Destroying a Database

Before you attempt to destroy a database, ensure you backup all your data, since it will be discarded in the destruction process. See Backing Up and Restoring a Database.

The ttGridAdmin dbDestroy command performs these operations in order to destroy a database:

  • Delete the checkpoint and log files of the database stored on every data instance.

  • Delete the entries in the management instance that keep track of the status of the database, including the entry that recorded the creation of the database.

However, before you can destroy a database, you must unload the database. See Unloading a Database from Memory.

Destroy the database1 database.

% ttGridAdmin dbDestroy database1
Database DATABASE1 destroy started

You may also want to delete the database definition associated with the database. The ttGridAdmin dbdefDelete command deletes a database definition in the latest version of the model. This command also deletes any connectable associated with the database definition.

Delete the database1 database definition and its associated connectables from the latest version of the model.

% ttGridAdmin dbdefDelete database1
Database Definition database1 deleted

Apply the deletion of the database1 database definition to the current version of the model.

% ttGridAdmin modelApply
Pushing new configuration files to each Instance......................OK
ttGridAdmin modelApply complete

TimesTen Scaleout removes the database definition and its connectables from the grid.

For more information on the ttGridAdmin dbDestroy, ttGridAdmin dbdefDelete, or ttGridAdmin modelApply command, see Destroy a Database (dbDestroy), Delete a Database Definition (dbdefDelete), or Apply the Latest Version of the Model (modelApply), respectively, in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.