule (Regular), associated with the data file (loadaliases.txt in our example).

    New Rule dialog. Rule Name: loadaliases, Source Type: File, File: /applications/Sample/Basic/loadaliases.txt, Header Record Number: 0, Dimension Build Record Number: 0, File Type: Delimited, Delimiter: Comma, Lines to Skip: 0, Preview data count: 10

  4. In the rule editor,

    1. In Field - 1, set Dimension to Product and set Type to Parent.

    2. In Field - 2, set Type to Child.

    3. In Field - 3, set Type to Alias.

    Dimension build rule with loadaliases.txt in preview. Field 1 contains Product dimension parent members, Field 2 contains Product dimension child members, and Field 3 contains aliases.

  5. Click Dimensions.

  6. In the Edit Dimensions dialog, click the dimension name Product, and click Advanced.

  7. Click Allow Property Changes, and click OK.

    Advanced properties of Product dimension in rule editor. Image is focused on Allow Property Changes check box, which has been checked (it is not checked by default).

  8. Click the Global Properties button.

  9. Select the alias table to load to; for example, select Long Names, and click OK.

    Edit Properties dialog in dimension build global properties. Image is focused on a drop-down selection for Alias Table, set to Long Names.

  10. Verify, save, and close the rule.

  11. Close the cube inspector and go to Jobs.

  12. Click New Job and select Build Dimension.

  13. Enter the application and database name.

  14. Enter the rule file name in Script, and enter the data file name in Data File.

    Build Dimension dialog, from Jobs. Application: Sample, Database: Basic, Script: /applications/Sample/Basic/loadaliases.rul, Load Type: File, Data File: /applications/Sample/Basic/loadaliases.txt, Restructure Options: Preserve All Data.

  15. Click OK to begin the dimension build.

  16. When the job completes, check the outline to see that the aliases were loaded. In the following view of the outline, the administrator has set Long Names aliases to display. To learn how to change the display, see Viewing Aliases in the Outline, in Working With Aliases and Alias Tables.

    Outline viewer of Sample Basic product dimension hierarchy. A non default column is added next to the product hierarchy, containing aliases from the alias table "Long Names"

Working With Aliases and Alias Tables

Alias tables are containers for aliases.

Aliases are stored in one or more tables as part of a cube outline. An alias table maps a set of alias names to member names. Essbase cubes include one empty alias table named Default. If you do not add any other alias tables, the aliases that you create are stored in the Default alias table.

When you create a new alias table, it is empty. To make a new set of aliases available to users, you need to populate the alias table with aliases for some of the members.

An alias table applies to all members in the outline, although you don't have to provide an alias name for every member unless you need it. You may use up to 56 alias tables if you require more than one name for any members in the outline.

Viewing Aliases in Smart View

If a cube has aliases defined for any members, Smart View users can decide whether and how to view the aliases.

To enable viewing aliases in Smart View,

  1. On the Smart View ribbon, click Options.

  2. In Member Options under the General group, select the Member Name Display option you want to use.

    Member display options in Smart View with "Member Name and Alias" selected as the member name display

  3. Click OK, and refresh the grid.

    In the following grid, the aliases are displayed alongside the member names.

    Smart View grid with Products on rows, Measures on column, and Scenario, East, Year on page. Product categories in column A are listed by member names: 100, 200, 300, 400, and Diet. In column B the product category aliases are listed: Colas, Root Beer, Cream Solda, Fruit Soda, and Diet Drinks.

To change the aliases you see in Smart View, click Change Alias on the Essbase ribbon to select a different set of aliases.

Smart View dialog to select an alias table other than the default

Smart View grid with Products on rows, Umsätze on column, and Szenario, Ost, and Jahr on page. Product categories in column A are listed by member names: 100, 200, 300, 400, and Diet. In column B, the product category level German language aliases are listed.

Viewing Aliases in the Outline

To customize your view of aliases in the outline viewer/editor in the Essbase web interface,

  1. In the Inspect group, click Display selected columns in the table.

    Button in outline editor labeled "Display selected columns in the table"

  2. Select Active alias name if you want the outline hierarchy to display aliases next to the member name, using aliases in the currently active alias table.

    Select an alternate alias table in Property name if you want to also display another set of aliases in the outline viewer.

    For example, use the following display selections to make the outline viewer show current alias names and Chinese names.

    Dialog name "Select the member properties to display" with checked options "Active alias name" and "ChineseNames"

  3. Click Apply and Close to save your settings.

    Outline viewer with active alias names displaying next to the member names, and an additional column displaying aliases from the alias table "ChineseNames"

Viewing, Creating and Exporting Alias Tables

To view a list of alias tables in the outline, and to add an alias table,

To export an alias table,

  1. Using the Essbase web interface, open the outline, click Outline Properties, and go to the Aliases tab.

  2. Next to the alias table you want to export, click Export tool in the web interface.

  3. By default, exported alias tables are saved as an .alt file in the user directory.

Import Alias Table from a File

The following instructions are based on Sample Basic, and assume you already exported an alias table from another cube to your user directory. The exported alias table is saved in an .alt file.

To import aliases from an alias table .alt export file,

  1. On the Applications page, expand the application (Sample).

  2. From the Actions menu, to the right of the cube name (Basic), select Import alias table.

    Image mashup shows the Applications page in the Essbase web interface, with focus on the action "Import alias table" being selected from the Actions menu for the cube Sample Basic.

  3. Select Catalog, browse to the location of the exported .alt file, select it, and click Select.

  4. Enter a name for the alias table and click Import. Do not enter the name of an alias table that already exists for this cube; otherwise, an error is returned.

    Import alias table dialog. Message informs that the alias table will be created from <filename.alt> of size <n> bytes. Alias table name field has "Long Names" typed into it.

Clearing and Deleting Alias Tables

You can delete any alias table except for Default.

To delete an alias table,

  1. Using the Essbase web interface, open the outline for editing, click Outline Properties, and go to the Aliases tab.

  2. Next to the alias table you want to delete, click Delete alias 'x' icon in the web interface.

  3. Click Apply and Close, and save the outline.

If you want to remove individual aliases from an alias table without deleting the alias table,

  1. Using the Essbase web interface, open the outline for editing.

  2. Right click a member and select Inspect.

  3. Click the Aliases tab.

  4. Delete aliases from one or more of the alias tables.

  5. Click Apply and Close, and save the outline.

Viewing Aliases in MaxL

In a MaxL session, setting an active alias table controls only which aliases display in the current MaxL session.

To view the current alias table in a MaxL session, use query database (get active alias_table;). To set the current alias table for a MaxL session, use alter database (set active alias_table <name>;). To enable viewing aliases in a MaxL session, use alter session (set dml_output alias on;)

The following example MaxL session demonstrates how to work with aliases in MaxL shell.

MAXL> query database Sample.Basic get active alias_table;


 OK/INFO - 1241044 - Records returned: [1].

MAXL> query database Sample.Basic list alias_table;

 Long Names            

 OK/INFO - 1241044 - Records returned: [6].

MAXL> query database Sample.Basic list alias_names in alias_table "Long Names";

 member                 alias                 
 Qtr1                   Quarter1              
 Jan                    January               
 Feb                    February              
 Mar                    March                 
 Qtr2                   Quarter2              
 Apr                    April                 
 May                    May                   
 Jun                    Jun                   
 Qtr3                   Quarter3              
 Jul                    July                  
 Aug                    August                
 Sep                    September             
 Qtr4                   Quarter4              
 Oct                    October               
 Nov                    November              
 Dec                    December              
 Margin                 Gross Margin          
 Sales                  Revenue               
 COGS                   Cost of Goods Sold    
 Misc                   Miscelleneous         

 OK/INFO - 1241044 - Records returned: [20].

MAXL> alter database Sample.Basic set active alias_table "JapaneseNames";

 OK/INFO - 1013273 - Database Sample.Basic altered.

MAXL> query database Sample.Basic get active alias_table;                                           


MAXL> alter session set dml_output alias on;

 OK/INFO - 1056226 - Session altered for user [admin].

MAXL> SELECT {([West].children)} ON COLUMNS, {([100].children)} ON ROWS FROM Sample.Basic;

 Axis-1              (カリフォルニ (オレゴン州)   (ワシントン州 (ユタ州)         (ネバダ州)     
 (コーラ)                        3498                 159                 679                 275                 -18
 (ダイエットコ               -1587                 338                 231                 398                  86
 (コーラ カフ                -912                 -57            #Missing                 459            #Missing

 OK/INFO - 1241150 - MDX Query execution completed.