Start the Administration CLI

Before running the Admin CLI and continuing further, you must have already completed all of the configuration steps described in Configuring Your KVStore Installation.

To configure your store, use the runadmin utility, which provides the Admin command line interface (CLI). You can use the runadmin utility for a number of purposes. In this section, we describe its use to administer the nodes in your store, after you supply the node and registry port that runadmin can use to connect to the store.

If this is the first node you are connecting to the store using the CLI, the node is designated as the one on which the master copy of the administration database resides. If you have another node you want to perform that function, be sure to specify that node at this time.


You cannot change whatever node you use to initially configure the store, such as node01 in this example. Carefully plan the node to which runadmin first connects.

In this description, we use the string node01 to represent the network name of the node to which runadmin connects, and we use 5000 as the registry port.

One of the most important aspects of this node is that it must run the Storage Node Agent (SNA). All storage nodes should have an SNA running on them at this point. If any do not, complete the instructions in Installing Oracle NoSQL Database before proceeding further.

To start runadmin to use the Admin command line interface (CLI) for administration purposes, use these commands:

ssh node01
> java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
-jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin \ 
-host node01 -port 5000 \
-security KVROOT/security/

With this runadmin example, you specify a single host and port (-host node01 -port 5000), permitting one storage node host to run an Admin process. The Admin process lets you run Admin CLI commands. If you want more than one host to support CLI commands, use the runadmin utility –helper-hosts flag and list two or more nodes amd ports, rather than –host <name> –port <value>. For example, the next command starts and Admin process on three hosts, which can then service CLI commands (node02, node03, and node04):

ssh node01
> java -Xmx64m -Xms64m \
-jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin \ 
-helper-hosts node02:5010, node03:5020, node04:5030 \
-security KVROOT/security/


If you have not completed the steps in the Configuring Security with Remote Access, then the runadmin command for a secure store is only available locally.

After starting the Admin CLI, you can invoke its help command to describe all of the CLI commands.

You can collect the configuration steps that this chapter describes into a file, and then pass the script to the CLI utility using its -script command. See Using a Script to Configure the Store for more information.

The plan Commands

Some of the steps described in this chapter make heavy use of the CLI's plan command. This command identifies a configuration action that you want to perform on the store. You can either run that action immediately or you can create a series of plans with the -noexecute flag and then execute them later by using the plan execute command.

You can list all available plans by using the plan command without arguments.

For a high-level description of plans, see Plans.