

Creates either a full or an incremental backup copy of the database specified by connStr. You can back up a database either to a set of files or to a stream. You can restore the database at a later time using either the ttRestore function or the ttRestore utility.

Also see ttBackup in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

Required Privilege



ttBackup (ttUtilHandle handle, const char* connStr,
          ttBackUpType type, ttBooleanType atomic,
          const char* backupDir, const char* baseName,
          ttUtFileHandle stream)


Parameter Type Description



Specifies the TimesTen utility library environment handle allocated using ttUtilAllocEnv.


const char*

This is a null-terminated string specifying a connection string that describes the database to be backed up.



Specifies the type of backup to be performed. Valid values are as follows:

  • TT_BACKUP_FILE_FULL: Performs a full file backup to the backup path specified by the backupDir and baseName parameters. The resulting backup is not enabled for incremental backup.

  • TT_BACKUP_FILE_FULL_ENABLE: Performs a full file backup to the backup path specified by the backupDir and baseName parameters. The resulting backup is enabled for incremental backup.

  • TT_BACKUP_FILE_INCREMENTAL: Performs an incremental file backup to the backup path specified by the backupDir and baseName parameters, if that backup path contains an incremental-enabled backup of the database. Otherwise, an error is returned.

  • TT_BACKUP_FILE_INCR_OR_FULL: Performs an incremental file backup to the backup path specified by the backupDir and baseName parameters of that backup path contains an incremental-enabled backup of the database. Otherwise, it performs a full file backup of the database and marks it incremental enabled.

  • TT_BACKUP_STREAM_FULL: Performs a stream backup to the stream specified by the stream parameter.

  • TT_BACKUP__INCREMENTAL_STOP: Does not perform a backup. Disables incremental backups for the backup path specified by the backupDir and baseName parameters. This prevents transaction log files from accumulating for an incremental backup.



Specifies the disposition of an existing backup with the same baseName and backupDir while the new backup is being created.

This parameter has an effect only on full file backups when there is an existing backup with the same baseName and backupDir. It is ignored for incremental backups because they augment, rather than replace, an existing backup. It is ignored for stream backups because they write to the given stream, ignoring the baseName and backupDir parameters.

The following are valid values:

  • TT_FALSE: The existing backup is destroyed before the new backup begins. If the new backup fails to complete, neither the new, incomplete, backup nor the existing backup can be used to restore the database. This option should be used only when the database is being backed up for the first time, when there is another backup of the database that uses a different baseName or backupDir, or when the application can tolerate a window of time (typically tens of minutes long for large databases) during which no backup of the database exists.

  • TT_TRUE: The existing backup is destroyed only after the new backup has completed successfully. If the new backup fails to complete, the old backup is retained and can be used to restore the database. If there is an existing backup with the same baseName and backupDir, the use of this option ensures that there is no window of time during which neither the existing backup nor the new backup is available for restoring the database, and it ensures that the existing backup is destroyed only if it has been successfully superseded by the new backup. However, it does require enough file system space for both the existing and new backups to reside in the backupDir at the same time.


const char*

Specifies the backup directory for file backups. It is ignored for stream backups. Otherwise it must be non-null.

For TT_BACKUP_INCREMENTAL_STOP, it specifies the directory portion of the backup path that is to be disabled.

For TT_BACKUP_INCREMENTAL_STOP or a file backup, an error is returned if NULL is specified.


const char*

Specifies the file prefix for the backup files in the backup directory specified by the backupDir parameter for file backups.

It is ignored for stream backups.

If NULL is specified for this parameter, the file prefix for the backup files is the file name portion of the DataStore attribute in the ODBC definition of the database.

For TT_BACKUP_INCREMENTAL_STOP, this parameter specifies the base name portion of the backup path that is to be disabled.



For stream backups, this parameter specifies the stream to which the backup is to be written.

On Linux or UNIX, it is an integer file descriptor that can be written to by using write(2). Pass 1 to write the backup to stdout.

On Windows, it is a handle that can be written to using WriteFile. Pass the result of GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) to write the backup to the standard output.

This parameter is ignored for file backups.

The application can pass TTUTIL_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE for this parameter.


This example backs up the database for the payroll DSN into C:\backup.

ttUtilHandle  utilHandle;
int           rc;
rc = ttBackup (utilHandle,  "DSN=payroll", TT_BACKUP_FILE_FULL,

Upon successful backup, all files are created in the C:\backup directory.


Each database supports only eight incremental-enabled backups.

See Also