Destroying a Grid

Gracefully destroying a grid consists in destroying all databases and deleting every object of the model.

  1. Unload all databases as shown in Unloading a Database from Memory.
  2. Destroy all databases as shown in Destroying a Database.
  3. Delete all hosts, installations, and instances from the latest version of model, except for the active management instance and its associated host and installation.
    % ttGridAdmin hostDelete host2 -cascade
    Instance instance1 on Host host2 deleted from Model
    Installation installation1 on Host host2 deleted from Model
    Host host2 deleted from Model
    % ttGridAdmin hostDelete host3 -cascade
    Instance instance1 on Host host3 deleted from Model
    Installation installation1 on Host host3 deleted from Model
    Host host3 deleted from Model
    % ttGridAdmin hostDelete host4 -cascade
    Instance instance1 on Host host4 deleted from Model
    Installation installation1 on Host host4 deleted from Model
    Host host4 deleted from Model
    % ttGridAdmin hostDelete host5 -cascade
    Instance instance1 on Host host5 deleted from Model
    Installation installation1 on Host host5 deleted from Model
    Host host5 deleted from Model
    % ttGridAdmin hostDelete host6 -cascade
    Instance instance1 on Host host6 deleted from Model
    Installation installation1 on Host host6 deleted from Model
    Host host6 deleted from Model
    % ttGridAdmin hostDelete host7 -cascade
    Instance instance1 on Host host7 deleted from Model
    Installation installation1 on Host host7 deleted from Model
    Host host7 deleted from Model
    % ttGridAdmin hostDelete host8 -cascade
    Instance instance1 on Host host8 deleted from Model
    Installation installation1 on Host host8 deleted from Model
    Host host8 deleted from Model
  4. Apply the changes made to the latest version of the model.
    % ttGridAdmin modelApply
    Unconfiguring standby management instance.............................OK
    Identifying any deleted objects.......................................OK
    Stopping deleted instances............................................OK
    Deleting instances....................................................OK
    Deleting installations from model.....................................OK
    Deleting any hosts that are no longer in use..........................OK
    ttGridAdmin modelApply complete
  5. Stop the active management instance.
    % ttGridAdmin mgmtActiveStop
    Active management instance stopped
  6. Destroy the active management instance.
    % /grid/tt22.
    ** WARNING **
       The uninstallation has been executed by a non-root user.
       If the TimesTen daemon startup scripts were installed,
       you must run $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/setuproot -uninstall
       to remove them. If you proceed with this uninstallation, you
       will have to remove the startup scripts manually.
    ** WARNING **
       All the files in the directory :
       will be removed, including any files that you or other users
       may have created.
       Are you sure you want to completely remove this instance? [ yes ]
    NOTE: /grid/instance1/info contains information related to the data
          storesthat have been created with this release. If you remove
          /grid/instance1/info you will no longer be able to access your
          data stores, nor would you be able to restore nor migrate your data.
       Would you also like to remove all files in
     /grid/instance1/info? [ no ] yes
    NOTE: /grid/instance1/conf contains information related to the
          instance configuration.
       Would you also like to remove all files in
     /grid/instance1/conf? [ no ] yes
    /grid/instance1 Removed 
    The TimesTen instance instance1 has been destroyed.
  7. Delete the installation files on each system with a TimesTen installation. Ensure that you change the permissions of the directory so that you can delete all files.
    % cd /grid
    % chmod -R 750 tt22.
    % rm -rf tt22.

For more information on the ttGridAdmin hostDelete, ttGridAdmin mgmtActiveStop, or ttInstanceDestroy command, see Delete a Host (hostDelete), Stop the Active Management Instance (mgmtActiveStop), or ttInstanceDestroy, respectively, in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

For more information on the ttGridAdmin modelApply command, see Applying the Changes Made to the Model and Model Operations in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.